I think I may have a clue to the mysterious stoppages of my server.
I ssh'd into it today and got the following. It is time to give up on this
machine and replace it?
-- hendrik
hendrik@april:~$ su -
april:~# ps | grep lighttpd
Message from syslogd@april at Oct 25 20:15:48 ...
cent kernel (e.g.
> 5.10.x or 5.14.x) - maybe the problem is already fixed there? It may also
> be a
> temporary condition - a very rare edge case that made the kernel lockup,
> then a
> reboot will help to clean the state...
> With best regards,
> b.
> On Mon, 2021
aera/ directory where you will hopefully find a
> desktop-live/ directory which should contain
> devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_[amd64|i386]_desktop-live.iso along with the
> shasums files. If you prefer not to use http(s), there are ftp mirrors
> and torrent on that same download page.
Not dead, but just injured.
Replaced two 312M RAM cards with one faster 2G RAM card.
Old RAM defective; tech told me that its speed was actually mismatched to
the rest of the system, slowing it down. Of course "defective" was the
crucial issue, not speed.
Machine works fine now, running devuan asc
I upgraded my server to beowulf.
After rebooting, all home directories except root's are no longer
They are all on an LVM on software RAID.
The problem seems to be that two of my three RAID1 systems are not
starting up properly. What can I do about it?
hendrik@april:/$ cat /proc/