as per the rules
setup in localflavor?
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lar issues we need to be aware of if we decided
to go down this path?
In particular, I wasn't sure how multiple instances of Django would
handle concurrency if they were communicating with a single database.
Any advice there?
Any other possible drawbacks/roadblocks?
Is there a particular reason for this? Or any way of achieving the
same effect?
On Oct 29, 5:48 am, Frank Wiles wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Victor Hooi wrote:
> > Hi,
a related_name argument to the
definition for 'minister'.
Now, if I change the name of the "church" field under Person, it will
validate - however, I'm still curious as to why this doesn't work? Any
way to fix it? (I assume I could add a related_name argument, I&
Thanks for your answer - I posted a reply (doesn't seem to work for
non-US), however, it doesn't seem to have appeared on the web-version
of Groups, so I thought I'd email you directly, just in case you
missed it and happened to know.
Hmm, I'm
When I try to run this code, I get:
'Category' object has no attribute 'split'
and the same error with subject, obviously, once it gets to that bit
of the code.
Any idea why this might be, or how to fix it? Any help is much
topdf) seem to require a lot
more dependencies installed/setup - reportlab is just a single package
to compile.
But yeah, I'd still love if there was a separate template I could use
to generate the PDF. It just feels very weird building up the PDF line
by line in
but serving up a different template, based
on user-agent - recommended way?
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way of handling this case? (assuming I want
to keep these fields as integers).
What about in the case of optional foreign keys (spouse and children)
- is there a better way of handling these, without using NULLs?
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't that how it works in a normal DB? Why is there a
separate Person_spouse table?
Is there any way to make this optional without using NULLs, or should
I make it a m2m field? (I suppose in theory you can have multiple
spouses...well, not under my jurisdiction, I
that all share
models? The main reason I split it up was for logically separating all
the different models, they still all need to import/relate to each
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can make sure I'm on the same page?
On Nov 30, 5:02 pm, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> On 30/11/2010 4:26pm, Victor Hooi wrote:
> > heya,
> > Phone Number - Yup, you're both right, I'll be using CharField now,
> > and model validation to make
However, I'll need to add a Meta/app_label to each and every single
model in that file - is that right? Or is there a better way of
splitting up a file across multiple files, or of somehow
organising this?
On Nov 30, 10:44 pm, bruno desth
recommend, to make the design more
logical and the less unwieldly/large?
On Nov 30, 10:44 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 30 nov, 07:01, Victor Hooi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I had an application with a fairly large file, which I split
> &g
no error messages.
Not sure what's going on here?
I also tried with django-extensions from Github, same error.
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seems to act up within Django...*confused*.
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Try deleting the table and then syncdb again...
Victor Lima
Em 25/12/2009, às 00:02, chen gang escreveu:
> Hi,
> I am really new to this tool... and need you help about this issue,
> thanks in advance!
> I create like this,
> ...
> class S
. Maybe its best to explain to us the actual usability
challenges you will have, hopefully someone has already been there
Victor Lima
Em 25/12/2009, às 09:13, Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu
> Dear All,
> We use Django for more than two years. Our experience is much mo
Restful API?
Victor Lima
Em 27/12/2009, às 18:58, Amit Sethi
> Hi ,I have a project that is in general written to work with wsgi
> server except i wish to alter some of the environ variables provided
> to the app. So I have a function:
> def __call_
Off topic side note: beware if you use vary on cookie and google
analytics, since analytics cookies changes a lot you are actually
caching views per analytics cookie change... That bugged us for a
while in our project.
Victor Lima
Em 05/01/2010, às 21:32, Justin L escreveu:
Address Inline as well (Nb: I'm using django-reversion
with this site, hence the "VersionAdmin")
class AddressAdmin(VersionAdmin):
class AddressInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
model = Address
class HospitalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [
but that doesn't work for hospitals, or say institutions, or anything
else that needs an address. So I can't just pick one. Or is my design
On Jan 19, 6:03 pm, greatlemer wrote:
> On Jan 19, 5:25 am, Victor Hooi wrote:
> >
How do people normally do this sort of thing, with a polymorphic
object that's referenced by multiple other objects?
On Jan 19, 5:59 pm, Raffaele Salmaso
> Victor Hooi wrote:
> > class AddressAdmin(VersionAdmin):
> > pass
> > class A
admit I'm often confused by this part, so anybody
that can shed light on the rationale for one way or another, please
chime in).
On Jan 20, 12:20 am, LostCruz wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> You are trying to do this the wrong way around. It shouldn't be the
> A
(The traceback in the ticket is quite different to the traceback I'm
On Jan 19, 9:55 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Jan 19, 10:35 am, Victor Hooi wrote:
> > heya,
> > Thanks for the reply =).
