2015-01-19 Thread Robert Storey
o make sure that Devuan will work fine on UEFI/GPT, unlike Debian which seems to choke on it. Thank you for this mailing list, and the great work you are doing on Devuan. best regards, Robert Storey ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyne.org https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng


2015-01-19 Thread Robert Storey
Gravis said: > the first release will be almost the same as debian with the > exception of packages needing systemd. after that i dont > know but we would need hardware to test on to make any > direct changes. Hi Gravis. Yes, that's kind of what I figured. I'll do a little more exploring on the


2015-01-19 Thread Robert Storey
Steve Litt said: > I've heard anecdotes of the UEFI system writing to persistant memory on > the motherboard in a way that an app misusing UEFI could brick the > motherboard. Therefore, the only time I use UEFI is when I absolutely > must have Windows on the laptop, and the Windows that came on th

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 4, Issue 35

2015-01-20 Thread Robert Storey
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org > > You can reach the person managing the list at > dng-ow...@lists.dyne.org > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific > than "

Re: [Dng] Boot loader?

2015-01-30 Thread Robert Storey
On Fri,On Fri, 30 Jan 2015, Steve Litt wrote: > Is it just me, or is Grub2 as complex and error prone as systemd? > > I'm wondering if we can have alternate boot loaders. > > SteveT > I'm sure you know it already, but it is definitely worth pointing out the classic LILO is still maintained Though

[Dng] Enlightenment

2015-02-04 Thread Robert Storey
> I've been lurking on the list for a bit, this seemed like a good time > to mention I have a repo with .debs for enlightenment 19 for jessie at > www.vin-dit.org . I built and tested them on vm's with systemd removed. > I think they will work without any systemd (at least w

[Dng] Gufw and systemd

2015-02-06 Thread Robert Storey
I suppose that some users think it's nice to have the graphical point-and-click features of Gufw, but plain old ufw from the command line is so dead easy to set up one hardly needs the graphics. Basically all you ever need to type is: ufw enable or ufw disable Once enabled (or disabled), it rem

[Dng] Raspberry Pi 2

2015-02-10 Thread Robert Storey
I just saw this announcement: Raspberry Pi 2 Now on Sale for US$35 http://www.raspberrypi.org/raspberry-pi-2-on-sale/ It will probably be a few months before I can buy one in my part of the world (Taiwan), but it's on my shopping list. Maybe for my birthday (in May). Anyway, it's got an ARM7 pro

[Dng] UEFI secure boot not secure

2015-02-22 Thread Robert Storey
Hi, this is a little off-topic, but still relevant I think. You all might remember that about a month ago I made a post about how I had partitioned my laptop hard drive GPT-style, which requires UEFI boot. I did this mainly to learn about GPT and UEFI, not because I wanted to dual-boot with Windows

[Dng] KDE systemd lock-in

2015-02-23 Thread Robert Storey
I'm just wondering how this is going to affect KDE apps. I have several KDE apps installed on my current system, and really like them. It would be a pity if I couldn't use them in the future, though some of them could easily be replaced with non-KDE equivalents. I also have to wonder about Gnome ap

[Dng] FreeBSD experiment

2015-02-23 Thread Robert Storey
Although I'm very hopeful that Devuan will be my future distro of choice, we're still not there yet. I thought it might be prudent for me to survey the other possibilities that do not depend on systemd. So yesterday, I decided to give FreeBSD (actually, PC-BSD) a trial run. I'm sorry to say that i

[Dng] FreeBSD, etc

2015-02-24 Thread Robert Storey
> What I found was that PC-BSD would do the job. OpenBSD is the best OS > I've ever seen, and I would have moved to that a year ago, except that > its VM ability is disfunctional, meaning I can't run those few apps > that don't run on OpenBSD. Also, OpenBSD's file system's performance on > file cre

[Dng] release names

2015-03-04 Thread Robert Storey
Just want to say that I really like this idea of naming releases after minor planets, such as Ceres. It's a way cool idea. I nominate pseudo-planet Sedna for a future Devuan release. Not sure how many of these planets exist, but if we run out of planet names, there's always the many moons of the so

[Dng] apt repository - mirrors

2015-03-06 Thread Robert Storey
I just want to chime in and say that I live in Taiwan and have some connections with the local Debian/Ubuntu and other geek communities. When we've finally got a Devuan release version 1.0, I'm willing to push, prod and pull the Taiwanese techie universities to get at least one mirror going here. I

