Hey Django fellows,
Could somebody point me where is the problem. on my machine?
While I try to run:
django-admin.py makemessages -a
... I'm getting error message:
processing language ar
Error: errors happened while running xgettext on __init__.py
language `Python' unknown
I'm using Python 2
Thanks Frank.
On Jun 3, 6:33 pm, Frank Wiles wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:56 AM, jeremy07 wrote:
> > Hi, I have a simple booking app where first form gets number of
> > travelers. Based on that number I need to generate another form with
> > number of rows equal to entered number of travele
Has somebody some experience connecting some Django Blog app with
Google Docs via:
Here is a list of current APIs (Common Blog API Access URLs):
Some thoughts?
Ok, here is my 'Modelform' problem:
I want to redirect based on selected choice from simple form:
OPTIONS: 1, 2, 3
Obviously, by me chosen approach with 'get.objects.latest' is not the
one, that works...
Somebody have an idea?
from django.shortcuts import re
I've changed to:
p = Question.objects.all()
r = p[p.count()-1]
a = r.color
... and it works.
However, I'm sure, there is more elegant solution, isn't it?
On May 19, 2:51 pm, zehi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I downloaded diamanda fro google.code and followed instructions at:
Everything works just fine, I have anly problem with 'Add Forum'.
I am getting the following error message:
IntegrityError at /admin/myghtyboard/forum/add/
g at the source, I see:
> class Forum(models.Model):
>forum_topics = models.PositiveIntegerField(default='0', blank=True,
> verbose_name=_("Topics")) # number of topics
> I think if you add null=True there (and update the DB to match) you
> should be OK.
g to 0, like it's supposed to.
> On Mar 8, 11:08 am, "zehi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > HI baxter,
> > I did exactly as you proposed, but the result is unfortunately the
> > same.
> > I've even created fresh database, but w
[EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ export
[EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD
[EMAIL PROTECTED] django_current_python_25]$ django-admin.py syncdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home2/zehi/bin/django-adm
s has no default value? That's your problem. Modify that field
> that 0 is the default value.
> I still don't know why it happened, though.
> On Mar 9, 3:41 pm, "Richard Zehnal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is view from my database table:
I can't figure out step 5:
Change /filebrowser/views.py. Replace the paths:
FB_ROOT = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "uploads/"
FB_URL = settings.MEDIA_URL + "uploads/"
Does it mean to just delete or change?
If to change, then how?
On Mar 14, 1:18 am, "patrick k." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
I would need to use i18n for flatpages.
Is that possible and if yes, could you share how to define translation
string in flatpages templates.
Regarding to that, I thought about 'flat page builder' app with
ability to divide content to smaller blocks (paragraphs, ..)
The great option would
error message. MySQL works well
However when I run syncdb.py I get this message:
mysql> create database test_dj;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> \q
zehi:~ zehi$ cd mysite/
zehi:~/mysite zehi$ ls
__init__.py manage.py settings.pycurls.pyc
And here is how looks settings before running syncdb.py
zehi:~/mysite zehi$ vi settings.py
# 'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',
Thank you guys,
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Still not successfull
When trying to install MySQLdb I'm getting this error:
zehi:~/Desktop/MySQL-python-1.2.1_p2 zehi$ python setup.py build
sh: line 1: mysql_config: command not found
sh: line 1: mysql_config: command not found
sh: line 1: mysql_config: command not found
sh: l
http://www.webfaction.com/ is very cool including good screencast
tutorials and support forums. They work with all 'hot' apps
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Regarding the http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/flatpages/ I
try to:
1 based on django/contrib/flatpages/models.py my app named b - O.K.
2 I'm trying to add to class FlatPage:
keywords = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(_('keywords'),
Hello All!
I guess, I must try to be more specific.
What I am trying to achive is, to add mate names 'description' and
'keywords' to my flat page template and to admin.
Thanks for any help and idea.
On Jan 14, 10:01 am, "zehi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
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