Re: [DNG] Detailed technical treatise of systemd

2015-10-16 Thread dev
Meh. I enjoy the beautiful simplicity and stability of Devuan Alpha 2. I hope it only gets better. It is how Linux is meant to be. Go Devuan!! On 10/16/2015 10:38 AM, richard white wrote: All, A detailed technical treatise of systemd -Rich

[DNG] XFCE terminal alternatives?

2015-12-07 Thread dev
I've been using Devuan on my desktop for a number of months now. Very nice! Only thing is about once a week the XFCE Terminal (in drop down mode) will sort of crash when closing GTK applications. Sometimes closing Geeqie will crash it, other times Firefox. Not sure how that's related. The ap

Re: [DNG] XFCE terminal alternatives?

2015-12-09 Thread dev
Thanks for all the input! Guake wasn't what I wanted so thought I'd install LXDE and have at it (as Steve mentioned). Seems OK so far even with xfce-terminal in dropdown mode. Time will tell.. hotkey configuration is a bit annoying but oh well. XML beats a registry any day ;) PS: Found out

Re: [DNG] DNG/Gmail Bounces (was: XFCE terminal alternatives?)

2015-12-09 Thread dev
On 12/09/2015 11:21 AM, Rowland Penny wrote: On 09/12/15 17:11, Go Linux wrote: On Wed, 12/9/15, dev wrote: Several of us get those notices frequently. After I get one, I always check the mail archives to make sure I haven't missed anything. I got one, the only reason I could thin

[DNG] My virtual terminals seem amiss

2016-03-07 Thread dev
Hello, I noticed today, upon trying to rebuild my nvidia module, that I have no login available on the virtual terminals customarily available via the keypress [CTRL][ALT]+(F1-F8 keys). The keypresses work, showing console output, but there is no "login:" /etc/inittab is here: $ egrep -v '(#

Re: [DNG] My virtual terminals seem amiss

2016-03-08 Thread dev
Ss+0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty4 2579 tty5 Ss+0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty5 2580 tty6 Ss+0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty6 6301 pts/7S+ 0:00 grep getty RE: Here is my tty listing: $ ls -l /dev/tty[1-6] crw--w 1 root tty 4, 1 Mar 8 08:08

Re: [DNG] My virtual terminals seem amiss

2016-03-08 Thread dev
On 03/07/2016 06:46 PM, fsmithred wrote: Have you tried adding 'nomodeset' to the boot command? Which nvidia card are you using? This seems to have fixed it. Oddly enough, another devuan box I have does not need this boot param. hrm... I took it one step further and rebooted with "vga=791"

[DNG] I have not seen any updates lately

2016-04-12 Thread dev
Hi All, I run Devuan, as well as some ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 boxes,and noticed many handfuls of updates over the past few weeks for Ubuntu but nothing for Devuan. Usually there is something that trickles down to Devuan when I notice a lot of Ubuntu updates so just wondering... Are we just tha

[DNG] apt-get vs. aptitude ?

2016-04-15 Thread dev
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could offer some clarity on how best to apply patches on Debian derived systems? There are so many options across apt-get and aptitude... I cannot make sense of them all: apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade apt-get safe-upgrade aptitude upgrade apti

Re: [DNG] apt-get vs. aptitude ?

2016-04-15 Thread dev
On 04/15/2016 03:27 PM, Mitt Green wrote: dev wrote: apt-get safe-upgrade "apt safe-upgrade" doesn't exist, only "aptitude safe-upgrade"; Ah, yes. My mistake. Thank you for this and the related insight. ___

Re: [DNG] apt-get vs. aptitude ?

