max_length for TextField is not respected

2008-10-24 Thread omat
eld? Is it something supported at db level? I am using sqlite and django 1.0. Thanks for any comments... -- omat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this grou

Re: max_length for TextField is not respected

2008-10-24 Thread omat
Thanks for the reply Karen. Accepted but not used? Neither in the model nor in the forms? This is not how I would expect it to be. Then, how can I limit a, say comment field to 500 chars in a djangoic way? Thanks... -- omat On Oct 24, 6:09 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROT

updating a single field / attribute, is it possible? or better practices?

2008-10-31 Thread omat
or any comments, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [

Re: updating a single field / attribute, is it possible? or better practices?

2008-10-31 Thread omat
Exactly. Thanks for the reference. -- oMat On Oct 31, 6:54 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:39 PM, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > Is it possible to update a chosen subset of a

admin can't update: AttributeError 'parse_file_upload' for a model with no file field

2008-11-25 Thread omat
at /pathwaysolutions/validation/admin/ encounter/standardcomment/10/ Exception Value: 'module' object has no attribute 'parse_file_upload' This happens for every model and every add / edit operation. The model in example does not have a file or image field. Where does this &

"safari can't open the page"

2008-11-29 Thread omat
ot seem to be a real solution. I doubt that Django's response may have something (HTTP headers?) that safari don't like. Any ideas? Cheers, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django

advice on model design please

2008-08-19 Thread omat
unter) review = XMLField() And the 'review' XML field will hold all the data on reviewed fields in a non-relational and flexible format. I cannot decide among these approaches as neither of them feels natural. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Re: advice on model design please

2008-08-19 Thread omat
encounter model will be reflected to the Review model resulting in DRYness. But this will not avoid the redundancy in the db tables. Thanks... On Aug 19, 11:02 pm, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > I have a model class that holds patients' encounters. It has fie

Re: advice on model design please

2008-08-20 Thread omat
I think the most natural fit for this is a database like the google appengine provides, not a relational one: Attach a review to an encounter whenever needed, and access it as an attribute of the encounter On Aug 19, 11:29 pm, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Another approach

doctest for multi-threaded apps

2008-09-02 Thread omat
to be called, I receive a: Exception in thread Thread-2: ... traceback ... OperationalError: no such table: game_question Does this mean the db tables are created only for the main thread and other threads cannot access the temporary db? Thanks, oMat

Re: The view django_bookmarks.bookmarks.views.bookmark_save_page didn't return an HttpResponse object

2008-09-20 Thread omat
are you getting the error with a GET request? On Sep 20, 9:08 am, ehpmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Why do i get the above error in > > def bookmark_save_page(request): >     if request.method == 'POST': >         form = BookmarkSaveForm(request.POST) >         if form.is_valid

moving file / image fields to another model

2008-09-20 Thread omat
error': >>> from products.models import * >>> for product in Product.objects.all(): >>> Image.objects.create(product=product, image=product.image) Is there a way to do such an import in django way, or should I go the raw SQL path? thanks, omat --~--~-

Re: moving file / image fields to another model

2008-09-20 Thread omat
It was this: It is not valid anymore, but as I couldn't find time to port to post 1.0 I was experiencing this problem. On Sep 20, 11:36 am, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > Due to a model change, I would like to move a

order queryset by a calculated field

2009-01-23 Thread omat
Hi, Is it possible to order a queryset by a calculated field, such as multiplication of 2 attributes? With the fantastic aggregate functions introduced, I think something like this would be cool: Book.objects.annotate(total=Arithmetic('price * tax')).order_by ('total&#

"invalid reference to FROM-clause" for nested annotate query

2009-01-31 Thread omat
Hi all, I obtain a list of tag ids by: tag_ids = TaggedItem.objects.all().order_by('-added__max').annotate(Max ('added'))[:10] and try to use it in the following query to obtain tag objects: Tag.objects.filter(id__in=tag_ids) But i get "invalid reference to FROM-clause" error: Caught an except

Re: "invalid reference to FROM-clause" for nested annotate query

2009-02-01 Thread omat
ent type')) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(_('object id'), db_index=True) object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') And I am using sqlite on Mac OS X with django revison 9781. Thanks, oMat On Feb 1, 1:12 am, Russel

Re: "invalid reference to FROM-clause" for nested annotate query

2009-02-01 Thread omat
: tagging_taggeditem.added This is very strange, because the column 'added' is surely there. On Feb 1, 11:39 pm, omat wrote: > Hi, > > TaggedItem model is as follows: > > class TaggedItem(models.Model): >     tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag, verbose_name=_('tag'

