emailuser accessor clash after migrating to Django 1.6

2016-04-26 Thread schaf . mh
HI All, In an existing project I got the following error after upgrading to Django 1.6.11 CommandError: One or more models did not validate: emailuser.emailuser: Accessor for m2m field 'groups' clashes with related m2m field 'Group.user_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'gr

south schemamigration merge two tables into one

2016-05-11 Thread schaf . mh
Hi All, this is my first schemamigration and it is done on Django 1.6 with south. I have a model class 'book' which derives from 'media' and extends it. Now I decided that this splitting is not needed. Therefore I decided to merge the data from 'media' into 'book' My idea was to keep the table 'b

south migration: renaming foreign key and m2m tables

2016-05-12 Thread schaf . mh
HI All, I'm new in south and I'm wondering how I can merge two models into one. I have a model book which derives from the model media. So book has a media_id_ptr (which is already a pk). No I would like to merge all attributes from media into book and get rid of media. I was doing the following

Re: south migration: renaming foreign key and m2m tables

2016-05-13 Thread schaf . mh
HI Michal If you are using South, that would mean you're using a version of > Django that's oldee than 1.7, which means you are using a version > that hasn't received security updates for more than a year. Not good. > > Second, South itself has been deprecated and replaced by the native > djan

django-report-tools replacement for Django 1.7 and higher

2016-12-21 Thread schaf . mh
Hi all, I took over a very old Django project and I like to upgrade it to the actual version. I will do a step wise upgrade and from Django 1.6 to 1.7 I have the problem, that the used django-report-tools is no longer supported/compatible because the django.utils.encoding.StrAndUnicode has been

Multiple forms in the same template

2017-01-23 Thread schaf . mh
HI All, I'm new in Django and in Web-Development. Therefore I'm a little confused now. I have taken over a Django project and first I want to upgrade it to the actual version. Now I was doing the migration to Django 1.9.12 and struggling with the following problem: Using ModelFormMixin (base c

Re: Multiple forms in the same template

2017-01-23 Thread schaf . mh
Hi! And thanks for the answer. > > This stopped working in Django 1.8 > : > > "Class-based views that use ModelFormMixin will raise an > ImproperlyConfigured exception when both the fields and form_class > attributes are spec

Re: Multiple forms in the same template

2017-01-24 Thread schaf . mh
HI sorry I wanted to shorten the code before, to not post too much. Here the code: class MFormsView(LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, UpdateView, MFView): template_name = 'temps/cnfg_form.html' form_classes = { 'abc': abcForm, 'md': mdForm, } bre

Re: Multiple forms in the same template

2017-01-24 Thread schaf . mh
HI sorry I wanted to shorten the code before, to not post too much. Here the code: class MFormsView(LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, UpdateView, MFView): template_name = 'temps/cnfg_form.html' form_classes = { 'abc': abcForm, 'md': mdForm, } b

Re: Multiple forms in the same template

2017-01-26 Thread schaf . mh
Ohh thanks that helped a lot. Now in one view I still have a problem. It uses the a formset and tries to give that back while overwriting the get_form function: class LayoutFormView(LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, UpdateView ): template_name = 'abc/layout.html' form_c

formset in form_class

2017-01-31 Thread schaf . mh
Hi All, in a view deriving from UpdateView the form_class attribute gets assigned with a formset. the View then overrides the get_form function. class RLFormView(LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, UpdateView): template_name = 'abc/layout.html' form_class = LayoutFormSet fields

Re: formset in form_class

2017-02-01 Thread schaf . mh
Hi All, problem solved. The problem was the default value None for the form_class parameter at get_form. It works when changing: def get_form(self, form_class=None): to: def get_form(self, form_class=LayoutFormSet): Cheers Schaf Am Dienstag, 31. Januar 2017 17:55:15 UTC+1 schrieb scha...@gmail.

tinymce: Reverse for 'tinymce.views.spell_check'

2017-02-03 Thread schaf . mh
Hi All, I'm on Django 1.10.5 using django-tinymce 2.6.0. Before upgrading to Django 1.10.5 I did not have any problems, but now I get an error: NoReverseMatch at /registry/preview/4 > > Reverse for 'tinymce.views.spell_check' with arguments '()' and keyword > arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern

Running Django-Test fails with TransactionManagementError

2016-04-15 Thread schaf . mh
Hi All, I took over some projects written with Python 2.7 / Django 1.5.1. For unit tests the django-nose 1.2 (nose 1.3.3) is used and the project structure has its own tests directory which contains the As a development environment I use PyCharm. As I wanted to run the unit tests I

Re: Running Django-Test fails with TransactionManagementError

2016-04-15 Thread schaf . mh
Hi John, thanks, but I did already check for @transaction.commit_manually in the code, but PyCHarm serahc just finds this in the virtualenv/python2.7/site-packages/django_extensions/management/commands. So in my code there is nothing, would you recommend to comment those out, even if it is not

Re: Running Django-Test fails with TransactionManagementError

2016-04-15 Thread schaf . mh
Hi John, I did now comment out those two files, but still get the same error. Maybe I have a wrong configuration or so. I'm quite new in Django / Python. Regards schaf Am Freitag, 15. April 2016 15:11:40 UTC+2 schrieb John Griebel: > > That's what I would try. > > On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:02 AM

Re: Running Django-Test fails with TransactionManagementError

2016-04-15 Thread schaf . mh
No I have not added a target. The reason is that there is a class deriving from NoseTestSuiteRunner. This class defines the run_tests function which modifies the test_labels passed to the base 'constructor'. If I add a Target for a single test (testclass.testMethod) then just this test method wo

Re: Running Django-Test fails with TransactionManagementError

2016-04-15 Thread schaf . mh
Hey John, cool it runs now. I had multiple problems: 1.) I granted ALL rights to my user on the test DB. ==> This solved the issue with the TransactionManagementError. 2.) I had to do some changes in my configuration and play around. Afterwards the tests were running. But not all green :-| Tha

PyCharm not stopping at breakpoint

2016-04-18 Thread schaf . mh
HI All, I have some unit tests (using django-nose). As one was failing I wanted to debug the test (to see what's going on), but pyCharm does not stop at the breakpoint. I'm working with Python 2.7.6, Django 1.5.1, django-node 1.2, nose 1.3.3. PyCharm 4.5.3 Do you have any ideas? Thanks Regards