Django debug of templates and home.html

2017-11-15 Thread drone4four
I am having fun trying to initiate a django project with some apps. I am taking an awesome course on udemy called, The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Django. I was able to follow along and I have a basic blog up and running. Now I am back tracking a little by starting over, this time using a supp

Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-11-15 Thread drone4four
The contents of my looks like this: from django.db import models # Create your models here. class Post(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=256) pub_date = models.DateTimeField() image = models.ImageField(upload_to='media/') body = models.T

Re: Django debug of templates and home.html

2017-11-15 Thread drone4four
ould be the standard. > > Please share the HTML code here, then it should be clear for further > suggestion. > > Regards, > Amitesh Sahay > > primary :: *91-907 529 6235* > > > On Thursday 16 November 2017, 6:47:43 AM IST, drone4four < > > wr

Re: Django debug of templates and home.html

2017-11-15 Thread drone4four
; Dobbs' Homepage Test > Latest News and Updates > {% for post in posts.all %} > {{ post.title }} > > {{ post.pub_date_pretty }} > > > > {{ post.summary }} > > > {% endfor %} Sorry if I confused you with the lorem ipsum non sense. Please disreg

Re: Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-11-17 Thread drone4four
through if that is what you are > looking for. For Italics tag should work. For strong text, you may use > tag. I hope that I have understood your question correctly. > > Hello, > > Regards, > Amitesh Sahay > > primary :: *91-907 529 6235* > > &

Re: Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-11-18 Thread drone4four
UTC-5, Jason wrote: > > What you're trying to look for is a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What > You Get), and there are a number of third party packages you can look at > > > ckeditor is one of the largest and most popular such projec

Re: Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-11-18 Thread drone4four
ks for your attention and thank you Simon for your patience. On Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 3:54:11 PM UTC-5, Simon Connah wrote: > > The error message is pretty obvious. > > "You're using the staticfiles app without having set the STATIC_ROOT > setting to a filesystem

Re: Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-12-13 Thread drone4four
ghtly larger font size than the rest and the first sentence is bolded? Thanks again. -Drone4four On Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 5:31:37 AM UTC-5, Antonis Christofides wrote: > > Hello, > > First of all: If you are just starting to learn, and because the amount > you have to learn

Re: Django field model for HTML parser?

2017-12-14 Thread drone4four
AM UTC-5, Mike Dewhirst wrote: > > On 14/12/2017 4:00 PM, drone4four wrote: > > Hi fellow Djangoistas: > > > > I'm back. > > > > Thank you Atonis for your help. I suppose I can leave the WYSIWYG > > editor static files for later when I have alittl

Deploying SSL for my Django 2.0.1 server with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04 (droplet)

2018-01-20 Thread drone4four
I’ve played with a little Django (v2.0.1) locally. Now I am trying to implement a test case on my production Apache web server. I’m running an Ubuntu 14.04 DigitalOcean droplet (will upgrade to 18.04 later this year). I got Django running. Here it is: Before

Re: Deploying SSL for my Django 2.0.1 server with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04 (droplet)

2018-01-25 Thread drone4four
inFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ Thanks to you both for your help so far. On Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 10:00:57 PM UTC-5, drone4four wrote: > > I’ve played with a little Django (v2.0.1) locally. Now I am trying to > implement a test case on my production A

Re: Deploying SSL for my Django 2.0.1 server with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04 (droplet)

2018-01-26 Thread drone4four
eferred to initially. Thanks for your attention. On Friday, January 26, 2018 at 1:21:07 AM UTC-5, drone4four wrote: > > You’re right, @Antonis, that I don’t want my Django source code exposed. > No sysadmin would. I have since moved my Django project folder to my home > user’s direct

Trying to deploy Django 2.0.2 (DigitalOcean)

2018-02-07 Thread drone4four
I am struggling deploying Django 2.0.2 on my DigitalOcean Droplet (Ubuntu 14.04) with Apache mod_wsgi. I’ve followed this guide closely. That guide focuses on setting

Re: Trying to deploy Django 2.0.2 (DigitalOcean)

2018-02-07 Thread drone4four
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 10:31:02 PM UTC-5, sacrac wrote: > > i think you install with python 3 right, django 2.0.x run only version > python3!! > > On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 9:13 PM, drone4four > wrote: > >> I am struggling deploying Django 2.0.2 on my DigitalOcean Drop

Question about dot notation syntax (Django source)

2018-02-15 Thread drone4four
In, “Password management in Django ”, it explains that this particular doc is for advanced users, like Django admins who need to choose different hashing algorithms. So it’s not really necessary for a

Re: Question about dot notation syntax (Django source)

2018-02-23 Thread drone4four
there is really not that much to explain here - it is probably simpler > than you expect it to be :-) > > Regards, > > Andréas > > 2018-02-16 5:09 GMT+01:00 Juan Pablo Romero Bernal >: > >> Hi, >> >> You must read:

Trouble deploying Django (project folder, and libapache2-mod-wsgi)

2018-03-08 Thread drone4four
I’m having some issues deploying Django. Here is my site: I’m running a Digital Ocean Droplet with Ubuntu 14.04 and Python v3.4 with Django 2.0.2 installed. In this post first I share what errors I am encountering, then what I think is the issue is and then what

Trouble deploying Django/wagtail on Ubuntu 14.04

2018-03-19 Thread drone4four
I successfully installed wagtail ’s bakery demo site locally. I ended up leveraging the README for this bakery demo site on their GitHub page which calls to use a ‘virtu

Re: Trouble deploying Django/wagtail on Ubuntu 14.04

2018-03-20 Thread drone4four
Thank you, Andreas. I added the python-path to my Apache ssl.conf and the Internal Server Error is gone now. It appears WSGI is serving my Django project perfectly. I adjusted ALLOWED_HOSTS just fine. But now Django is saying something about "TemplateDoesNotExist at /" in base/home_page.html.