[Dng] grsecurity

2015-03-07 Thread Robert Storey
Just want to say that I'm very glad that some of you are interested in producing a grsecurity-based hardened system. When it comes to security, I'm about as paranoid as they come. I've even decided to throw out my new UEFI motherboard for a Supermicro server board which has BIOS firmware, because I

[Dng] release names

2015-03-07 Thread Robert Storey
>>> Just want to say that I really like this idea of naming releases after minor planets, such as Ceres. It's a way cool idea. >> Cool yes, but useful? Numbers have the huge advantage that everybody knows their order, which is quite important when referring to versions. > Most people will want th

[Dng] rumors on RMS about systemd at libreplanet

2015-03-21 Thread Robert Storey
Hopefully, it's just a rumor, though it sounds real. Indeed, I've been wondering why RMS hasn't commented on systemd long ago when it became obvious that it would effectively dump his beloved Hurd project into the trash can. If he really called someone a "troll" for asking his opinion of systemd,

Re: [Dng] Puppy Linux-related thoughts

2015-03-23 Thread Robert Storey
Puppy Linux is interesting. I used it for awhile and liked that it was fast, and fun. A bit lacking in software, but with the Slacko packages you can make it better. My main concern about it was that it logs you in as root (without even a password). A lot of people have expressed concern about this

Re: [Dng] vdev status update and milestone

2015-03-24 Thread Robert Storey
> From: Jude Nelson > Hey everyone, > > I'm pleased to announce that vdev can successfully boot to a console on the > Devuan vagrant image! It creates all requisite device files and loads all > requisite kernel drivers, both for the pre-boot initramfs environment (so > init can mount root) and in

Re: [Dng] Why daemontools is so cool

2015-03-28 Thread Robert Storey
Thanks for telling us about this. I hadn't heard of daemontools before. I did an "apt-cache show daemontools" and interestingly it suggests "runit." I presume that Devuan will at least include daemontools and possibly runit, which should be a fascinating combination to play with. Can't wait to ge

Re: [Dng] Claim your power

2015-03-31 Thread Robert Storey
"Saying that systemd is the source of all evil and we are doomed to it, is in no way helpful for any..." It's the spawn of Satan, I tell you! Have you not seen the systemd web site? http://churchofsatan.com/ It's been written on The Internet that the systemd developers have horns growing out of

Re: [Dng] [OT]I have been liberated!

2015-04-05 Thread Robert Storey
> You're s demotivating! Systemd was never a problem, it's wonderful, > you're just a troll! Just go with the program and use it: This is the > 21st century, so we need a 21st century init system. Systemd is > modular, it's comprised of nothing but modules. I think Don Armstrong > should kick y

Re: [Dng] Devuan's release date ?

2015-04-05 Thread Robert Storey
> I agree that we need to have good documentations to minimise mistakes. > But without a good base for the documentations, I don't think it is > worth to start writing them now. It will make sense to write Devuan > documentations after it is being released and stabilised. > > Cheers, > Anto I just

Re: [Dng] devuan security wishlist item

2015-04-06 Thread Robert Storey
> Wasn't there a whole seqence of ctrl-alt-letter things to gradually > shut down the entire system, layer by layer? Antybody still know > these, and are they still there? Ah yes, the "magic keys." Holding down Alt and SysRq (which is the Print Screen key) while slowly typing REISUB will get you

Re: [Dng] dev-list

2015-04-07 Thread Robert Storey
> Good point. But I thought the reason for the suggestion was because of > the amount of fairly useless chatter on this list that the devs have to wade > through. (Honestly, it annoys me too.) If there is a -dev list, I would sign up > to see what's happening but it's unlikely I would participat

Re: [Dng] Would like to help with Devuan

2015-04-07 Thread Robert Storey
>From: JeremyBekka C > > I hope this is the right place to post this question, but I am looking for > some advice on how to gain the necessary technical skills to help with > future development of Devuan. Hello Jeremy. Yes, this is as good a place as any to post your question. A good place to le

Re: [Dng] dev-list

2015-04-08 Thread Robert Storey
Apollia wrote: > I'm also glad there is a forum: http://talk.devuan.org/ > > I actually prefer forums over mailing lists in general because forums > seem to be more organized, which makes it easier for people to avoid > anything they're uninterested in. I didn't realize we had a forum. And I agre

