> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 02:36:06PM -0400, Chillfan wrote:
> > I think the best way would be to see: https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk/
> > and open an issue about it there.
> >
> > I'm also opening a couple of issues about the beaglebone black there having
> > noticed some problems.
I'll take a look at filing those in the bugtracker.
I've also noticed some issues with vmdebootstrap and debootstrap that makes it
difficult to build images for these boards (and presumably others).
The --package option that allows adding additional packages does not work. I
think the debootstr
On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 02:36:06PM -0400, Chillfan wrote:
> I think the best way would be to see: https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk/ and
> open an issue about it there.
> I'm also opening a couple of issues about the beaglebone black there having
> noticed some problems.
> Thanks,
I think the best way would be to see: https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk/ and
open an issue about it there.
I'm also opening a couple of issues about the beaglebone black there having
noticed some problems.
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On March 10, 2018 11:43 AM, wrote
I hope there are others here who are interested in
having devuan on Beaglebone black (BBB).
I'm testing devuan_ascii_2.0.0-beta_armhf_beagleboneblack.img.xz
in https://files.devuan.org/devuan_ascii_beta/embedded/ and having some
problems, I cannot get hdmi to work. Booting with the factor