2016-04-15 Thread dev
On 04/15/2016 03:36 PM, Linux O'Beardly wrote: For what it's worth, much of the apt vs aptitude is preference and opinion. However, aptitude does bit better of a job resolving dependencies and preventing them from breaking your system. Yes, That's what I've always read so I have always used a

Re: [DNG] troll fodder (was Re: hashtag retarded)

2016-05-09 Thread dev
Let's just drop this thread cold. ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Brief OpenRC/Jessie Discussion on the linux-elitists lists

2016-05-16 Thread dev
On 05/16/2016 05:12 AM, Jaromil wrote: To all those who think this and other similar approaches may invalidate the need of our fork: please consider we are not just forking Debian because of systemd, but because the people who have taken over the leadership of that distro have betrayed its mand

Re: [DNG] Brief OpenRC/Jessie Discussion on the linux-elitists lists

2016-05-17 Thread dev
On 05/17/2016 06:45 AM, wrote: Please do not take my question wrong (probably i am missing something): If it's that way, how can devuan then rely on debian as for packages etc.? At least in a forseeable future ... ? Good question. Devuan and Debian are growing apart (as J

Re: [DNG] resolved

2016-06-08 Thread dev
On Wed, 08 Jun 2016, Edward Bartolo wrote: fortunately they have a link to offer to non-subscribers, I'm not sure it will expire, however see here FTFA: "Lennart Poettering sees process persistence as a security issue." But then, so is/

Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails

2016-06-15 Thread dev
On 06/15/2016 11:21 AM, wrote: So in this very moment, apparently there is no way to install devuan :-( May be someone has an idea about alternatives (???) I did a text mode install with Devuan amd64 DVD.iso over the weekend. In a virt-manager instance no less. Everyth

Re: [DNG] [Kali Linux 0003165]: Find a way to disable most services by default with systemd

2016-07-13 Thread dev
On 07/12/2016 06:07 PM, Simon Walter wrote: On 07/12/2016 08:45 PM, vmlinux wrote: don't need Kali. most network problems can be resolved with the basics anyway: arping, arp, tcpdump, nslookup, traceroute, netcat, and iptraf. thankfully all standard tools. Problems, yes sure. What about

[DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is pointless

2016-07-13 Thread dev
someday. You can pin all you want, and force-remove all you want, but one day there will be a package you need (let's pretend it's linux-libc-dev-xxx.x.x) which will have the hinge-pin baked-in. You can no longer update libc. By consequence, you can no longer update anything which depend

Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is pointless

2016-07-15 Thread dev
On 07/13/2016 01:14 PM, Rick Moen wrote: 'dev' wrote: > You can pin all you want, and force-remove all you want, but > one day there will be a package you need (let's pretend it's > linux-libc-dev-xxx.x.x) which will have the hinge-pin baked-in. You > can

Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (or isn't) pointless

2016-07-26 Thread dev
On 07/26/2016 04:26 AM, Rick Moen wrote: libsystemd0's status as a bundle of interface code that does nothing in the absence of systemd is not because it's a library -- obviously -- but rather because all it _contains_ is interface code that does nothing in the absence of systemd Well now, i

Re: [DNG] Why Debian 8 Pinning is (or isn't) pointless

2016-07-27 Thread dev
On 07/26/2016 12:37 PM, Rick Moen wrote: It _was_ indeed an unnecessary build dependency. Precisely my point. A point which could be made about systemd in general: A lot of unnecessary. agree that it's 'problematic' in the sense that I'd rather not have it on my systems, but it's not of

Re: [DNG] Oh, how I hate systemd

2016-08-03 Thread dev
On 08/03/2016 06:49 AM, Rowland Penny (by way of Rowland Penny ) wrote: You couldn't make this up, why O why make /etc read only ? For server hardening, sometimes partitions are mounted r/o or with special flags (eg: noexec, nosuid) in order to make it more difficult for an attacker t

Re: [DNG] vdev - udev is a dead end

2016-08-10 Thread dev
On 08/10/2016 04:26 AM, Didier Kryn wrote: Hello. Thanks to a friendly help, I've found a few mails and articles which deserve to be read: Udev on non-systemd is a dead-end: So.. then.. basically any Linux distro which uses udev to populate /dev/ is going to be S.O.L? Incl

[DNG] [OT] Microsoft Secure Boot key leaked

2016-08-11 Thread dev
Just ran across this. Not sure what it means for Open Source bootloaders. "The key basically allows anyone to bypass the provisions Microsoft has put in place ostensibly to prevent malicious versions of Windows from being installed, on any device running Windows 8.1 and upwards with Secure Boo

[DNG] mouse configuration under LXDE?

