*Acknowledge on "Client moves".* *The 'releases IP' is probably*
*something like "I'm unaware that IP stands for Internet Protocol*
*and want to try how far I can get by being vague how the release*
*of the DHCP lease was done"*
Client is executing “dhclient -4 eth1 -r” to release
On Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 08:00:11PM +, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> Hello hackers,
> according to 'man dnsmasq' the var DNSMASQ_INTERFACE stores the name
> of the interface on which the request arrived; this is not set for "old"
> actions when dnsmasq restarts.
> all this in done in src/helper
Hello hackers,
according to 'man dnsmasq' the var DNSMASQ_INTERFACE stores the name
of the interface on which the request arrived; this is not set for "old"
actions when dnsmasq restarts.
all this in done in src/helper.c:
my_setenv("DNSMASQ_INTERFACE", strlen(data.interface) != 0 ? data.interface