On Fri, 2020-07-24 at 12:38 -0500, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
> If you can't help him, please just be quiet.
I'll continue to speak my mind when I want to, but I'll choose my words
more carefully in the future (and hopefully think more about the fine
points of my argument before typing).
I do not disagree with the sentiments expressed here but . . . these
aggressive, off-topic response to a new user's first post is getting out
of hand. If you can't help him, please just be quiet. And if you are a
human being, have some appreciation that without a functioning orca, he
is in big
I'm happy to sell you a domain name with email. hit me up offlist.
On 7/24/20 11:24 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
Even better than tweaking Juno, for a tiny $15.00/year, buy a real
domain name. Almost all domain registrars offer at least one email
address with a functional, no-advertising ema
Even better than tweaking Juno, for a tiny $15.00/year, buy a real
domain name. Almost all domain registrars offer at least one email
address with a functional, no-advertising email account.
For a nickel a day you can have an email address that makes you look
competent and professional, and doesn'