>Understood, but also note that if you haven't tried OpenVPN then do give
>it a go!
I've used it a bit. My experiences have been mostly good. I just don't
think it's necessary in this case.
>Using a VPN solves a bunch of problems that you haven't yet worried
>about such as eavesdropping, forced r
> I'm not sure how this achieves the objective - the AD DNS servers will
> now be available when the leased line is not, so my clients will
> continue to try to use the private IPs for my services when I want them
> to use the Internet-facing ones.
Sorry, my misunderstanding - I didn't realise
Thanks for your response!
On 8/8/2011, "Ed W" wrote:
>1) Give the head office DNS servers some effectively internet visible IP
>address and then set that address as your dns server
I'm not sure how this achieves the objective - the AD DNS servers will
now be available when the leased line is no