given the addition of breaks:mlocate to plocate, a sid box will delete
mlocate when upgrading plocate, but a ceres box instead will refuse to
update plocate when both are installed.
re-running /apt install plocate/ did the right thing.
not sure which behaviour is generally preferred,
but i prefer
> John Morris via Dng writes:
> So yes, it is time to eliminate /bin, /sbin and /lib.
the real result shod be eliminate /usr.
system packages should all use --prefix=/, local ones should default
to --prefix=/local, and closed src crap^Wstuff should use things like
/opt/FOO for a prefix.
Looking on my main web box (running deb sid w/ sysvinit), I see that I
have a dummy systemd-tmpfiles there:
:; apt show systemd-tmpfiles
Package: systemd-tmpfiles
Version: 1.0
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: misc
Maintainer: Your Name
Installed-Size: 9,216 B
Provides: sys
> "HB" == Hendrik Boom writes:
HB> Does this mean that the upgrade from ascii to beowulf is not transparent
HB> and that I risk losing the iptables on my front-end machine when I do it?
Save the tables with iptables-save and ip6tables-save before upgrading
and try restoring them with iptable