[Dng] Ubuntu 14.04, systemd by stealth

2015-04-13 Thread Robert Storey
Hello all. As I've mentioned once or twice in the past, I'm currently running Ubuntu 14.04, which is not the latest release but is a "long-term support" release. It is/was systemd-free, which is the main reason why I've been running it. Previously, I was using Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE), whic

[Dng] automounting in a window manager

2015-05-30 Thread Robert Storey
With all the recent discussion about DEs (Cinnamon, Gnome, Mate, etc), I just thought I'd throw this in here... For the longest time, I simply used a window manager. In the beginning, it was FVWM, but later I took a liking to IceWM. As opposed to a full-blown Desktop Environment, I liked the speed

Re: [Dng] automounting in a window manager

2015-05-31 Thread Robert Storey
First, thanks to all who replied. To me, the ideal solution would be if this was a user-configurable option. Would be great if you could, for example, just stick something into .bashrc for any user to allow automounting of USB devices, no matter which DE or window manager was being used. But I kno

Re: [Dng] Fwd: Lennart reacts to the release of Devuan

2015-05-31 Thread Robert Storey
> Guys, just cool down please :) That precice footage has been the > subject of thousands of parodies (just look for "downfall parody" or > "untergang parody" in youtube), from political election failures to > the iPad, from scientific referees to sport events. I'll just add to this that I live in

[Dng] DistroWatch review of Manjaro-OpenRC

2015-05-31 Thread Robert Storey
Now that Ubuntu and Debian have decided to go over to the Dark Side (ie systemd), I've been looking for a replacement at least until Devuan is released. I believe it was Steve Litt who made a post suggesting that Manjaro-OpenRC was very good, so I checked it out. Long story made short, it is indeed

Re: [Dng] automounting in a window manager

2015-06-02 Thread Robert Storey
James Powell wrote: > Doesn't udevil have a port on BSD? Off kilter question but >if the answer is yes, then I can expand the idea I have. A Google search turned up this: http://ftp4.se.freebsd.org/pub/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/udevil/ Not sure if that is what you're looking for. Hope it helps. ch

Re: [Dng] Secure boot?

2015-06-03 Thread Robert Storey
> Nobody yet knows how many "Windows 10 compliant" manufacturers will > eliminate the off-switch for Secure Boot. Could be 90%, for all we know. > If we don't support secure boot hardware, we're telling people not to > use Linux on commodity off the shelf hardware. Pay double for System76. > Won't

Re: [DNG] My experience with Devuan Alpha2

2015-07-02 Thread Robert Storey
Hi All, Steve Litt said... > Like I said, fvwm is excellent. LXDE and Openbox are two others to look > at, and as far as I know they have few if any systemd dependencies, > direct or otherwise. I too am a fan of fvwm and LXDE. But another I recommend is IceWM. Only weakness is (like fvwm) it doe

Re: [DNG] automount Was: Re: A better default windows manager

2015-07-27 Thread Robert Storey
> > On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:18 PM, Steve Litt > > wrote: > > You can roll your own automount with one day's work using > > inotify-wait, dmesg, sudo, lsblk, and the mount command. > > Works without X or window manager. Heck, I'll do it myself > > if more than 20

[DNG] Devuan compared to AntiX

2015-08-08 Thread Robert Storey
Hi everyone. It's been a little while since I last posted. Some of you might remember that I occasionally write reviews for DistroWatch. Not too often, because it's my policy to only write about a distro that I actually use (or would use) in everyday life. Ever since systemd starting contaminating

Re: [DNG] Devuan compared to AntiX

2015-08-08 Thread Robert Storey
As (bad) luck would have it, I just received an email from Jesse Smith (who writes the DistroWatch Weekly Review) informing me that he already wrote a review of antiX and it will be published this Monday. It would be too late to withdraw it now, since that would leave him without a review for this

Re: [DNG] Congratulations to the Devuan team

2015-08-12 Thread Robert Storey
About vdev... It looks like it's almost ready for prime time, but that further testing is needed to work out any bugs. So I'd like to throw out a little suggestion to expedite that. Could someone come up with a package so that we can install vdev on Debian? In my case, I'm currently using antiX a

Re: [DNG] ia32-libs on amd64

2015-09-09 Thread Robert Storey
Glad this topic has come up, and kudos to Adam for the explanation of --add-architecture. Awhile back, I wanted to install 64-bit Google Earth on Debian (and now, on antiX). It's actually a 32-bit program - I don't get why Google just doesn't make a 64-bit version. Anyway, after a lot of searching