Re: "invalid reference to FROM-clause" for nested annotate query

2009-02-02 Thread omat
rank = models.IntegerField(default=0) relevance = models.IntegerField(default=0) added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) Thanks... On Feb 2, 9:46 am, omat wrote: > I just remembered that the above error occured when running on > Postgresql 8.2. Sorry for the misinfor

EmptyResultSet exception

2009-02-02 Thread omat
t in an 'in' lookup: >>> Tag.objects.filter(id__in=ids) This results in an EmptyResultSet exception, where I would expect an empty QuerySet instead. Am I missing something here? Thanks... oMat ps: I am running the most rec

Re: EmptyResultSet exception

2009-02-02 Thread omat
A typo correction: In line >>> ids = Tag.objects.filter(id__in=[]).values_list(id, flat=True) "id" in expression values_list(id, flat=True) should be quoted as: values_list('id', flat=True) Thanks... On Feb 2, 1:23 pm, omat wrote: > Hi, > > I am

Re: EmptyResultSet exception

2009-02-02 Thread omat
I am using a recent svn checkout. I opened a ticket for the issue: Best. On Feb 3, 5:03 am, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote: > On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 03:23 -0800,omatwrote: > > Hi, > > > I am receiving an EmptyResultSet exception in 'in' lookups, if the > >

Re: "invalid reference to FROM-clause" for nested annotate query

2009-02-03 Thread omat
I opened the ticket: Thanks. On Feb 3, 1:25 am, Russell Keith-Magee wrote: > On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:46 PM,omat wrote: > > > I just remembered that the above error occured when running on > > Postgresql 8.2. Sorry for the misinform

Postgis on Mac OS Leopard

2009-02-26 Thread omat
/usr/local/pgsql_saved_0804141532/lib/ mach-o, but wrong architecture Can it be that a conflicting version already existed and caused problems? Or what? I took the "build from source" path as instructed in the install documentation. I am using PostgreSQL 8

permissions not recognized

2009-03-25 Thread omat
s.all() [, ...] # the user is in the group admin, and admin group has permissions >>> u.groups.all() [] >>> u.groups.all()[0].permissions.all() [, , ...] # but >>> u.get_all_permissions() set([]) Strange, or am I m

problem with iexact / icontains matches and TR locale

2009-04-16 Thread omat
27;I', which is a legal ascii character for a username, iexact does not match it with 'i', which is the slugified version of the 'I', but matches with 'ı' (the non-ascii char), when the locale is TR. i.e. I need something like: User.objects.get(username__slug=us

annotation and grouping

2009-04-29 Thread omat
., wouldn't it be great to have something like: Entry.objects.annotate(Max('added'), group_by=['user']).filter (date=date__max) Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "D

admin permissions: all or nothing

2009-05-07 Thread omat
Hi, I have set up the admin, and works as expected when logged in as a super user. When I log in with a user that have limited permissions (either when permissions were assigned directly to the user or through a group membership), the admin site says: "You don't have permission to edit anything

admin actions independent of the items selected

2009-05-22 Thread omat
le that functionality. Then I would have some admin actions in the ModelAdmin classes and some in the views and admin templates, which is not a neat solution. Can the ModelAdmin be overridden to let the selected action be executed without caring abou

Re: Admin action not executed when no objects are selected

2009-05-22 Thread omat
and admin templates, which doesn't feel right. Maybe there should be a way to define model-wide actions as well as the current ones. -- omat On Apr 8, 3:10 am, Alex Gaynor wrote: > On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick > > > > wrote: > > > On Tue, 200

sorl thumbnail: messed-up thumb file path

2009-12-06 Thread omat
ories under my media root as: - "http/" (yes the directory name has a trailing slash) - "localhost/8000" (yes, this is funny too) - "logo" (this is the upload_to location) and the created directory is empty, no thumbnail. Am I missing something obvious? T

Re: sorl thumbnail: messed-up thumb file path

2009-12-06 Thread omat
The model is as simple as can be: class Provider(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) logo = models.ImageField(upload_to='logo/', blank=True, null=True) Thanks. -- omat On Dec 6, 4:45 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote: > On

Re: sorl thumbnail: messed-up thumb file path

2009-12-06 Thread omat
It is not something to do with the upload_to path. I managed to track down the problem, I was passing the full url to the thumbnail templatetag (i.e. "provider.logo.url") but it should be just the relative URL (i.e. "provider.logo"). Thanks. -- omat On Dec 6, 9:10 pm

cache optimization

2009-12-22 Thread omat
many issues, mainly due to running out of memory, and in the end the whole system is screwed. using no caching is doing much much better than this setup. Any suggestions for optimizing the caching is greatly appreciated. -- omat -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the G

Re: cache optimization

2009-12-22 Thread omat
e the actual content for much longer, e.g. 1 month. Then, if something related to its context is submitted, I remove those pages from the cache. Maybe I am thinking this in a wrong way from the start. Thanks, omat On Dec 22, 3:50 pm, Javier Guerra wrote: > On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:44 AM,

how to avoid "in" query for large sets?