> > I tried th
ulate all the lookup tables - e.g. for category names).
I couldn't find anything about this in the JSON spec, I'm not sure how
other people are doing this in Django? Or do you just put everything
in a single file?
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etter off trying the approach here
( Or
should I just import the data into a clean Django-originated database
and leave it at that?
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"Django user
is there
a better way of achieving what I want to do within Django?
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, tag-clouds
Is there any way to somehow leverage off django-tagging? Or am I
better of starting from scratch on this?
On Mar 22, 1:54 pm, Paulo Almeida wrote:
> A possible solution would be to create a Many To Many relationship between
> articles and companies, w
Not sure if anything will become of this *crosses fingers*.
On Mar 22, 9:19 pm, Paulo Almeida wrote:
> I know django-tagging has the Tag model and the TaggedItem model. I wonder
> if it would be possible to create the Many to Many relationship between your
> Articles and t
-side Storage wouldn't
be too much of a stretch.
Are there any large barriers to an effort like this?
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Also, I noticed that dajngo-command-extensions, using the graph_models
command, it seems to ignore m2m relationships. It's really weird.
Has anybody else noticed something similar? Were there any major
changes to Django'
ines here, and having the
"Add Firm" embedded on that page (without having to open a new
window), or should I reverse the way my FK is?
On Apr 15, 3:58 pm, Victor Hooi wrote:
> heya,
> We're creating a small app to manage data-entry of publicat article
Has anyone looked into implementing optimistic locking for the Django ORM?
I didn't see anything logged into or in the
django-users list.
Has anyone taken a stab at implementing this yet?
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
On 8/13/07, TheMaTrIx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, its not reasonable to assume people know everything about python
> from day 1.
I really don't think this is an issue of knowing "everything about
python". Rather - it's about knowing how to use Google:
Hello, what is the difference (advantage) to use generic views or newforms
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Ian wrote:
> I have started looking at Django and was wondering if there is a
> widget equivalent to ASP.Net's GridView in terms of richness of
> functionality.
I haven't seen anything like this implemented in django, and presumably
the reason for that is django lacks anything like ASP.NET's View
I just noticed that the SelectDateWidget in newforms.extras does not
generate an ID for the select elements. I'm using that widget as a
model for my own, where I need IDs to be set. Although I can hard-code
IDs for now, is there a way to make these composite widgets obey the
form-related ID sett
The other "schema-evolution-ng" code is very dead. I don't have time
to maintain patches against Django anymore, and the patches I no
longer even use my own schema evolution code - it's fallen far out of
sync with Django's SVN head.
FYI - it basically just did what Derek's schema evolution code
Your error is in your logs:
ProgrammingError: ERROR: null value in column "age" violates not-null
You need to specify an age value, or define age=models.IntegerField(null=True)
On 11/30/06, gregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello i have manytomany relations (database Postgr
I find this interesting too since the use of numeric instead of a
float is the right decision most of the time.
If you're dealing with money at all - you absolutely cannot use float,
you *must* use fixed decimal types or you risk getting into all kinds
of really terrible rounding errors.
I'm fra
On 11/30/06, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victor Ng wrote:
> > If you're dealing with money at all - you absolutely cannot use float,
> > you *must* use fixed decimal types or you risk getting into all kinds
> > of really terrible round
> Even if you are right and the use of numeric is the right decision,
> still naming the fixed decimal type 'float' is, well, surprising ;-)
Agreed. It *is* surprising.
> I will really appreciate an example showing when SELECT FOR UPDA
> Victor Ng wrote:
> > If user A and user B are editting the same records and you enter a
> > race where they do this:
> >
> > A) retrieve record
> Here you mean SELECT FOR UPDATE, ri
One of the things I was hoping for in newforms but haven't found is a
way to do a composite form field that uses multiple elements
that reduce to a single python object. E.g.,
>>> class MyForm(Form):
... postdate = CompositeField(ChoiceField(choices=['Jan', ...]),
y doing content sniffing.
So sometimes, IE guesses wrong - and you get garbage if you just use
the Content-Type header. If you use the meta tag, it forces UTF8 in
almost all browsers.
victor "MSIE is a four letter word" ng
On 12/11/06, Gábor Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wel
countries and people from all over the
On 12/11/06, mezhaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 6:02 am, "Victor Ng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The unicode problem seems to creep up in this list a lot, so he
Unfortunately, not all charsets will support all unicode characters,
so really, the fact that DEFAULT_CHARSET configurable is mostly a moot
point for me. For example, latin1 won't let me encode asian
I honestly can't think of a good reason to do anything other than UTF8
unless you've
If anyone wants to poke at our schema evolution code you should be
able to apply this patch attached.
