Re: Build the _complete_ aboslute URI...

2007-10-31 Thread guettli . google
On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 09:06:58AM +0100, Jens Diemer wrote: > > > With get_absolute_url() [1] we can build a URL of a model entry. The Problem > is, > this is not really a _complete_ URL. The protocol and domain is absent. > > I implemented this: > ... The URL is absolute, since it starts w

Re: QuerySet.count() inaccurate across ForeignKey relationships

2007-10-31 Thread guettli . google
On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 11:09:49AM -0400, George Vilches wrote: > > Stated simply: > queryset.select_related().count() with no filter criteria generates a > wrong query across a ForeignKey relationship. Hi, do you get the correct results, if you use .distinct()? Distinct is not enabled by def

Re: QuerySet.count() inaccurate across ForeignKey relationships

2007-10-31 Thread guettli . google
> But all of this is besides the point, because one way or the other, > Django is doing *something* wrong. Sometimes the .count() returns 6, > and sometimes it returns 2 in the provided examples. About .distinct(): Django does not count: It uses 'SELECT count(*) ...'. The results you see are

include('myapp....') -> Modified settings

2007-11-11 Thread guettli . google
Hi, the include method used in is very nice. Nevertheless I miss something: It would be nice if you could use some settings, which only get used, if the request follows this include. It would be good, if you could activate some middleware and alter the TEMPLATE_DIR only, if the url start

Re: Signals: Server ready to server first request.

2007-12-14 Thread guettli . google
On Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 06:42:43AM -0800, Rajesh Dhawan wrote: > Hi Thomas, > > I read this: > > But I couldn't find a solution to execute code, > > if the SCGI/FastCGI/WSGI server is up, ready to handle > > the first request. > There is no signal like tha