2010-05-24 Thread omat
. What is the optimal way of doing this? Thanks, oMat -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to django-user

Re: how to avoid "in" query for large sets?

2010-05-24 Thread omat
ops, a small correction. i meant: User.objects.filter(id__in=[ for q in Quiz.objects.filter(score__gt=90)]) -- oMat On May 24, 3:12 pm, omat wrote: > Hi All, > > I have a Quiz model, which is related to the User model by a > ForeignKey. I want to get a queryset of users

Re: how to avoid "in" query for large sets?

2010-05-24 Thread omat
@cliff: you are right, but i am writing an extension to an existing app. i want to use the models as-is if possible. i found the part in the docs: inner_qs = Blog.objects.filter(name__contains='Cheddar') entries = Entry.objects.filter(blog__in=inner_qs) thanks. On May 24, 4:22 pm, Tomasz Ziel

Re: how to avoid "in" query for large sets?

2010-05-24 Thread omat
z__in=quiz_qs) is not possible as User does not have a quiz attribute. and daniel, yours, saying " in Quiz queryset" does not look ok: User.objects.filter(id__in=Quiz.objects.filter(score__gt=90)) Still stuck. Any ideas? -- oMat On May 24, 4:58 pm, omat wrote: > @cliff:

Overriding the widget of a custom form field in admin

2010-08-12 Thread omat
TagField: {'widget': admin.widgets.AdminTextareaWidget}, } This has no effect on the form field widget and tags are still rendered with a TextInput widget. Any help is much appreciated. -- omat -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" gro

Accessing model field validators from within form template

2010-08-18 Thread omat
heers, omat -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, v

Re: Accessing model field validators from within form template

2010-08-20 Thread omat
a parameter to the validator and in the help text. I would like to display the max length value using a generic template. Cheers, omat > On Aug 18, 3:41 pm, omat wrote: > > > > > Hi, > > > In my generic form template, if a CharField has a max_length >

Django users in Turkey

2007-06-05 Thread omat
Hi, Are there any Turkish speaking Django enthusiasts in this group? I would like to invite them to a group I have just created: This group will be dedicated to making Django known better in Turkey and help spread its usage among Turkish speaking develop

can this db error be related to db://cache?

2007-06-06 Thread omat
g messages directly, I am not receiving any errors, but I am not comfortable as I couldn't figure out what was going on. Can this be related to db caching? Thanks... oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

admin is inserting empty images

2007-06-07 Thread omat
I have the following model which defines a 1-n relation between sections and section images: class Section(models.Model): type = models.ForeignKey(SectionType) title = models.CharField(maxlength = 150, blank = True) class Admin: pass class Section

Re: admin is inserting empty images

2007-06-07 Thread omat
Google ate my previous message. So, once again... Thanks for the reply robo... If I remove the "core=True" django complains that "there should be at least one field declared as core to edit inline". The problem is that, image and file fields does not behave as one would expect in the admin when

Re: best practice for portal-like pages?

2007-06-07 Thread omat
I am also in need of such a flexible yet easy to manage content system, mostly for small company websites. In my primitive prototype, I have pages that are built-up of sections. Each section has its own template and can hold text, images, etc. Also, I am planning to add the ability to display dat

Re: admin is inserting empty images

2007-06-07 Thread omat
Yes! It worked that way. Thanks a lot... On 7 Haziran, 18:09, robo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Have you tried moving core=True to the foreignkey field? > Tell me if this works. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

IntegrityError: null value in column "id" when inserting via admin

2007-06-07 Thread omat
My application is working in the development environment. I deployed the application in the production and copied the data in Posetgresql db. When I try to insert a new "Page" using the admin application, I receive an "IntegrityError: null value in column "id" violates not- null constraint". Any