Re: [DNG] Distrowatch

2015-11-02 Thread Robert Storey
> From: Nuno Magalhães > > Unfortunately it only allows you to search by package, leaving you > with a lot of non-linux and inactive distros - and no ranking. > But it's a nice feature. Yes, but biggest problem is that it misses some good non-systemd distros like Gentoo and Manjaro-OpenRC because

[DNG] lilo development has ended

2016-01-19 Thread Robert Storey
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I posted here, but don't worry, I haven't gone over to the Dark Side (ie Systemd). I've just been quietly waiting for Devuan-beta, and in the meantime have tried to keep out of the way of the Devuan developers rather than waste their time with my ignorant pr

Re: [DNG] Input Method Framework

2016-01-20 Thread Robert Storey
writes: > Hi dear list, > Thanks again for all the work u did on Dev1 and tell me if I can help > in anyway. > I followed devuanfanboy howto, removed dbus and installed fluxbox(was > under xfce b4) > Thing is Im using Japanese a lot and need anthy or similar. I need Chinese input myself (I

Re: [DNG] Purchasing a new computer/laptop

2016-01-26 Thread Robert Storey
With desktop computers, it's not too hard to find one with FreeDos installed by default, or no OS. Linux usually works fine on these machines. A few years ago I bought a Toshiba Satellite laptop with FreeDos installed by default, and it was cheap. No money to Microsoft, and Linux worked like a cha

Re: [DNG] Purchasing a new computer/laptop

2016-01-26 Thread Robert Storey
Simon Hobson To: dng@lists.dyne.org Subject: Re: [DNG] Purchasing a new computer/laptop Message-ID: <319f6090-0a9b-47d4-84b3-1d1a8b297...@thehobsons.co.uk> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Robert Storey wrote: >> Since the Mac doesn't have a ctrl key, the following w

Re: [DNG] xserver-xorg-core in Debian unstable now requires libsystemd0

2016-01-30 Thread Robert Storey
> From: Clarke Sideroad > To: "dng@lists.dyne.org" > Subject: Re: [DNG] xserver-xorg-core in Debian unstable now requires > libsystemd0 > Message-ID: <56ac51e1.6020...@gmail.com> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > > In a similar vein Calculate Linux has IMO well put together grou

Re: [DNG] Speaking of Window Managers

2016-02-28 Thread Robert Storey
Steve Litt wrote: ‎ >>Here's info on dmenu: > >dmenu is made by suckless.org: >http://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/ > >>Hotkey to bring up Dmenu? > >Alt+p, default in dwm (and some other). > >Hotkey to bring up window list sorted by workspace? Just one thing I want to say about hotkeys, is that it wou

Re: [DNG] xscreensaver issues (including hardcoded DEBIAN!)

2016-04-01 Thread Robert Storey
> Adam Borowski wrote: > > On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 12:58:23PM -0400, Boruch Baum wrote: >> Just looking at issues with the devuan default desktop's screensave, and >> its config file: ~/.xscreensaver file, posted here for the attention of >> the maintainers and the interest of members of the list

[DNG] Subject: Re: useradd defaults

2016-04-04 Thread Robert Storey
>> I'm getting a bit uncomfortable about starting this thread, because upon >> reflection, it seems that one consequence of setting the system-wide may >> be that the 027 umask will end up having some system account creating a >> file that should be world-readable or world-executable, but because o

Re: [DNG] Debian is no longer GNU/Linux?

2016-04-14 Thread Robert Storey
> Lars Noodén wrote: > > I ran into minor graphics problems last year when I tried Debian > GNU/kFreeBSD on a notebook, but other than that it seems good to go. If > I had servers, I would be running it already. Though I am only keeping > half an eye on it for now, but do plan to at least try Ubu

Re: [DNG] Beta

2016-04-29 Thread Robert Storey
> > Yes! Thank you! It's good to see devuan.org now goes to beta.devuan.org. > Good stuff. Sadly, all I'm getting is this message: "This webpage is not available" But still hoping to see the beta soon. Can't wait to install it. cheers, Robert ___ Dng

Re: [DNG] Beta

2016-04-29 Thread Robert Storey
"This webpage is not available" Is anyone else seeing this? I'm in Taiwan, but that shouldn't matter. It occurred to me that maybe I should provide more details. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN ReloadHide details The server at beta.devuan.org can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the

