504 Gateway Timeout

2012-11-29 Thread bikeridercz
Dear all, I'm just facing a problem with little longer runnig SQL select command, and DJago framework returns a "504 Gateway Timeout" after aprox 10 seconds. My sql command is executed on Oracle SQL database through "django.db.backends.oracle" driver. Unfortunately I'm not able to find a place

l10n not loaded from base.html template

2012-12-31 Thread bikeridercz
Dears, strange thing happens to me, {% load l10n %} is not loaded in my base.html template, all other things like css works well. Thus I'm forced to {% load l10n %} in every template. I'm using formating numbers usings{% localize on %} and {% endlocalize %} tags. Can You help to solve this sm

Query executed two times in database (django 1.4, oracle 11g)

2013-09-05 Thread bikeridercz
Dear colleagues, I'm facing a problem probably related to caching infrastructure in DJango. Documentation says that data are fetched from DB once a then readed from cache. However, my results are different. Query is executed two times. On my opinion the first fetch should be enough. Here is a

RAW query to non default DB

2014-03-07 Thread bikeridercz
Dear colleagues, I'm trying to do a direct select do database other than the default one. But it fails with error. Note 1: "ASSETS.objects*.using('vodb')*.filter(...)" works fine Note 2: the select is little tricky and unfortunately cannot be replaced by a database view, because I have no acces

".count" in template does not work for "raw" queries

2014-03-10 Thread bikeridercz
Dear colleagues, please help, it seem that count method used in template does not work for collections of records populated in views via direct "raw" query. *Example in view:* recordset = ASSETS.objects.raw('select s.col1, s.col2 from table s where s.col3 = to_char(%s)', [xxx]) *Example in t