Re: Trouble deploying Django/wagtail on Ubuntu 14.04

2018-04-03 Thread drone4four
ROJECT_ROOT to make that in to an absolute path, as the > example tells you to do. > > Cheers > > Tom > > PS - there is very little point anonymising your username when you > share the full error report. > > On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 4:14 PM, drone4four

Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-07 Thread drone4four
Hello! I’m trying to run a basic Django app which redacts a 16 digit number entered by the user. I had a it running a few minutes ago. I’m not sure what I changed, but now I am getting a MultiValueDictKeyError. I’ve triple checked every variable. The only dictionary in my project is in views.

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-07 Thread drone4four
eader as you didn't explicitly write this on > the form element. Check the URL and log the get object in Django to make > sure the data is actually appearing in both. > > On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 13:52 drone4four > > wrote: > >> Hello! >> >> I’m trying

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-07 Thread drone4four
Error at / Exception Value: 'ccEntry' Request informationUSER AnonymousUser GET No GET data POST No POST data FILES No FILES data On Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 1:34:17 PM UTC-5, Matthew Pava wrote: > > Please just paste the error in the email message. The error message that >

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-07 Thread drone4four
uot;get" . Which I > think is causing the problem here. > > On Fri 8 Mar, 2019, 12:03 AM Matthew Pava, > wrote: > >> Please just paste the error in the email message. The error message that >> you have mentions a ‘method’ object, which is not present in the code that >> you have

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-07 Thread drone4four
4:03:37 PM UTC-5, drone4four wrote: > > I am taking a course on Udemy and the instructor doesn’t include a method > attribute in the form tag. But as you suggested, Deepak, I went ahead and > added method="get" to my form tag in my home.html template. So line 7 now &g

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-14 Thread drone4four
late without a dictionary. That’s pretty much everything I understand. I’m not sure why a conditional as it appears above is necessary. Would someone here care to explain, if you can? On Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 4:05:28 PM UTC-5, drone4four wrote: > > This is a long shot, but

Re: Django credit card redaction app - - MultiValueDictKeyError

2019-03-14 Thread drone4four
rking correctly now. > > On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 9:57 AM drone4four > wrote: > >> I’ve discovered a ‘hack’ to correct the issue. I committed and pushed my >> changes up to my GitHub repo for those curious enough to try it out >> yourself. >> >> My probl

rsync vs git for Django development? + Project directory location?

2019-03-15 Thread drone4four
Have two questions. To manage development of a Django project, when interfacing local changes and mirroring them to my remote webserver, would you people recommend using rsync or git? I have a little experience with both. I've been using rsync to mirror basic HTML and CSS changes from my local

Separating remote vs local parameters - - “EMAIL”?

2019-03-15 Thread drone4four
If you take a look at this gist provided by a Udemy instructor and at this specific location , here he wisely recommends separating important local development configuration parameters, such as SECRET

Re: Separating remote vs local parameters - - “EMAIL”?

2019-03-16 Thread drone4four
quot;. Here is the real reason why the > instructor puts it that way: > > > There are a lot of variables that contain the 'EMAIL_' prefix, which is > why the instructor wrote it that way. > > On Fri,

Django module view has no attribute?

2019-04-01 Thread drone4four
I’m taking a Udemy course by Nick Walter and rather than copying line by line, I’m trying to branch out and experiment on my own. The purpose of the website I am creating is for a small blog, with the ability to redact string input (in an HTML form) from the user. There is also a word count

Re: Django module view has no attribute?

2019-04-02 Thread drone4four
ld recommend doing a short Python tutorial to understand some key > basics, such as how imports work ( > and doing the official > Django "Getting Started" guide and tutorial (you can find the latest > version on https://www.djangop

Novice questions about Pagination syntax and classes in general

2019-06-01 Thread drone4four
As part of the official Django doc on Pagination , take a look at the listing function: def listing(request): contact_list = Contacts.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(contact_list, 25) # Show 25 con

TypeError: missing 1 required positional argument (word counter app)

2019-07-10 Thread drone4four
I’ve got a Python script which counts and prints the number of words in a text file. The script runs beautifully. It takes a public domain book (a text file such as Alice and Wonderland) which then counts the top 10 most used words (but which also filters out stopwords). See here for some of

Re: TypeError: missing 1 required positional argument (word counter app)

2019-07-10 Thread drone4four
-i-get-the-file-name-from-request-files - How to reverse_lazy to a view/url with variable? On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 1:13:16 PM UTC-4, drone4four wrote: > > I’ve got a Pyt

Setting up Django for the first time, and

2017-10-01 Thread drone4four
I’m playing with Django for the first time. I am using a guide called, “Python from Scratch - Creating a Dynamic Website ” by [b]Tuts+ Code[/b] from YouTube. It’s kinda old. It was first posted in November 2011 and Django has evolved considerab