[DNG] My ISP is blocking devuan.org

2016-05-01 Thread Robert Storey
As I mentioned in the "Beta" thread, whenever I tried to access devuan.org, I got a message: "This webpage is not available" It was suggested to me that this might be due to heavy server load, but that I could download the torrent from the link that Irrwahn kindly sent me. That did, by the way, w

Re: [DNG] My ISP is blocking devuan.org

2016-05-02 Thread Robert Storey
Stephanie Daugherty wrote: > > Check for possible accidental causes - routing issues, PMTU blackholes, and > other oddities that could be innocent mistakes - never assume malice when > stupidity will do. Hi Stephanie, and thanks for the reply. It may well be an innocent mistake on someone's part,

Re: [DNG] My ISP is blocking devuan.org

2016-05-02 Thread Robert Storey
Thanks to all those who made suggestions on how to deal with this issue. I have a few things to report which perhaps some of you will find interesting. First, we have 3 major (and a couple of minor) mobile service providers in Taiwan: Chunghwa Telecom (which also provides fixed line), Taiwan Mobil

Re: [DNG] My ISP is blocking devuan.org

2016-05-02 Thread Robert Storey
Whoops, right after I sent my message, I see the post from BohwaZ > Same problem here in Australia, ISP is Optus. Haven't been working > since the new website/beta. > > The problem is with your provider routing apparently: Ah, so it's NOT only Chunghwa Telecom. About that "systemd bomb"...who kno

[DNG] supersized torrent

2016-05-02 Thread Robert Storey
If I wasn't so befuddled with that devuan.org blocking issue by my ISP, I would have mentioned this earlier. There was the following post on Distrowatch, and my reply (as user "Paraquat"): 27 • @24 Devuan (by Paraquat on 2016-05-02 15:37:11 GMT from Asia) >24 • Devuan (by Napoli Bona > on 2016-05-

Re: [DNG] OpenRC and Devuan

2016-05-03 Thread Robert Storey
For whatever it's worth, I'm fully supportive of the idea of defaulting to a simpler init system such as S6, Epoch, Runit, you-name-it. I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but I tend to think the sort of people who are attracted to Devuan see the virtue of simplicity. The main reason why we d

Re: [DNG] Evince

2016-05-23 Thread Robert Storey
I'd love to install Atril, but after an "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" it's no longer in the repositories for AntiX. I'm not sure why that is. ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyne.org https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng

Re: [DNG] what Emacs really is, jokes aside.

2016-05-24 Thread Robert Storey
> Emacs is an excellent user interface, development environment, and > desktop for ancient, text-only terminals. That's what it was for back > in the day. That's what it still is. > > But people seem to be able to afford better terminals For me, Emacs is a lot more than a development environment

Re: [DNG] what Emacs really is, jokes aside.

2016-05-24 Thread Robert Storey
Just for fun... Not everyone knows this, but Emacs can be your psychiatrist. If you haven't tried it yet, take a look at "doctor" https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsDoctor ___ Dng mailing list Dng@lists.dyne.org https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/m

[DNG] encryption

2016-05-29 Thread Robert Storey
Maybe we had this discussion before and I missed it. I did a Google search and didn't find it. Anyway, here is my question... I want to create one encrypted folder on my hard drive. I don't necessarily need heavy-duty industrial-strength encryption, but "secure" is nice. Reliability is very import

Re: [DNG] Converting audio to AAC using Soundconverter

2016-06-02 Thread Robert Storey
> From: Adam Borowski > To: dng@lists.dyne.org > Subject: Re: [DNG] Converting audio to AAC using Soundconverter > > Re: [DNG] Converting audio to AAC using Soundconverter > If your target machine is anything non-ancient, you want opus, it thoroughly > beats both mp3 and aac at any bitrate. Even

Re: [DNG] Devuan Top100 on DistroWatch

2016-06-02 Thread Robert Storey
> Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 11:51:38 + > From: hellekin > To: dng@lists.dyne.org > Subject: [DNG] Devuan Top100 on DistroWatch > Message-ID: <57501dca.6090...@dyne.org> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > > Today Devuan is number #91 on DistroWatch.com! We made it to the Top > 100 is the

Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails

2016-06-14 Thread Robert Storey
On Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:50:55 +0200 wrote: > Hi all. > > I have an urgent problem with the Devuan Jessie 1.0 installer: > > When it comes to install the basic system at a certain point the > installation stops with an error. On console 4 i see the following > error msg: > > . > dpkg: error pro

Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails

2016-06-15 Thread Robert Storey
> > Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:21:20 +0200 > From: > To: dng@lists.dyne.org > Subject: Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails > Message-ID: <20160615112120.5a0ca29a.emnin...@riseup.net> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > > Am Wed, 15 Jun 2016 01:26:45 + > schrieb dng-requ...@li

Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails

2016-06-15 Thread Robert Storey
> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 18:21:40 +0200 > From: > To: dng@lists.dyne.org > Subject: Re: [DNG] Installer Devuan Jessie 1.0 fails > Message-ID: <20160615182140.40c99387.emnin...@riseup.net> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII > > Am Wed, 15 Jun 2016 01:26:45

Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (Steve Litt)

2016-07-14 Thread Robert Storey
On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:39:34 -0400 Steve Litt wrote: > Golinux told me that to change the window manager, when on the login > screen, you repeatedly press F1 to cycle through the installed window > managers. I confirm this, and will document it. > > However, I think somebody from Devuan should ad

Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (golinux)

2016-07-14 Thread Robert Storey
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 04:04:59 + (UTC) > From: Go Linux > >>From /usr/share/doc/slim/README : > >Special usernames (commands configurable in the config file): >- console: start console login >- exit: exit SLiM >- halt: halt the system >- reboot: reboot the system Hi gol

Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (golinux)

2016-07-14 Thread Robert Storey
Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (golinux) > Robert Storey >> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 04:04:59 + (UTC) >> From: Go Linux >> >>>From /usr/share/doc/slim/README : >> >>Special usernames (commands configurable in the config file): >>- cons

Re: [DNG] Need for documentation (golinux)

2016-07-15 Thread Robert Storey
I think I understand the issue well enough to sum it up nicely, so if no one objects, should I just go ahead and file a bug report? If we're about to dump Slim for lxdm or lightdm or whatever, I needn't bother, but if we plan to keep Slim for release 1.0, I'd like to see the issue addressed. Looks

Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames on the login screen

2016-07-19 Thread Robert Storey
This discussion (which started with just documenting what you could do at the login screen) has certainly taken on a life of its own. For my own needs, I'm not concerned about multiseat, but recognize that a few (probably very few) others are. I suppose if you really want to protect against a sin

Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames on the login screen

2016-07-21 Thread Robert Storey
Didier Kryn said: > In any case, any person who has the possibility to push the power > button or cut the power cord should be given the opportunity to click > the halt button instead. ctrl-alt-f1+ctrl-alt-del can be used to > reboot, but there's nothing to halt. I'd actually forgotten about

Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames on the login screen

2016-07-23 Thread Robert Storey
golinux said: > Thanks for reminding me about reisuo/b. Is reisuo/b really enabled on devuan by > default? Seems like I tried it a while back and it didn't work. So I checked > /etc/sysctl.conf and the line needed wasn't there (neither was there any other > uncommented line). So my question is

Re: [DNG] openvpn systemd

2016-07-23 Thread Robert Storey
This got me wondering...do you we have a How-To for setting up OpenVPN on Devuan? I'm using wicd for my Internet connection, which as I understand doesn't support OpenVPN directly, but there is supposed to be a way to make it work. I haven't investigated that thoroughly, but when I google "openvpn

Re: [DNG] Oh, how I hate systemd

2016-08-04 Thread Robert Storey
> From: "Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult" > > Oh, BTW, I wonder when they merge gconf into systemd and so make that > bad registry idea (which was one of the major reason of many people > switching to unix/linux) mandatory ... > >> Making /etc, the equivalent of the Windows Registry in Linux, rea

Re: [DNG] Bootloaders (was: SystemD's brownie points over non-systemd OSs)

2016-08-09 Thread Robert Storey
Like many of my fellow Devuaners, I tend to favor simple solutions over complex ones. I'd probably be fine with extlinux, though at the moment my preferred bootloader is still Grub-Legacy. So easy to configure, and it "Just Works"™ every time. I'm only forced to mess with it when I install a new d

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-11 Thread Robert Storey
> From: richard lucassen > Subject: Re: [DNG] vdev > > So, please join the Group Of Three who are testing vdev. Without vdev > or any other standalone udev version Devuan is stillborn. This whole > vdev beast is much more complicated than a single daemon. We need > testing, input, otherwise we'll

