Casting a raw query set as a list for pagination

2013-03-26 Thread chambers24889
I'm trying to implement Django's built in pagination feature with a raw query set. I've researched the issue and the answer is I need to cast my set as a list. Something like this: paginator = Paginator(refg, 100) # Show 100 contacts per page paginator._count = len(list(refg)) >From my unders

Pagination with file upload (MultiValueDictKeyError)

2013-04-15 Thread chambers24889
I have a simple form that takes a user upload, queries a database, and displays results in a table. I receive the following error whenever I try to go to the second, third, fourth, etc page: MultiValueDictKeyError at /result/ "Key 'batch' not found in " Request Method: GET Request URL: htt