2016-08-11 Thread dev
Hello, I have a logitiech M570 wireless mouse hooked up to my Devuan desktop running LXDE. For the past week or so clicking the middle button (scroll wheel + button) sometimes pastes in two copies of the text, sometimes one copy, and sometimes nothing at all. I installed some updates earlier

Re: [DNG] mouse configuration under LXDE?

2016-08-11 Thread dev
tes to the mouse, but sliding it all the way to the right seems to have fixed things. Apologies for the static. On 08/11/2016 10:07 AM, dev wrote: Hello, I have a logitiech M570 wireless mouse hooked up to my Devuan desktop running LXDE. For the past week or so clicking the middle button (sc

[DNG] Helping out with Devuan (was: Re: vdev - the next generation)

2016-09-23 Thread dev
On 09/23/2016 08:02 AM, Robert Storey wrote: Just want to say Ralph that your work on this is really appreciated. I'll second that. Thanks so much for your time and effort! Also, I feel bad about not having the time to help. Is this the official way to help fund?

Re: [DNG] Recommended location for iptables rules

2016-12-05 Thread dev
On 12/05/2016 10:50 AM, Lars Noodén wrote: Because iptables-apply is there by default, I'm leaning a bit towards recommending /etc/network/iptables.up.rules as the location over /etc/iptables/rules.v4 Do you still need to consider some users may need ip6tables rules also? Perhaps /etc/ipta

[DNG] OT: Starting bash straight from init?

2016-12-06 Thread dev
onky. If I type ls and hit [ENTER], the shell does not seem to see the 's' and only replies with l: command not found. likewise, typing other commands and hitting [ENTER] results in missing keystrokes as well. This happens when I launch this from rc-sysinit.conf: exec /bin/bash --

[DNG] Compiling Firefox on Devuan (was: Re: FF pulseaudio hard dependency is here)

2017-03-13 Thread dev
On 03/08/2017 11:59 AM, wrote: > Me either and many others on this list - there have been several > pulseaudio threads on dng over the years. But that is not the point. > Unless FF 52 onward is recompiled with the alsa switch enabled, it will > be unusable for most of us. So t

[DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?

2017-07-03 Thread dev
Sounds like a "won't fix", too: "So, yeah, I don't think there's anything to fix in systemd here." - Poettering Not sure what's more troubling here[1]; the lack of concern, the digression from POSIX, or the bug/backdoor itself. Maybe all three. useradd 0day works on Devuan. adduser 0day doe

Re: [DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?

2017-07-03 Thread dev
On 07/03/2017 09:36 AM, Evilham wrote: > Hi there, > > > (Maybe we should file a bug on + + > shadow repo against shadow?) > Seems pretty straightforward to patch chkname.c feel free to include the patch if anyone does: # diff -Naur ./shadow-4.2/libmisc/chkna

Re: [DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?

2017-07-03 Thread dev
On 07/03/2017 09:58 AM, Rowland Penny wrote: > > The problem is, '0day' is a perfectly acceptable name in Active > Directory and that includes a Samba AD. Would this be a good case to dis-allow ^0-9 by default but add a switch to allow it? ___ Dng

Re: [DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?

2017-07-03 Thread dev
On 07/03/2017 10:17 AM, Evilham wrote: > Am 03/07/2017 um 17:06 schrieb dev: >> Would this be a good case to dis-allow ^0-9 by default but add a switch >> to allow it? > > What's the case for disallowing those at all? names starting with a > digit _are_ valid use

Re: [DNG] systemd allows elevated access from unit files?

2017-07-03 Thread dev
On 07/03/2017 10:40 AM, Evilham wrote: > That's the thing, we can do that :-) probably should, but the "right > way" (from a standards point of view) would be to actually allow those > names ^^ not to disallow them. So instead of modifying the way useradd > works, the way adduser works should be

[DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-09-18 Thread dev
Anyone know if there is an Apulse package for Devuan? I thought I had it working a couple months back but now, on a different machine, I cannot find the Apulse package. I don't remember how I got it working. Checking google of course brings up the git repo for apulse but there looks like some iss

Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-09-19 Thread dev
ons issues on (bottom of page): I've added "/dev/snd/" to "security.sandbox.content.write_path_whitelist" but still no luck. Probably not a Devuan thing. Looks like another Smooth Move by Mozilla that will end up costing them market sha

Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-09-20 Thread dev
On 09/20/2017 04:47 AM, Rob van der Putten wrote: >> >> Anyone have it working on Devuan and Firefox 55.0.3 64bit ? > > How about FF and Jackd? > I don't use Jack myself, but a lot people do. IIRC Jack, ALSA and Pulseaudio are three completely different software stacks. Firefox, as compiled fr

Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-09-20 Thread dev
On 09/20/2017 01:47 PM, Rick Moen wrote: > At _least_ try Chromium before adopting a proprietary browser (Chrome). > I don't know why so many Linux users think _only_ of the proprietary > Google Chrome Web browser and not the open source Chromium browser of > which Google Chrome is an odd and u

Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-09-28 Thread dev
On 09/26/2017 10:25 AM, Rick Moen wrote: > Haven't you ever stopped to consider where Mozilla, Inc.'s revenue > stream comes from? Hint: not you. Web browser users are not the > company's customers. Who they respect, and who they serve, follows the > money. So, this[1]? I've honestly never

Re: [DNG] Devuan, Firefox and Apulse

2017-10-11 Thread dev
On 10/11/2017 12:26 PM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote: > On 26.09.2017 09:43, wrote: > >> They haven't put the users at #1 for a long time, why do you think >> that firefox is still very vulnerable to browser fingerprinting? that >> is by design. > > Yes, and its gettin

[DNG] Devuan in top 50

2017-10-16 Thread dev
Just noticed Devuan is at position 48 today (Redhat is 46, Gentoo 42, for comparison)! ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Devuan in top 50

2017-10-18 Thread dev
On 10/17/2017 03:02 PM, Alessandro Selli wrote: > > Great news for a rookie! > As others alluded to, the rating has little veracity for anything more than "just for fun" however I think it should be noted (perhaps in 8pt font?) that the tool *does* show an upward trend from the 12 month rat

Re: [DNG] Debian testing drop redis non systemd

2017-10-18 Thread dev
On 10/18/2017 10:04 AM, Steve Litt wrote: > Does anyone here actually use redis? I looked it up, and to me it looks > like dbus on steroids. An in-memory data store accessible by lots of > different applications. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? > > SteveT The Nextcloud project[1] recommends it

[DNG] OT: Patching De*an based systems at scale

2017-10-26 Thread dev
Hi All, I'd like to have a discussion about how to scale patch management on De*an based systems. Right now, my methodology is looping over my servers in a script and saving the output from 'apt list --upgradable'. This seems to be a utility which will display packages needing updates regardless

Re: [DNG] OT: Patching De*an based systems at scale

2017-10-27 Thread dev
On 10/26/2017 04:53 PM, Adam Borowski wrote: > You're not insane enough to run an unreleased version on a production > server, right? I would never do that! ;) Seriously though, I might do it in a test environment, so good to know. > You may additionally install apt-listchanges and configur

Re: [DNG] Redhat CEO answers questions

2017-10-31 Thread dev
On 10/31/2017 08:43 AM, John Hughes wrote: > On 31/10/17 14:23, Aldemir Akpinar wrote: >> In case you guys have missed, Jim Whitehurst, redhat ceo, answered >> some questions on slashdot, and of course many people asked about >> systemd. You can find the question and his answer here: "...most u

[DNG] Bluetooth headset on Devuan?

2017-10-31 Thread dev
I'm trying to setup a bluetooth wireless headset under Devuan but not able to get past the pairing. Started with the "blueman-applet" which looked nice but after pairing and trusting, three icons would show up ( which I think were related to signal level and volumes) and then they would disappear.

Re: [DNG] Bluetooth headset on Devuan?

2017-11-01 Thread dev
installed alsa and development libs[1] but had to add the debian jessie repo[2] in order to get libfdk-aac-dev. Is there another place for this? I cloned the bluez-alsa git repo and built per git page[3]. Configured ~/.asoundrc for my bluetooth headset MAC[4]. The alsa-lib directory installed to a l

Re: [DNG] Bluetooth headset on Devuan?