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-12 Thread Robert Storey
> I have to do some work now, I look forward to the packages. Maybe you > can add a small README.txt for those who are willing to test vdev. Yes please. A small README.TXT explaining what we have to do to set up and install vdev will work wonders at attracting testers. Having to sift through the a

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-13 Thread Robert Storey
Hi All, OK, I use Devuan as my main get-work-done distro, so I don't want to risk accidentally nuking it. Therefore, I just installed another copy of Devuan into a different partition. This is my experimental Devuan - I'm all ready to play with vdev now. Before I pull the trigger, I need to clarif

Re: [DNG] vdev

2016-08-13 Thread Robert Storey
> From: Ralph Ronnquist > > If it's any help, I've uploaded a bash script as > www.realthing.com.au/files/vdev/install-gnuinos.vdev.sh which steps > through all the steps for installing the gnuinos vdev bundle for a > pristine Devuan 1.0.0 installation. It documents what I did some few > days ago,

[DNG] Subject: Re: Distrowatch Devuan poll do-over

2016-08-19 Thread Robert Storey
Subject: Re: [DNG] Distrowatch Devuan poll do-over > Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 14:25:36 -0400 > From: Steve Litt > > I just voted again, "ready to use" again. I'm able to vote multiple > times because I'm originally from Chicago. Actually, I really do believe that Devuan would be "ready to use" if t

Re: [DNG] vdev - the next generation

2016-09-23 Thread Robert Storey
Just want to say Ralph that your work on this is really appreciated. I consider vdev to be one of the most important projects going. I wish I was more competent at development work, because I'd like to help with it. When you get to scanner support, I'm going to definitely get more involved with tes

[DNG] USB bootable ISO for i386

2016-10-16 Thread Robert Storey
Hi everyone. I've introduced Devuan to a friend who is not (yet) an accomplished Linux geek, but he's been learning very fast. He's not real well-off financially, so his two computers are old i386 laptops donated by friends. Neither of these machines has a workable CD or DVD drive (ie one is a net

Re: [DNG] USB bootable ISO for i386

2016-10-17 Thread Robert Storey
Hi. Thanks to everyone for suggestions on how to diagnose the problem. It might well be something to do with PAE or UEFI, or maybe his processor is an i486. I'll see him tomorrow and try to figure it out, but I don't want to devote too much time and effort to this...just one more good reason for hi

[DNG] Devuan 1.0 final release?

2016-10-18 Thread Robert Storey
Greetings All, By now I'm sure all with an interest in Devuan have seen the review of Refracta that I wrote for DistroWatch. A few of you knew in advance that I was working on this article, and sent me technical tips and advice before it was published. Thank you for this assistance - indeed, it wa

Re: [DNG] Refracta on Distrowatch

2016-10-19 Thread Robert Storey
Hi all, I think this idea of having a Clearlooks option is fine. It would be a nice feature to boast about for the next release (version 8.1?). > Only problem I see with that is that refracta is pared down to fit on a cd so there might not be room to do it that way. I'm of the opinion that tryin

Re: [DNG] Refracta on Distrowatch

2016-10-20 Thread Robert Storey
Go Linux said... > Perhaps you didn't understand my comment about Clearlooks. Basically it's a dead project so hardly > anything to boast about. It does not play well with gtk3 apps so windows are not styled consistently. > Clearlooks-Phenix fixes most of those problems in Jessie and even has an

Re: [DNG] Devuan GNU+Linux Beta2 release

2016-12-04 Thread Robert Storey
It pains me to say this, but the installation program for Devuan Beta2 is seriously broken. And I say this not as some kind of troll, but rather as a Devuan enthusiast who has already been running Devuan as my main system for six months. The whole problem is getting networking set up either during

Re: [DNG] Devuan GNU+Linux Beta2 release

2016-12-04 Thread Robert Storey
I wrote: > Refracta saved the day! Thank goodness it exists, or else I would > not be able to install Devuan on any of my machines. Please note > that with Refracta, I did not need to set up networking at all > during the installation, but Wicd was there on the first boot and > getting wifi workin

Re: [DNG] Networking on installation: was Devuan GNU+Linux Beta2 release

2016-12-06 Thread Robert Storey
Alessandro Selli said: > I'd like to point out that including proprietary drivers does > not address any of the issues Robert Storey described: > > 1) no WiFi support in the install program; > 2) no DHCP autoconfiguration using a wired Ethernet connection; > 3) Wicd mis