Re: How to show the template reserved keyword on html.

2012-02-20 Thread kahara
Hi, the doc says "argument tells which template bit to output", so shouldn't this be: {% templatetag openvariable %} sample {% templatetag closevariable %} /j On 20 helmi, 09:35, Morris wrote: > Hi Karen, > > Thanks a lot, I tried the method. > > {% openvariable %} sample {% closevariabl

Re: Javascript Image Hollover In Django

2012-08-31 Thread kahara
I don't think this is really related to Django? Anyway, if the selectors '.slides', '.slideshow' don't match anything, this will not work. Try wrapping the image elements in a div with class "slideshow". See for inspiration (view source). Joni p

Re: Posting from HTTP to HTTPS on same domain results in CSRF failure

2012-10-31 Thread kahara
Perhaps this could be fixed by simply redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS? Also, if you're using Analytics and your visitor comes in from an encrypted (Google) search page, then your Analytics will fail as the referer header will not contain search terms if the search hit is non-HTTPS.

Re: Enforce HTTPS for authenticated users but HTTP for anonymous

2012-11-29 Thread kahara
Could this be achieved, in a view, by quering if the user is logged in and if so, redirecting to the same page but with HTTPS? Something like: def index(request): if request.user.is_authenticated() and not request.is_secure(): # redirect to HTTPS One could argue though that to keep thin