Hi Patrik, Jim, folks,
Not an IETF thing, but ISTR that the RRR model can make pushing error reports
e.g., if Registry runs tests and finds problems, the Registrar may be unhappy
for an email
to be sent from Registry direct to "the Registrar's" customer.
Quite apart from anythin
Hi Andrew, folks,
Does anyone actually use IRIS?
Telling someone to "go look over here for IRIS" seems like telling them
everything has to be in XML (only squared).
DNS provisioning and lookup for TXT in "srv-like" sub-domains is easy and cheap
(for implementers).
Provisioning, querying and pars
Hi there Doug, Keith, folks,
Speaking of broken mechanisms ... how many dots?
arstechnica.com is OK
co.uk is not OK
ndots strikes me as a chocolate soldier in the fire used to warm the chocolate
teapot that is search lists.
At best these are context dependent (and keep IT support in busin
On 18 Jan 2012, at 19:41, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 07:14:27PM +,
> Paul Vixie wrote
> a message of 74 lines which said:
>> in particular, the order in which it's probed (compared to EDNS0
>> UDP, EDNS0 TCP, old style UDP, old style TCP) should be
>> specified. t
Hi Chaps,
stupid quick question, listening to the stream:
How does this work with CDNs (I think you may need to capture the IP address;
bailiwick could act as a proxy for that, but ...)
all the best,
DNSOP mailing list
On 29 Apr 2015, at 21:36, Paul Hoffman wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2015, at 1:26 PM, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
>> Paul Hoffman writes:
>>> "Country" is a term of art in politics. There are definitions that most
>>> people agree to, at least when it suits them.
>> RFC 1591 purposely does not def
Hi Dan, Stephane, Andrew, Ed, folks,
I also prefer Ed Lewis' variant **.
Enumerating all flavours of TLD would be excessive, but mentioning only gTLDs
and ccTLDs -without a hint that there may be other variants- is a false friend,
Hence please can we go for the version with "and other cat