Hi all,
The GoLUG meeting announcement sent out a few minutes ago had the wrong
subject. The
corrected subject is:
GoLUG online presentation: General FOSS presentation
Dng mailing list
Steve Litt:
> * Runit
> * S6
Why not busybox init, it handles gettys and the rest is up to
/etc/rcS, which you are free to make it do whatever you like.
As a direct replacement for sysv init, you can use
for i in /etc/rcS.d/S* /etc/rc2.d/S*
$i start
in rcS and similar for shutd
On Mon, 01 Aug 2022 10:45:40 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-08-01 at 09:29 -0500, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
> > On 2022-08-01 01:33, Steve Litt wrote:
> > > On Sun, 2022-07-31 at 13:29 +0100, Peter Duffy wrote:
> > > > Is it worth while considering putting a link to the article on
> >
Hi all,
Wednesday Evening, August 3, 2022, at 7pm Eastern Daylight time, the monthly
online meeting will be a discussion about all things FOSS: The Linux kernel,
the GNU
utils, periperals, drivers, application software, programming techniques and
anything else FOSS. Anyone and everyone can
On 2022-08-01 10:16, Steve Litt wrote:
On Mon, 2022-08-01 at 09:29 -0500, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
This "review" that has everybody's knickers in a twist is a tempest in
teapot. Let it go. Instead of getting all worked up about it, get even
by joining the Devuan team and contributing someth
On Tue, 2022-08-02 at 11:25 +0200, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
> Steve Litt:
> ...
> > * Runit
> > * S6
> ...
> Why not busybox init, it handles gettys and the rest is up to
> /etc/rcS, which you are free to make it do whatever you like.
> As a direct replacement for sysv init, you can use
> for