Re: IntegrityError: null value in column "id" when inserting via admin

2007-06-07 Thread omat
By the way, I suspect that during moving existing data into the new database, somethings might have been broken, like auto incrementation sequences. But, although I experimented with them a little, it didn't help. On 7 Haziran, 21:07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > My applicat

Re: IntegrityError: null value in column "id" when inserting via admin

2007-06-08 Thread omat
This was because the default values of the id fields nextval(...) s were not created in the new db, when I port the data by backup & restore. On 7 Haziran, 21:11, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > By the way, I suspect that during moving existing data into the new > database,

Re: admin is inserting empty images

2007-06-08 Thread omat
Oops! It was a little early to think the problem was solved. Now I cannot add images at all... And there is no exception, the images I upload are silently ignored. On 7 Haziran, 18:27, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Yes! It worked that way. > > Thanks a lot... > > On 7

defining wiki-like pages with custom template tags

2007-06-08 Thread omat
p? or accessing the model methods: photo.objects.filter(tag='europe') Do you think this approach will be beneficial in some cases and worth giving a try to implement? Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are s

"bad argument to internal function"

2007-06-15 Thread omat
Hi, I have received an error mail which I couldn't quite understand. I think someone was POSTed some bad data that caused the error, because in the mod_python request, it says: GET:, POST:, The posted data was so bad that it couldn't be parsed at all. Do you have an idea, what kind of request c

admin_list cannot import isleap

2007-07-03 Thread omat
st, cannot import name isleap Why can't the admin_list template tag library cannot import isleap anymore? Thanks for any help... oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" gro

Re: admin_list cannot import isleap

2007-07-03 Thread omat
BTW, my models do not yield any error, and everything except the admin are working as expected. On 3 Temmuz, 11:22, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > When I try to view list of objects in admin I get the following error > message for every list view of every appl

model managers of base classes

2007-07-17 Thread omat
he manager of the base class. Is this by design? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to djan

Re: model managers of base classes

2007-07-17 Thread omat
until Django 1.0, which, according to the discussions in the developers' list, will probably have model inheritance implemented. On 17 Temmuz, 14:32, Nis Jørgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > omat skrev: > > > Hi all, > > > I have a base class common for a

Re: model managers of base classes

2007-07-17 Thread omat
s not recognized by syncdb. Yours, oMat On 17 Temmuz, 17:14, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Nis Jørgensen wrote: > > omat skrev: > >> Thanks for the pointer, Nis. > > >> Model inheritance made my models so much DRYer that it will be hard to > &

Re: model managers of base classes

2007-07-17 Thread omat
As I further test the pythonic inheritance for models, I figure out that some django model magic does not work. For example, instead of "get_object_or_404" you should do: try: object = ObjectClass.objects.get(pk=1) except: raise Http404 On 17 Temmuz, 18:01, omat <[EM

Re: model managers of base classes

2007-07-17 Thread omat
ong as you don't put "ortho" in the settings.INSTALLED_APPS, it is not recognized by syncdb. Yours, oMat On 17 Temmuz, 17:14, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Nis Jørgensen wrote: > > omat skrev: > >> Thanks for the pointer, Nis. > > >&

Re: model managers of base classes

2007-07-18 Thread omat
e error is: Programming Error: relation "models_ortho" does not exist Naturally, if you access a view function that has this error via http, you will see Http500. Thanks, oMat On 17 Temmuz, 19:58, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks - I think I bumped into that yesterday

inheriting models' fields, methods and managers

2007-07-18 Thread omat
Hi all, Recently, it occurred to me that, defining some abstract models for some types of applications would make my code significantly DRYer, by eliminating duplication of common fields, model methods and manager methods. Examples of common groups of applications are: - Orthogonal applications

Why does direct_to_template require a db?

2007-07-24 Thread omat
complaining that the database configuration is missing. But, for the same request, when I call a view function and return the same template, it works fine. Why does direct_to_template require a database at all? Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this

Re: Why does direct_to_template require a db?

2007-07-25 Thread omat
kages\django\core\" in auth 18. 'user': request.user, AttributeError at / 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user' On 25 Temmuz, 02:09, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 7/24/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Why does direct_to_template require a db?

2007-07-25 Thread omat
uot; is def index(request): return render_to_response('index.html') with the exact same settings. Regards... On 25 Temmuz, 14:51, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks for the reply... > > This is a simple application that highlights source code of a remote &g

Re: Why does direct_to_template require a db?

