Re: how to create webpage

2017-08-12 Thread Sol Chikuse
Hi Dachawar. As much as Django, which is a web framework is designed to simplify your web development life, you will need to build the basic understanding of how it works. The best way to do this is to go through the Django documentation. Django has Tu

Re: Tutorial writing views help

2017-08-14 Thread Sol Chikuse
Hi Kareem, Regarding the 404 page error, you do not have to put a dot (.) at the end of your URL. Django does not have such kind of a pattern match in your urls. * *is the correct URL. Having said that, how does your index template look like?

Re: Tutorial writing views help

2017-08-14 Thread Sol Chikuse
Hi Kareem, In your template you have your code as: {% for question in latest_question %} According to your context dictionary in your index view, the above template code should be: {% for question in latest_question_list %} And then you should go to the url Regards.

Re: how can i create web app like twitter with django

2017-08-16 Thread Sol Chikuse
Hi there, Creating a web app like twitter is no easy task especially for someone with a little idea of Django. So before you attempt to develop a clone of such a gigantic project you should immense yourself in getting to know Django, work on some small projects, taking small baby steps *(Don't

Re: Can only get " runserver" if I use python3 instead of python

2017-08-16 Thread Sol Chikuse
Hi Ja, Just to add to what Antonis said, you can also create virtual environments with Python3 using the below code: *python3 -m venv your_virtual_dir_name* For instance to create a virtual directory with name *mysite* you will have to type: *python3 -m venv mysite* And then you can instal