[Dnsmasq-discuss] Monthly Posting

2024-01-06 Thread Monthly Posting
Hi, "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" has immediately after the introduction an advice on before you ask. http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before Following that advice is still no guarantee for a (good) response. So when you are still stuck with something that you think i

[Dnsmasq-discuss] Deleting ipv6 dns responses when ipv4 dns responses are present

2024-01-06 Thread Дмитрий Яковенко
Hello. In my situation it turned out that there are no ISPs that would provide access to ipv6 so I use workarounds that allow me to get ipv6 through ipv4 but it led to the fact that half of all sites slowed down and then I found out that the reason was that instead of ipv4 dns responses were used i