Re: [dns-operations] Is this valid edns0 query?

2014-10-10 Thread Miek Gieben
[ Quoting in "Re: [dns-operations] Is this valid ..." ] On Oct 11, 2014, at 1:06 AM, Miek Gieben wrote: 20730 is the old edns client subnet code... This query is using 20732, though . . . True. Also the rdata of the OPT does not parse a edns client subnet, as the address famil

Re: [dns-operations] Is this valid edns0 query?

2014-10-10 Thread Miek Gieben
20730 is the old edns client subnet code... On 10 Oct 2014 19:01, "Roland Dobbins" wrote: > > On Oct 11, 2014, at 12:14 AM, Mohamed Lrhazi < >> wrote: > > > Option: Unknown (20732) > > Option Code: Unknown (20732) > > Option Length: 2

Re: [dns-operations] Is it illegal to query the .berlin TLD servers?

2014-01-10 Thread Miek Gieben
nt with" > > Actually this is a compliance issue, as only NS, DS and glue records should > be present at the zone... .wien seems to have the same 'issue'. I don't really care about this, but it does seem a bit silly to have such a TXT record in a DNS zone

Re: [dns-operations] Few questions regarding DNSSEC

2013-10-31 Thread Miek Gieben
so take a look at > Or don't roll your keys at all (except in a emergency). For my personal zones I use pretty much static keys. grtz Miek -- Miek Gieben PGP 3880D0F6 signature.asc Description: Digital signature __

Re: [dns-operations] A survey of the actual use of DNS options?

2013-06-17 Thread Miek Gieben
ot of edns subnet users, use the old (unofficial type code): 0x50fa - Grtz, --- Miek Gieben signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ dns-operations mailing list

Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY requests / UltraDNS

2013-01-10 Thread Miek Gieben
[ Quoting bert hubert at 15:11 on January 10 in "Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY reques"... ] > > do you refer if you say "the result of an ANY query is very well defined"? > > From 1034, 3.7.1: > > matches just that type. (e.g., A, PTR). > .. > * matches all RR types. > > From

Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY requests / UltraDNS

2013-01-10 Thread Miek Gieben
[ Quoting Peter van Dijk at 15:01 on January 10 in "Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY reques"... ] > On Jan 10, 2013, at 14:39 , Miek Gieben wrote: > > > A agree with the rest of your mail, but I have to ask. To which document > > do you refer if you say "the re

Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY requests / UltraDNS

2013-01-10 Thread Miek Gieben
r, refusing them outright makes > > sense to me. > > For queries to authoritive servers, the result of an ANY query is very well > defined and useful. A agree with the rest of your mail, but I have to ask. To which document do you refer if you say "the result of an ANY query is v

Re: [dns-operations] OpenHardware FPGA-based HSM SCA6000 with OpenSSL?

2012-10-15 Thread Miek Gieben
nefit that you'd get out of this? I don't now as it wasn't my idea. Right now it sounds like a cool project. > Also consider (and try to estimate the cost of) the effort you'd need to > put in to make this "right", whatever that

Re: [dns-operations] OpenHardware FPGA-based HSM SCA6000 with OpenSSL?

2012-10-15 Thread Miek Gieben
SoftHSM is (I think) much easier to do, more scalable and done quicker. But isn't OpenDNSSEC created for this? Regards, -- Miek Gieben signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___

Re: [dns-operations] Summary: Anyone still using a Sun/Oracle SCA6000 with OpenSSL?

2012-10-15 Thread Miek Gieben
[ Quoting in "Re: [dns-operations] Summary: Anyon..." ] > On 14. 10. 2012, at 13:37, Carlos M. Martinez wrote: > > > That could be a really interesting project. I'm not sure how can I > > contribute, but I'd love to see that happen. > > Even helping defining requirements (when we start gatheri

Re: [dns-operations] which software is easier to setup a geo-based dns?

2012-10-07 Thread Miek Gieben
eodns > > Thank you. How about the performance of this perl DNS? This server is now being rewritten (or actually already up and running) in Go: This was done for precisely the reason you mention: performance. Regards, -- Miek Gieben

Re: [dns-operations] First experiments with DNS dampening to fight amplification attacks

2012-09-24 Thread Miek Gieben
[ Quoting in "[dns-operations] First experiments ..." ] > Please have a look at Nice. Two questions: 1. Why didn't you use: ? 2. Will this scale to TLD sized DNS servers? Regards, -