I've configured user's username field in following way
username = models.CharField(
help_text=_('Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and
@/./+/-/_ only.'),
I have been trying to do below steps and all the migrations except my custom
apps are getting failed with ORA-00955 error saying name is already used by an
existing object. When i search in oracle dba_tables i don't find
i have executed below steps which is failing:
Ho All,
Have created lot of stuff in app, when i try login to admin with superuser name
and password it shows integrity issue. And there is no row in django_admin_log.
On some posts i found this is an issue with django 3+ version which i am using.
How can i resolve this without hampering my exis
Hi All,
I am creating my first django project where i have inserted some data in
table which is oracle table.
Now i created insert form where i will put up data and submit which will
add a row in table.
Currently the form is rendered through model class and i am getting text
box on one charfield
Hi All,
I have created a django app on windows and have used bootstrap navbar n other
functions which are working good on windows.
Same files I have imported on unix server then i am able to get all details but
getting issue with css and js files saying below error
Refused to apply style from
gla wrote:
> Href = “{% static appname/something.css %}”
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: ashish goyal
> Sent: 06 July 2020 23:50
> To: django-users@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Static not working on unix while working on windows
> Hi Al
Hey musty,
No those basic things are working already on windows. But not on linux. Once
hosted css is not available, even after i did collectstatic in static folder
but still css n js are not loading with static
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> ema
Ok avi (Import mimetypes) and kevin (Remove stylesheet - hope this works on
redhat) will follow both changes and come back.
Since database is same When i was developing on windows and when i migrate to
linux redhat then no migration needs to be apply when i did migrate.
Sent from my iPhone
> O
Hi ajeet, yes done collectstatic
Sent from my iPhone
> On 08-Jul-2020, at 20:31, Ajeet Kumar Gupt wrote:
> You tried to first run collectststic
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020, 10:20 PM ashish goyal wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have created a django
Anyone done django deployment on linux rhel 7 and bootstrap working fine with
below command
python manage.py runserver
Need help
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Hi guys, i have built an app for collecting various stats of environment. Its
Now i wanted to integrate it with all the utilities or shell scripts which are
present on application server. So its like all scripts names as a list on
django app and one click run pf those script. Currently
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