thanks for the detailed, helpfully answer.
DNSOP mailing list
On Dec 18 2013, Andreas Schulze wrote:
I was requested to delegate a new subzone to nameservers with private
ip addresses.
I know it's at least not what makes me happy. But are there IETF
recommendations against this?
That would help me to drop the request.
As Mark Andrews says,
In message <20131218081224.Horde.vc5ABSJLAukUw7zWbybLIA3@horde.andreasschulze.d
e>, Andreas Schulze writes:
> Hello,
> I was requested to delegate a new subzone to nameservers with private
> ip addresses.
> I know it's at least not what makes me happy. But are there IETF
> recommendation
On 12/18/13 2:12 AM, Andreas Schulze wrote:
I was requested to delegate a new subzone to nameservers with private
ip addresses.
I know it's at least not what makes me happy. But are there IETF
recommendations against this?
That would help me to drop the request.
I suspect it is so
I was requested to delegate a new subzone to nameservers with private
ip addresses.
I know it's at least not what makes me happy. But are there IETF
recommendations against this?
That would help me to drop the request.