There's an environmental variable called PYTHONPATH that often tripped me up
when I was learning python and django. You need to make sure that the
django-chat module is on your PYTHONPATH.
To check that you've properly added the app to your PYTHONPATH start up
python then type `import dojang
I don't think you can do this with a view and NOT refresh the page.
To get the functionality you want you need to use AJAX (and jquery would
make it easier).
do some research on how to use jquery to manipulate the dom and add HTML
elments to the page live.
There some jquery bits out there that'll
Not sure if this will help ya...but the guys at Eldarion have brabeion for
doing badges (awards). http://github.com/eldarion/brabeion
That's all I got right now!
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Joel Klabo wrote:
> Does anyone know of an example of someone using django signals to do
> achie
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Joel Klabo wrote:
> that looks perfect, thanks.
> On Sep 11, 12:44 pm, "nick.l...@gmail.com"
> wrote:
> > Not sure if this will help ya...but the guys at Eldarion have brabeion
> for
> > doing badges (awards
This is the simplest way to install Django:
If you follow the instructions about installing the offical release, then
you won't need to worry about doing any linking (ie the ln -s command)
without knowing any context of what you want...or are going to do...I would
say create a similar model and run with it:
class UserVariables(models.Model):
variable_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
variable_value = models.TextField()
THOUGH like I said, I have no idea what you're tr
oh forgot to add...to verify that Django was installed properly, start the
python interpreter...then type: import django
If it does not error then you're good to go. else...something went wrong.
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:19 PM, nick.l...@gmail.com
> Sophi
> This is th
python path.
> Rav!
> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:32 PM, nick.l...@gmail.com > wrote:
>> Rav,
>> There's an environmental variable called PYTHONPATH that often tripped me
>> up when I was learning python and django. You need to make sure that the
you can do that, though not necessary.
Your view needs to return the data necessary for ajax to write INTO the
ie on the page you have:
(click for more)
when that user clicks, your view needs to return the "more"...(and really
only the more and what ever info is needed.
of information, but my application structure
> requires that users are able to add arbitrary variables to a
> model.Thanks for your help!
> On Sep 12, 8:24 pm, "nick.l...@gmail.com" wrote:
> > without knowing any context of what you want...or are going to do...I
> woul
The question what do you want to do with the data is important. When you do
Userdata.objects.all() you will get back all the data from both tables. How
you access it is different.
u = Userdata.objects.all()[0]
u.user.name is going to return the name from the User model.
u being the UserDa
Ok...context helps! :)
Try reading this...
I think that'll help get you where you need to go.
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM, ashy wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I am trying to serialize the object and send i
ber of a diverse set of django model types?
> Thanks again for your help.
> On Sep 13, 6:40 am, "nick.l...@gmail.com" wrote:
> > That's fine...well for data types ad a field for types say an integer
> field
> > and when youcome across a new type you
your first example maybe... but create a different
> model for each different data type possibility? What do you about this
> approach?
> On Sep 13, 9:27 am, "nick.l...@gmail.com" wrote:
> > hmm ok I'm thinking out loud here :)
> >
> > So you want you
cool glad to help! :)
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:13 AM, pixelcowboy wrote:
> I see what you are saying, thanks for the advice!
> On Sep 13, 12:10 pm, "nick.l...@gmail.com"
> wrote:
> > The problem I see with creating a model for each data type is that you
I can answer you first question...but not really the second...hopefully
someone else will come and explain that one to you...
re slugs: The prepopulated_fields are working as intended.
The reason being, say you've written a blog post. You've send that link out
to thousands and millions of
cause you haven't
> experienced this issue, or is it something you just don't have a
> problem with?
> On Sep 14, 11:20 am, "nick.l...@gmail.com"
> wrote:
> > Nick,
> >
> > I can answer you first question...but not really the second...hopef
Hi again! :)
I haven't thought this idea through, and very well could be
wildly inefficient! :)
Though in your admin.py when registering the admin model do something like
from myproject.myapp.models import MyModel, OtherModel
class MyModelAdmin(models.admin):
object_i_want = OtherMod
one way to do it would be to do this (on an app by app basis)
Then have your view return data
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 8:01 PM, David Somers Harris <
da...@somers-harris.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to write a view wh
lcowboy wrote:
> > I'll try when I get home, but thanks again for your help!
> >
> > On Sep 14, 11:31 am, "nick.l...@gmail.com"
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi again! :)
> >
> > > I haven't thought this idea throug
nk of adding a callback to the
> FK selection button, that when clicked, queries the database and
> prepopulates the inherited values. Any suggestions on how to implement
> this kind of thing. I have never use jquery for example to interact
> with a database, any good tutorials or tips on ho
;ll think this through a bit more, there
> might be a better way to conceptualize my models and their inheritance
> than the way Im thinking.
> On Sep 15, 10:55 am, "nick.l...@gmail.com"
> wrote:
> > well...when you say inheritance...I was thinking that you were g
Have you looked at this yet?
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Yo-Yo Ma wrote:
> I'm wondering how to do this:
> instance = SomeModelWithFile.objects.create(
>file = some_file,
> )
yes...and no.
Have you looked at using Virtualenv? http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:44 AM, Nick wrote:
> Let's say you have Python installed to D:/dev/python2.6
> Is it wise/common practice to put django and other third party python
> libraries (like p
First I don't think you should be using the admin for such fine grained
control of your data formats.
BUT if you do want to do that you would want to do your validation in custom
admin forms. (created in your admin.py to do cleans on the data that's being
Second I wouldn't do a manytoma
at 9:37 AM, nick.l...@gmail.com wrote:
> First I don't think you should be using the admin for such fine grained
> control of your data formats.
> BUT if you do want to do that you would want to do your validation in
> custom admin forms. (created in your admin.py to do clean
Maybe I don't understand your problem.
It sounds to me like your trying to make this way more difficult than it
needs to be.
Also it sounds to me like your trying to assign the same phone number to
multiple people. (which is fine) But doesn't make a lot of sense to me in a
practical application.
r, cost, etc ...
> phones = models.ManyToManyField(Phone)
> Nick, thank you for you help. You are really very good people!
> On 21 сен, 18:12, "nick.l...@gmail.com" wrote:
> > Maybe I don't understand your problem.
> >
> > It sounds to m
mma separated phone numbers. I
> check this numbers and if all numbers correct - store this numbers in
> database in Phone model (each phone in separate record) and associate
> message with list of this phones.
> Can you please help me in this. I not understand how to create my own
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