2007-07-25 Thread omat
Thanks, this solved the problem. So, render_to_response does not use context_processors, as it works fine with the default TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting. On 25 Temmuz, 16:08, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 7/25/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

dynamically setting model manager objects' method parameters

2007-07-31 Thread omat
#x27;c', parent__slug = 'b', parent__parent__slug = 'a') Is there a way to dynamically synthesize the get() part according to the depth of the hierarchy? Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscr

loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
from 'D:\django\gd\main \fixtures'. Installed 34 object(s) from 1 fixture(s) But despite this success message, no data is inserted into the database. Any ideas? I may post my app's models and the fixture file, if needed. Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~-

Re: loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
Thanks for the reply Russ... The models are here: The dump in json format is here: On 1 Ağustos, 15:52, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/1/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > &

Re: loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
My bad. In my previous post, I think it would be a good idea to crop the models a bit for simplicity. Please use this one: On 1 Ağustos, 16:31, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/1/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: &

Re: loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
ethods in the models for simplicity but I see it can be critical, so here is the full model: On 1 Ağustos, 16:14, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks for the reply Russ... > > The models are here: > > The dump in j

Re: loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
ssages are confusing. On 1 Ağustos, 16:57, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/1/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > My bad. In my previous post, I think it would be a good idea to crop > > the models a bit for simplici

Re: loading fixtures: no error, no data

2007-08-01 Thread omat
I am using postgresql with postgresql_psycopg2. On 1 Ağustos, 17:21, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/1/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Shouldn't Django be reporting that failure? Success messages are > > c

inconsistent timesince behavior

2007-08-10 Thread omat
When using the "timesince" template filter, I experience weird behavior. When I refresh a page, + 8 hours is added to the output of "timesince" **randomly**. That is, one time I get the correct output, the other time it is 8 hours added to the correct time. This is so strange that I do not even

checking if the model instance is not saved for 1-to-1 models

2007-08-14 Thread omat
Hi, In my models where I want to set the time when the instance is fist saved, I override the save() method of the model class like this: def save(self): if not self.added = super(MyModel, self).save() but for models that are related to another one with a

Re: checking if the model instance is not saved for 1-to-1 models

2007-08-14 Thread omat
Hi Kai, No, because auto_now & auto_now_add are deprecated and the recommended way to provide auto_now functionality is by overriding the save() method. That's why I am doing it that way... On 15 Ağustos, 04:32, "Kai Kuehne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Sorry, > > On 8/15/07, Kai Kuehne <[EMAI

sending a welcome message to new users using signals

2007-08-15 Thread omat
Hi, To send a welcome message to a new user, I am listening for a "post_save" signal from an auth.models.User class and it works fine. But I need to determine whether the user is newly created. I can hook to the "pre_save" instead of "post_save" and check for the "". This way I can de

Re: sending a welcome message to new users using signals

2007-08-15 Thread omat
message = message) On 15 Ağustos, 12:48, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > To send a welcome message to a new user, I am listening for a > "post_save" signal from an auth.models.User class and it works fine. > But I need to determine wh

unstable state: occasional db and import errors

2007-08-17 Thread omat
clue at all, because it happens occasionally and did not happen when testing using the api via the shell I am using a recent svn version postgres as db backend. I am feeling desperate. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help... oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

emulating an existing session in tests

2007-08-20 Thread omat
d the error from the traceback that was mailed to me. I have tried modifying the cookies and session attributes of the test client instance but I couldn't succeed. How can I achieve this? Thanks, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message becau

Re: emulating an existing session in tests

2007-08-20 Thread omat
n_key = key_from_traceback) but did not work. Will it work, if I build a cookie back from the session and initialize the Client() with it? On 20 Ağustos, 12:19, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 09:13 +, omat wrote: > > There is an error that occur

Re: emulating an existing session in tests

2007-08-20 Thread omat
enticated user because HttpResponseForbidden is returned when an anonymous user tries to access /messages/. I am supplying the data in the session, so I think it must be ok. Am I thinking wrong? Thanks, oMat On 20 Ağustos, 13:14, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mon,

Re: emulating an existing session in tests

2007-08-20 Thread omat
27;] = '8a3dd9235b8e718c3f7e890106180528' >>> c.cookies = cookies >>> c.get('/messages/') Thanks... On 20 Ağustos, 13:52, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am using the api via shell (i.e.: python shell) as > follows: > > >&g

duplicate key error when using cache

2007-08-22 Thread omat
test', 2) does not result in error. I cannot think of any case that would cause that duplicate key error. Thanks for any comments... oMat ps: I am using a resent svn version with postgres / psycopg2 and apparently, db as the cache. I will be switching to memcached, but not before cla

admin raises IndexError when there are no fields to edit

2007-08-24 Thread omat
bound_field_lines[0].bound_fields[0].form_fields[0].get_id(); IndexError: list index out of range Regards, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, sen

