> Then, how about we stop using "lame delegation" and use terms like
> "imperfect delegation" or "incomplete delegation"?
Hm, not sure I like either of those two alternatives. I'll give
my reasons. In general, to my ear they sound very "generic".
A delegation may be "perfect", meaning that it's
The chairs have been looking at two different drafts discussing the use of
using DNS NOTIFY to update DNSSEC information. The two drafts are:
Please find an update that takes into account all comments we received. I
will respond to each reviewer individually later, but I would like to thank
you all for the various reviews and comments provided. The main feedback we
received was that the previous version was giving the message that r
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
directories. This Internet-Draft is a work item of the Domain Name System
Operations (DNSOP) WG of the IETF.
Title : Recommendations for DNSSEC Resolvers Operators
Authors : Daniel Migault