Yeah, it came out if the blue during one of the last updates. I've been
running Chimaera during the last year and didn't expect any drastic
changes. I tried to re-install wicd but the number of dependencies was too
large. So, it was a pleasant surprise that once the interface is configured
I can ma
>But I also found a wicd replacement, just in case I want to reconfigure wlan0
>one day. It's a Perl script called Ceni and it's available as a package in
It's the default on Michael's Devuan. It works great!
Lawrence De Coste
+1 401-275-3712
I have installed Chimaera on my Ultrabook - first as beta, then
upgraded constantly.
The system has a dual-disk setup under windows called smart cache or
fast cache.
One spinning rust and one smaller SSD. ON windows the two drives are
one as one with a cache.
Actually, when installing li