2017-11-06 Thread dev
On 11/01/2017 06:13 PM, Mike Schmitz wrote: > Ok, false alarm. I forgot to make certain it connected. > You might want to check that too. It is flaky and doesn't always connect > properly. > > I also wrote an init script (attached) that might work for you, when you > get it working. Yes, getti

Re: [DNG] Bluetooth headset on Devuan?

2017-11-07 Thread dev
On 11/06/2017 11:04 AM, Mike Schmitz wrote: > I haven't had any problem with this. Well some choppiness when the > computer/network is overworked doing something else... I'm wondering if it's due to buffer underruns. Are these buffer sizes the same as yours:? ../../../src/asound/bluealsa-pcm.

Re: [DNG] WARNING: lvm2 > 2.02.173-1 breaks some systems and make them unbootable

2017-11-07 Thread dev
On 11/07/2017 10:29 AM, John Hughes wrote: > On 07/11/17 17:13, Klaus Ethgen wrote: >> [ separate / and /usr ] is the best way to keep your /usr flexible to >> further lvm grows for example. > > Personally I have a / on a lvm2 volume.  Works OK for me, I see no loss > in flexibility. Until a us

Re: [DNG] WARNING: lvm2 > 2.02.173-1 breaks some systems and make them unbootable

2017-11-07 Thread dev
On 11/07/2017 10:50 AM, John Hughes wrote: > Neither /home not /var are on /, for obvious reasons.  / is for > mostly-static things that are owned by the OS or the admin. Ah, I misunderstood. Apologies for the static. ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyn

[DNG] OT (..but relevant): reboot command on debian 8 no longer works

2017-11-22 Thread dev
Just a heads up. Maybe this is old news to everyone but I run some Proxmox hosts which are based off Debian 8 (I believe) and we've had random problems with the reboot command hanging the system for a good 6 months now. Seems the simple 'reboot' command has been rendered useless. https://www.techre

[DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-01-31 Thread dev
I have some online classes which are Flash based "webinars" that I'd like to save for viewing on my train/bus commute. gtk-recordmydesktop works for the video part but I can't record any audio. I'm using straight ALSA on my Devuan system and tried setting gtk-recordmydesktop audio option to PCM and

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-01-31 Thread dev
On 01/31/2018 09:15 AM, Irrwahn wrote: > > As you seem to have pulseaudio (at least partially) installed Thanks, I think some of it was required for the apulse package in firefox. Not sure. > try to set the audio source to "pulse" in recordmydesktop. Though I have > no idea if that would act

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-01 Thread dev
On 01/31/2018 10:40 AM, Irrwahn wrote: > Too bad. Did you actually start it like "apulse recordmydesktop"? AIUI, Actually, thanks for the reminder - forgot that part. Still not sure where the issue lies. Tried 'apulse gtk-recordmydesktop' and 'apulse recordmydesktop' to no avail. Will play wi

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-01 Thread dev
On 01/31/2018 11:42 AM, info at smallinnovations dot nl wrote: > I am using SimpleScreenRecorder for my recordings and according to the > settings it should work with Alsa. Not tried because i have pulseaudio > in use for some app that will not work without it. If you wouldn't mind, how did you

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
sporting libavcodec56 so unless I downgrade somehow, likely a no-go. Can't seem to build the source either. libavcodec-dev has some deps on: libavcodec-extra-56 : Conflicts: libavcodec56 but 10:2.6.5-dmo1 is installed. libavutil-dev : Depends: libavutil54 (= 6:11.11-1~deb8u1) but 10

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 09:37 AM, KatolaZ wrote: > What do you want to do exactly, and why you can't to that by using > only the Devuan repos corresponding to the relase you are using? Just wanted to capture videao AND sound (via ALSA) with gtk-recordmydesktop. Can't seem to get it working so thought I'd

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 09:42 AM, Irrwahn wrote: > please forgive me if may appear rude, but that looks like a terrible > Frankenmess! You'd probably be much better off updating your Devuan > Jessie to Devuan Ascii, Agreed. This box has been around since the Beta (valentines?) so likely it's time for a

