I'm new to this Django thing and I run into first problem :).
Let's say I have two models and in each I have field with ForeignKey
relating to field in other model (hope it's clear). Now that I want to
run migrate with South, I'm getting "NameError: name 'ModelName' is
not defined". This is cl
Thank you kind sir for your fast response, that worked brilliantly.
Can I be cheeky and ask why does it work? :)
On 25 Cze, 18:43, Adrian Bool wrote:
> On 25 Jun 2012, at 17:41, Soviet wrote:
> > I'm new to this Django thing and I run into first problem :).
> > L
W dniu poniedziałek, 25 czerwca 2012 18:54:48 UTC+2 użytkownik Kurtis
> Actually, I'm pretty confused about this part :) A ForeignKey is used to
> relate to another Model -- not just a Model Field -- in Django's ORM.
> So for example, if you have a Team Model and a Player Model, you'
Thanks a lot! After few experiments I think I get it :).
But! I do have another problem. Lets ditch our football example. Let's say
that I have something like that:
class CherryTree(models.Model):
name = models.IntegerField()
cherries = models.ManyToManyField('CherryFruit')
class Cherry
Alright, bad example.
Lets try LEGO pieces. I have a LEGO set that has many pieces (ManyToMany).
But I have 4 wheels and 1 brick in that set. The 'brick' can be added with
no problem, but how do I save the information that there's 4 'wheel'
objects and not only one?
W dniu czwartek, 5 lipca 2
> You don't. You get all wheel objects and count them.
I don't understand. It's the same wheel added four times, not four
different wheels.
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Thanks, but damn, isn't that overly complicated (for me). Using through
looks like a easier way, but then I have to add Wheel four times and can't
just type '4' in some field, since I don't need it to exist in database
four time, just an information that there are four wheels.
W dniu piątek, 6
car = models.ForeignKey('Car')
part = models.ForeignKey('Part')
amount = models.IntegerField()
Whats the advantage of doing it 'through' if I can just make it a new
model? Or am I completely wrong about everything again? :)
(Sorry for the double post)
W dni
That's exactly what I want. Should I use 'through' or just make a new Model?
As I said before, with your car example.. if you just want to know how
> many of a part are in a car, Then what you did is enough, then you
> could have some cars, and some pieces, say
> Cars = (Motorcycle, 4x4, Car)
Now that I have basic understanding of models, I encountered even more
confusing subjects - views and urls. Now, the class-generic views are quite
easy to grasp at basic level, but I fail to understand what's wrong with
this code:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^$', ListView.as_view(
> Hope that helps,
> Smaran
> On Jul 7, 2012 3:36 PM, "Soviet" wrote:
>> Now that I have basic understanding of models, I encountered even more
>> confusing subjects - views and urls. Now, the class-generic views are quite
>> easy to grasp at bas
gt; passed to the view?
> Also, are you sure a car exists with the id / pk you're passing?
> Le 7 juil. 2012 23:10, "Soviet" a écrit :
>> But the ListView is working fine. And they don't use in the
>> documentation, just this, which I modified to fi
That's because of my example. I have a LEGO Set model:
class Set(models.Model):
lego_id = models.CharField(max_length=32, primary_key=True, blank=True)
#lego_id stores the unique number that's on every Lego box
text_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
And I resolved my proble
That's because of my example. I have a LEGO Set model:
class Set(models.Model):
lego_id = models.CharField(max_length=
32, primary_key=True, blank=True) #lego_id stores the unique number that's
on every Lego box
text_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
And I resolved my probl
Ha! Thank you and sorry for my stupidity. I was confused by the fact that I
didn't had to do this in {for ... in ...}.
W dniu niedziela, 8 lipca 2012 19:05:17 UTC+2 użytkownik Tomas Neme napisał:
> Man...
> > (r'^sets/(?P\d+)/$', SetDetailView.as_view(
> > model=Set,
> > context_ob
I'm trying to access the Theme name and put it in my template. It's been
working fine until I set the Theme.name as primary key. Did the
primary_key=True break it? How can I use it in template? I need the primary
key to make the DetailView. Or am I completely wrong about everything?
I need to set up EC2 instance to run Django+Python+PostgreSQL+Apache
+Solr+nginx+Mercurial etc. This is all black magic for me - I was only
using shared hosting like webfaction, where everything is dumb-
friendly :). But you know, "the customer is always right", and I have
to run it on Amazon
> type "linux howto" or "linux howto" or "linux for beginners" as a
> search result?
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