It's mostly working. The bugs I know about are:
1) M2M fields can't be repointed at new tables properly
2) there's some weird quirk with modifying null and db_index at the
same time. i have to
The patch I previous sent in mostly adds a couple functions to the
psycopg2 backend in the introspection module. The only big changes
that affect the mainline django code are in
I'm using my patches, so that's been tested through 3 schema updates
in production. As previo
the tests against MySQL or SQLite.
MySQL doesn't work because I haven't looked at it yet, and SQLite is
probably going to be impossible to implement since sqlite doesn't
implement a proper ALTER TABLE statement.
> I see. It sounds like it may be a bit of moving target, due to c
Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> On 12/9/06, Brian Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One of the things I was hoping for in newforms but haven't found is a
>> way to do a composite form field that uses multiple elements
>> that reduce to a single python object. E
eventually gets back to trunk.
I won't be able to do too much until the new year though - so that
said - can somebody open up the schema evolution branch, or better -
open up a new branch from trunk so that we can start hacking away at
this problem?
victor "i hate parking lots at chris
n a request comes in, Django tries to match the URLconf patterns against
> the requested URL, as a normal Python string (not as a Unicode string).
Is there any way to accomplish what I want? On Trac and the mailing
list I found some [efforts] [2] by Victor Ng to Unicode-ify things,
but nothing see
Let's say there's a Room model. And let's say there's a ManyToMany
relationship with User to specify which users can schedule certain
rooms. How should a person in such a circumstance create a SelectField
on a form with a user's rooms as choices? Or more generally, how should
I go about changin
Is posible install django from egg file?
Where download this egg file?
PD. Excuseme not talk english
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dade wrote:
> In my model I have something like this :
> def Image(modes.Model):
> ...
> def save(self):
> print "I've been called"
> ...
> super(Image, self).save()
> I see in the console the print is executed 2 times when I upload the
> image from the ad
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about - I've
posted a patch to this a while ago.
No unit test attached to it, anyone want to do the part that I was too
lazy to do? :)
On 8/24/06, Enrico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jacob,
Hi all,
I've been working on a django application which has to support unicode
pretty much all the way through. We have to support multiple unicode
scripts in the rendering of pages, in form submission, database layer,
even URLs.
>From my somewhat poor research for the last couple of weeks, the
If I am clear about your question, then django-allauth should help you
achieve that. NB: Template customization can be a drag when you just
getting started.
On Tuesday, 26 July 2022 at 02:11:31 UTC Ryan Nowakowski wrote:
> Your question is a little unclear but I'm assuming that you are trying t
Exactly what i wanted to say. The group has helped alot.
On Sun, 7 Aug 2022, 1:48 am José Ícaro, wrote:
> Hey Bro, this is not SPAM, it's Real Help Group. #no_Spam #only_Python
> Em sex., 5 de ago. de 2022 às 13:02, Dylan Reinhold
> escreveu:
>> Please stop spaming this list.
>> Thanks.
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Show your cold pleased
On Sat, 11 Mar 2023, 7:04 pm James Hunt, wrote:
> Hi there. I am fairly new to Django but have had previous success with
> creating an app and being able to access the Admin page.
> Recently, if I attempt to access the admin page of a new Django app it
> throws the CSRF e
Your welcome
On Sun, 9 Jul 2023, 3:54 pm Emmanuel Kasirivu Lugoloobi, <> wrote:
> Hello guys im studying network systems engineering in college and
> intrested in becoming a full stack web developer. I am currenlty on break
> will be openning in August,. I stumbled upon Dj
Whatever happened to this?
@sidmitra - did you manage to take over maintainership of this project?
If not, @cjl - do you still have the scripts for this?
On Thursday, 15 July 2010 23:25:44 UTC+10, sidmitra wrote:
> I would be willing to take it on or we can a
relationships to other models (for
instance, Classification, Country and Operating System would be stored in a
lookup table). What's the best way to look these up, and assign the
appropriate FK, whilst still preserving good performance and using bulk
You rec
Your get_absolute_url method is in the wrong format:::
it should be:
def get_absolute_url(self):
return ("view_name", #view name
On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 1:58:26 PM UTC-4, Jeff Green wrote:
> I am stuck in trying to figure out why the get_absolute_url call
your get absolute url method is in the wrong format::
if should be.
def get_absolute_url(self):
return ("view_name", #view name,
(), #tuble of positional args
{}, #dict of name kwargs
In your case, this is what the method should look like:
I partly agree with the above question. It's a solution, but you usually
never want to use your production database on a development server.
