m2m relationship by intermediary model and inline editing

2008-11-29 Thread mrsource
I have models and admin configuration like these: http://dpaste.com/94671/ when I edit the model "composizione" the first foreign key (composizione) field of "through" model is automatically valorized by the parent model, and the second (articolo) is user selected. The problem is that if I don't

Re: m2m relationship by intermediary model and inline editing

2008-11-30 Thread mrsource
Ok, Solved!! It wasmy fault because I have overwritten the form widget in the inline model. Now I have removed the customized form. On Nov 29, 11:16 pm, mrsource <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have models and admin configuration like these:http://dpaste.com/94671/ > > when I

Custom inline form

2008-12-01 Thread mrsource
In the inline model option I have overriden the inline form with a custom form where I only added a choices widget, now the validation has a wrong behaviour...more precisely if I have set extra property to 2 in inline model options, when I click "Save" django try to validate even the two empty ex

Re: Custom inline form

2008-12-02 Thread mrsource
problem, I would override the save_model method for the inline model to read the value of my custom widget. The problem is that if I put the save_model in ModelInline or in ModelAdmin class it is never executed...How can I read the property from my custom widget? mrsource ha scritto: > In

Serving static file on Windows

2008-10-04 Thread mrsource
I can upload images on the right place in the file system, but then django don't serve them. I'm using the development server and the current SVN version of django. I have this configuration in settings.py: MEDIA_ROOT = 'D:/codice/workspace/aurea/media/' MEDIA_URL = '/media/' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX =

Re: Serving static file on Windows

2008-10-04 Thread mrsource
You're right...the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX is routed before MEDIA_URL. Changing one of them has solved my issue. Carlo On 4 Ott, 21:34, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 3:19 PM, mrsource <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I can

Extend a field of an abstract model

2008-10-12 Thread mrsource
I have defined an abstract Model with some fields: class Componente(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=80,unique=True) description = models.TextField(blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True and then in the derived class I would to define verbose_name property f

Re: Which IDE do you choose with django?

2008-10-12 Thread mrsource
I'm using Eclipse with WTP (Web Tool Platform) and Pydev plugins. The eclipse debug interface is very powerful. On 12 Ott, 18:19, zjffdu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am a newbie of django, and want to know which IDE is suit for > django? > > thank your --~--~-~--~~~-

Re: Which IDE do you choose with django?

2008-10-13 Thread mrsource
I'm using eclipse because I also work on JAVA and I didn't want to learn another editor for python. Are Komodo or Eric 4 able to hot replace code in the debug mode? Pydev can't do that. On 12 Ott, 23:22, "Rob Sutherland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Tim Chase > >

Re: Overrding queryset on a field in form generated with ModelForm

2009-02-05 Thread mrsource
Maybe I missing some step: I trying to set up the the automatic admin page form to edit a category tree builded with treebeard extension: #Model: class Categoria(AL_Node,Componente): immagine = fields.ImageWithThumbnailsField (upload_to=Componente.image_path + 'categorie/',

Re: Overrding queryset on a field in form generated with ModelForm

2009-02-07 Thread mrsource
wargs['instance'].id).exclude(id=kwargs['instance'].id) On Feb 5, 10:11 am, mrsource wrote: > Maybe I missing some step: > I trying to set up the the automatic admin page form to edit a > category tree builded withtreebeardextension: > #Model: &

Re: A question about reverse url lookups for admin site in svn version

2009-07-19 Thread mrsource
I'm using the current trunk version and I have a similar issue with the reverse function: - I defined a get_urls() method for one of my models whose I have written a custom admin page. - From my view I try to reverse one of this pattern with the "admin:" prefix and it works but if I wrap the view

Re: A question about reverse url lookups for admin site in svn version

2009-07-19 Thread mrsource
Ok, I noted the same thing the reverse('admin:view_tree') works, then need a pattern to be named when self.admin_site.admin_view() decorator is used? On 19 Lug, 18:30, Alex Gaynor wrote: > On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 6:03 AM, mrsource wrote: > > > I'm using the current

Re: how to use postgresql8.4 in django1.1

2009-09-01 Thread mrsource
I suppose that you have downloaded the latest version of psycopg2: psycopg2-2.0.12.win32-py2.6-pg8.4.0-release.exe. In that case use the previous release psycopg2-2.0.10.win32-py2.6- pg8.3.7-release.exe that you can find here http://stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/index.2.0.9.html, the

Re: Need help getting the company I work for to go with django

2009-09-01 Thread mrsource
Two points: - Django has good performance and scales well. - It has many tools for safety, with a normal opensource CMS you have many more issues with security holes because all the code is public. On 1 Set, 18:52, "Rob B (uk)" wrote: > I work as a web developer at a reasonably large company in

Problem template library loading

2010-03-12 Thread mrsource
I have plugged dlevercss application to my Django project. In local environment (windows xp - python 2.6) I have no errors, but in public server (Ubuntu linux- python 2.5 - WSGI container), I get this error: " 'dlevercss_tags' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template library from django.

Re: Problem template library loading

2010-03-13 Thread mrsource
Ok you're right now works! I have confused clevercss with dlevercss...and I have forgotten that Django module dlevercss requires clevercss python library. On 13 Mar, 04:23, Karen Tracey wrote: > On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:37 AM, mrsource wrote: > > I have plugged dlevercss app