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 11:03 AM, Florian Zieboll wrote: > With pure ALSA (and bridged mic/speaker connectors), this works fine for > me: Thanks! Nice and simple. So, I *do* need to plug the speaker output into the mic to record with ALSA? ___ Dng mailing list D

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 11:03 AM, Florian Zieboll wrote: > IIRC, ALSA allows to create a loopback device (kernel module), from > which digital audio can be grabbed directly. Disregard previous mail. Just read your second paragraph. THink I found it here:

[DNG] Expired cert on

2018-02-02 Thread dev
Apologies if this is old news: uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on January 31, 2018, 11:01 PM. The current time is February 2, 2018, 3:48 PM. Was trying to get here.. __

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-02 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 02:53 PM, KatolaZ wrote: > This is not a mish-mash. This is basically a Debian jessie with > additional wheezy and Ubuntu repos... :) No surprise you have problems > with dependencies. Alrighty then... time to upgrade to Ascii. I'll see if I can find the howto. Thanks ___

[DNG] Minor Ascii upgrade fixes ? (was: Re: desktop screen recording with sound?)

2018-02-06 Thread dev
On 02/02/2018 04:36 PM, KatolaZ wrote: > So I guess it must be possible to get a proper devuan jessie/ascii > from a MeDeBunVuan, without reinstalling. I think it went OK? I did run out of space in /var so I killed the upgrade, extended the FS and restarted it. Would be a nice catch for the upgr

Re: [DNG] desktop screen recording with sound?

2018-02-06 Thread dev
On 02/04/2018 07:24 AM, Alessandro Selli wrote: > Better disable whatever you have > in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, to avoid issues. Then you update and > dist-upgrade as usual. I did just that and have it working OK. Thanks! ___ Dng mailing list Dng@li

Re: [DNG] Minor Ascii upgrade fixes ?

2018-02-06 Thread dev
On 02/06/2018 09:15 AM, Irrwahn wrote: > In xfce4-terminal: Right click --> Preferences --> Colors. Thanks, this is great for setting the terminal colors but I don't see a way to change the "window frame" color: Is this perhaps an Openbox setting?

[DNG] git - gnutls_handshake() failed

2018-02-07 Thread dev
Hello all, Would someone on Ascii please try cloning this repo and reply? I'm getting a gnutls error and not sure where to look for the problem. Thanks $ git clone Cloning into 'deploying-applications-with-ansible'... fatal: unable t

Re: [DNG] git - gnutls_handshake() failed

2018-02-07 Thread dev
On 02/07/2018 01:52 PM, Hector Gonzalez wrote: > > Check if you have libgnutls-deb0-28 installed and remove it. Thanks, That appears to be the case: ___ Dng mailing list

[DNG] Devuan infrastructure mirror

2015-07-28 Thread salsa-dev
Hi! I'm interested in mirroring the Devuan build infrastructure in case my galaxy is disconnected from universe. Could you please keep in mind this option while building the infrastructure now. To my understanding the project source code and documentation (some knowledge base also) should be r

Re: [DNG] (forw) [GoLugTech] Microsoft buys GitHub

2018-06-04 Thread salsa-dev
Personally I see this as a part of "embrace open source" strategy to kill open source. # Serge ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Linux system can be brought down by sending SIGILL to Systemd

2019-05-24 Thread dev via Dng
Hi Martin, Perhaps Proxmox could ship running Devuan one day? *wink,nudge* ___ Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] .NET Core and systemd

2019-08-20 Thread dev via Dng
Seems like this would be a nice bridge for windows malware to infect linux. ___ Dng mailing list

[DNG] [OT] reboot did not work on Systemd based system

2019-12-03 Thread dev via Dng
Had to reboot a Debian based system this weekend to apply kernel patches but it would not reboot. All commands (poweroff -p, reboot, init 6) would return with this error message or similar: Failed to start Transaction is destructive. See system logs and 'systemctl status reboo

Re: [DNG] systemd breaking linuxcnc ...

2020-01-27 Thread dev via Dng
I've got around 80 servers running Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. I noticed the time was yet again screwed up on them a few weeks ago. Not sure when it started happening but would guess it was the last systemd update on 12/2019. All hosts are all running timesyncd (after trying to get Chrony and NTP worki