As for his problem, I would look into fabric. You can easily write a
function that dumps data from one database and into another.
On Thursday, July 26,
Django already comes with a built-in contenttypes application which does
exactly what you trying to accomplish, i think.
You should read the documentation:
On Friday, July 27, 2012 8:47:37 AM UTC-4, David wrote:
> Hi
Read the above reply.
When you print form.error --> prints out a custom __unicode__ for you to
use in your templates.
However, you can iterate over form.errors and it will act as a normal dict.
On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:56:28 AM UTC-4, vivek soundrapandi wrote:
> I too have the same pro
What about you do what the error is telling you to do?
All you need to do its to add a related name to your field definitions and
that will fix it.
If you need me to fix it for you, post some real code.
On Saturday, August 4, 2012 10:55:13 AM UTC-4, . wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to do t
That would imply that the user needs to log out of the other machine before
login into this one. For that reason you would also need to include another
view to log an authenticated user out of any other machines. I said an
authenticated user because you need to make sure that the user trying to
] "GET
> http://localhost:8000/api/v1/host/?name__regex=&format=json HTTP/1.1" 404
> 161072
For some reason, when I use requests, runserver prints out the whole
request URL, including localhost - but when I use the browser, or curl, it
only prints out the part *after* the
proxy variable, Python requests suddenly seems
to start working again.
I tried to set the no_proxy variable, and put in localhost and in
there - however, Python requests doesn't seem to respect that?
On Tuesday, 2 October 2012 22:48:26 UTC+10, Cal Leeming [Simplicity
Depending on what exactly you want to accomplish to match the root to a
url, I do as follow:
url(r'^$', 'earth.views.Home'),
However, it is sometimes good to have a default page if a request didnt
match the url requested (I would use this as the very last rule, otherwise
it will catch every req
You need to roll out your own widget.
I assume django will have html5 support in the near future.
On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:04:07 PM UTC-4, Juan Pablo Tamayo wrote:
> Is there any reason not to have the date widget input tag have the
> attribute type="date" instead of just type="te
I haven't heard of a package that does what you need. I will try to help
you as much as possible.
I use django-registration to handle user registration. It provides a form
named RegistrationFormUniqueEmail, this form, as its name suggests, will
ensure that the email used is unique.
For login:
gain if the user needs to sets thesession variable again? Or
should we not call delete_test_cookie()
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ingle list() like this? What
are other methods people are using to tackle this?
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ke this call from any page with the dropdown. Or is there
another way?
How would people normally handle having an AJAX POST call like this to set a
session variable?
Or should I just (dangerously) assume that cookies will work automatically?
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I do like the idea of just including a custom template tag =).
Hmm, can custom template tags interact with models or query the database
like that?
Firstly, Is it possible, and secondly, is it considered good practice?
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#x27;%s'? Is it always
needed, versus just return
And should I be using .format() instead? Or using something else?
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Also, as an aside, each link on our category dropdown is bound to a JS click
event - not sure how this would tie in with the custom template tag -
separate tag for that part of it?
in debug
35. if settings.DEBUG and request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR') in
Exception Type: AttributeError at /upload/
Exception Value: 'str' object has no attribute 'META'
Any idea from the above w
Aha, thanks guys. I can confirm that works fine now.
That'll teach me to read the API docs a bit, I just assumed it
was a 1-to-1 swap with render_to_response, didn't check the arguments =).
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ay of passing ValidationErrors from the and passing them back to the view to display the user.
What would be a good way of hooking that up?
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into a ModelForm? Also, the CSV
file is for creating multiple models - one model per CSV line - how will
that work with a single ModelForm? Do I just call it repeatedly?
And how will I then capture the ValidationError and get them back in my
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eed to do to make them work together.
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sions, as opposed to just redirecting to a blank login page again and
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r, instead of using has_perm,
check if the pagename matches the username.
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n the backslashes are
What I actually need is a way to store a regex raw string literal, so that I
can retrieve it later and use it in a regex.
Is there a better way of doing this?
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be adapted to be aware of the changes?
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Also, I noticed that there's no file in the first app that
creates - I assume this is by design, right?
Hmm, what's the rationale behind it?
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configuration files through a Django interface? Things I should be aware of?
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Damn, I didn't edit the subject - apologies - if there's a moderator, can
you change it to "Using Django to edit XML configuration files" please?
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not sure of the best way to do
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that in one call?
How would you handle invalid lines or validation errors for individual rows?
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27;d like to avoid hardcoding every form field in my template if
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f learning database theory, I'd suggest either "Database Design
for Mere Mortals"
or "Database Design with UML and SQL" (
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