Logging to a pipe is dangerous, because if no one reads from pipe write system
call will block after internal kernel buffer is full.
If write is not non-blocking and is not wrapped into
poll/select/epoll/whatever else (Normally, log calls are blocking), the whole
dnsmasq process will s
Hi, I am working on dnsmasq-2.75 and i want to send a fake reply to client
when it reqest dnsmasq for answers such that dnsmasq rather than sending
the packet contaning the reply it sends the fake reply
I tried changing daemon->packet memory location to some random valid memory
location in reply_q
Hi Ravin,
Le Tue, 14 Jun 2016 16:30:41 +0530
ravin goyal a écrit:
> Hi, I am working on dnsmasq-2.75 and i want to send a fake reply to
> client when it reqest dnsmasq for answers such that dnsmasq rather
> than sending the packet contaning the reply it sends the fake reply
> I tried changing
Hi Sir
I actually need to do it in code rather than in the conf file itself.
Can you tell me that i am making changes at right function and in the right
file or should i do something else?
I hope you get the idea behind what i am trying to do here
thanks in advance
On 14 June 201
On 06/14/2016 08:30 AM, ravin goyal wrote:
Hi Sir
I actually need to do it in code rather than in the conf file itself.
Can you tell me that i am making changes at right function and in the right file
or should i do something else?
I hope you get the idea behind what i am trying to do here
Actually I have database which i need to link it with which will decide
what users will be getting the fake reply rather than what they have
queried for.
This will be decided upon the domains they are querying for.
i want a user to get fake reply for a particular domain he is trying to