DATABASE_ENGINE setting became required

2007-08-25 Thread omat
Hi, After a recent svn update, my no-database django application is broken. Something changed, and now the DATABASE_ENGINE setting became required and its absence results in an ImproperlyConfigured error, even if the application does not use a db backend. Beware. Regards, oMat

Re: DATABASE_ENGINE setting became required

2007-08-25 Thread omat
I only add the line: DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2' to the Cheers, oMat On 25 Ağustos, 13:53, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 8/25/07, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > Hi, > > > Afte

template context issue with "with"

2007-08-31 Thread omat
it didn't. I tested the following: {{ user_answers.1 }} gives 'yes' as expected When {{ }} is "1", within the "with" block, {{ question_id }} gives "1" but {{ user_answers.question_id }} does not. Thanks for any help, oMat --~--~-~

Re: template context issue with "with"

2007-08-31 Thread omat
Thanks for the reply Alex... I appended the user_answer as an attribute to the Question() QuerySet and it works fine now. That's one of the things I love about Django: It enforces better design... On 31 Ağustos, 21:40, Alex Koshelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > {%with%} tag creates only alias

isnull lookup's contradicting result

2007-09-06 Thread omat
Hi, For Question & Answer models: Question.objects.filter(answer__isnull=False) returns the set of questions that has at least one answer, but: Question.objects.filter(answer__isnull=True) does not return the questions that has no answer. Am I missing something? Thanks,

Re: isnull lookup's contradicting result

2007-09-06 Thread omat HAVING IS NULL""") rows = cursor.fetchall() ids = [row[0] for row in rows] cursor.close() return self.filter(id__in=ids) Regards, oMat On 6 Eylül, 15:59, "Russell Keith-Magee" <

Re: isnull lookup's contradicting result

2007-09-06 Thread omat
= models.ForeignKey(User) class Answer(models.Model): question = models.ForeignKey(Question) answer = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=((1, 'Yes'), (2, 'No'))) user = models.ForeignKey(User) added = models.DateTimeField(editable=False) On 6 Eylül,

Re: isnull lookup's contradicting result

2007-09-06 Thread omat
When I checked the queries generated, it appears that the isnull lookups result in INNER JOINs for my case. On 6 Eylül, 16:38, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Malcolm, these are the models: > > class Question(models.Model): > question = models.CharField(max_leng

{% url %} for syndication feeds

2007-09-10 Thread omat
at id 1424. But I cannot synthesize the url within the template, at least not violating the DRY. Regards, oMat --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, sen

per-site cache for subdomains

2008-01-05 Thread omat
Hi, Django's per-site cache does not take sub domains into account. I derived my own middleware to handle subdomains by modifying the key_prefix: from django.middleware.cache import CacheMiddleware class SubdomainCacheMiddleware(CacheMiddleware): def process_request(self, request):

Re: per-site cache for subdomains

2008-01-05 Thread omat
Sorry, it was a stupid mistake, nothing to do with the above middleware and the cache system. My middleware above works fine for caching pages that differ by their subdomains. On Jan 5, 8:58 am, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > Django's per-site cache does not t

filtering on a date field's component; a bug?

2008-01-22 Thread omat
Hi all, I have a model with a date field. When I try to filter based on its months like: q1 = Event.objects.filter(start_date__month__in=[1, 2, 3]) I get an "unable to resolve field 'start_date__month'" error. Is this usage not supported or is this a bug? Any i

Re: filtering on a date field's component; a bug?

2008-01-22 Thread omat
, 2, 3]) format should be supported. I will submit it as a feature request to trac. On Jan 22, 2:58 am, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > omat wrote: > > Hi all, > > > I have a model with a date field. When I try to filter based on its > >

Re: "unknown locale: UTF-8"

2008-01-30 Thread omat
OK, I found it, it is a bug: On Jan 30, 5:34 pm, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > When I try to syncdb I am getting a "unknown locale: UTF-8" error. > > I am using a recent checkout from the trunk with Postgr

"unknown locale: UTF-8"

2008-01-30 Thread omat
Hi all, When I try to syncdb I am getting a "unknown locale: UTF-8" error. I am using a recent checkout from the trunk with Postgres on MacOS X. My database is UTF-8 and my DEFAULT_CHARSET is 'utf-8'. The application was used to run on different platforms as-is. Any ideas?

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