See ticket #2315 and changeset [4487] for some work donde
in the Windows time zone stuff front.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
the error occurs.
Searching the ticket system and the list archives for "a2b_base64"
show there have been similar reports (including four previous
messages by Paul in the list :-)).
The other reports seem to suggest this is something that happened to
people using the MySQL backend
hear you found a way to avoid this problem getting
in you way.
I'd suggest to reopen one of the tickets and put the information
to reproduce it there (it seems lak of such info lead to
the closing of these reports) so it isn't lost and gets a chance
of being taken in account by the core devs and/o
tabase modifications or have been
maintaining the same shell session open from before you started
these mods?.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
submitting a report.
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"Django users" group.
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problem using trunk, please try again
by doing a checkout from the branch as Jeremy Dunck suggests in
another post of this thread.
Ramiro Morales
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On 4/25/07, Kai Kuehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> why can I add a record in the admin where the name field is empty,
Because, as you wrote, blank and null are False?
Ramiro Morales
You received this mess
On 4/25/07, Kai Kuehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4/25/07, Ramiro Morales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi list,
> > > why can I add a record in the admin where the name field is empty,
> >
> > Because, as you wrote, blank
cause it works
at the admin UI level so it doesn't know about database
primary keys and such.
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the Trac timeline:
(no RSS feed though)
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>From what can be seen in the change log it is being actively
This related wiki page has some valuable information relating to
geographical data
tools and libraries:
d the env vars (PYHTONPATH in this case) you need on
the crontab.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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m a few strange things:
* does not exist on django
* The error is about a "mysite" project but above
thre is a \newsite\ asi if the name of the
project were "newsite"
Are you sure that backtrace is a copy paste from the real one?
Also, it s
s running as has permissions
to read directories/files under the missed user's home dir?.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
To post to
very complete documentation:
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
escription of how template inheritance works in the no-tutorial
Ramiro Morales
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> NameError at /
> global name '_' is not defined
See ticket #5795:
Ramiro Morales
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the right way or the
> "python way".
Do you want to reimplement or do you want to use
get_model()?. If the answer is the latter you might
find this article helpful:
Ramiro Morales
g at the top of
the module and the parameter to the view, both are named "ldap", you intend to
call functions from the ldap module but inside the view function the
ldap name is
the name of request. hence the error.
Ramiro Morales
Hi guys,
On 9/24/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/24/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Look, Russell! Shiny interesting thing... pay no attention to hook
> > shaped object..."
> Ohh. shiny. ()
> Sorry - I've been having a 'dealing
t should solve both problems (that really are of the same issue, when
an admin view has been activated/defined for a model, the green plus
shortcut appears nesides the FK field area in the admin views of the models
related to it).
Ramiro Morales
> I assume I will have to do my own logic and work for this, correct?
Maybe youa re talking about this example:?
Ramiro Morales
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ud in the documentation too:
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group,
id, book, chapter, from_verse,
> to_verse, passage) values (1, "1", 1, 1, 2, "passage");
That´s now what Rajesh asked you to do, you are using the same PK value in
both statements.
Ramiro Morales
You received this me
;, 'chapter', 'from_verse', 'to_verse',))
Of course yo should zap the DB and make re-create if from
scratch from the models (so the additional UNIQUE constraint is set)
before testing
Good luck.
> Thanks!
> Seemant
On 11/1/06, Italo Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> ...and all my
> .py files starts with
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Are you really making sure the coding of these files _is_ UTF-8 as well,
not just flagging them as such to the Python interpreter. Right?
_plural = 'categoriën'
Also, see tickets [2]#170 and [3]#1945
HTH, Regards,
Ramiro Morales
Ramiro Morales
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users" group.
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ws in this Django Wiki page:
and report back your success/error to the list.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users&quo
y en
Esto es válido tanto para Linux/Unix como para win32
(yo lo estoy haciendo y usando Django en ambas plataformas
sin problemas).
PD: Te conozco de la lista de GrULiC
tablename.fieldname' order_by specification notation
suggested by the
[2]Django documentation, would it be worth to note this if the patch
gets applied?.
the updated
patch to ticket #2076.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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To uns
confusing but it has test cases that reproduce
the problem.
A workaround is to put the FK first in Meta.unique_together:
class Meta:
unique_together = (('test', 'number'),)
in you case.
Ramiro Morales
_name argument to the definition for 'child'.
ticket2536.child: Reverse query name for field 'parent' clashes with field
'Parent.child'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'parent'.
2 errors found.
TIA for any enlightenment.
Ramiro Mora
> > python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 35, in
> > defaulterrorhandler
> > raise errorclass, errorvalue
> > OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'site.pagerank' in
s in State.objects.all()]
['Cordoba', 'Numenor', 'Middangeard']
Please DO NOT cross post these kind of questions to the django-developers
PS: You need to put the State model before the Store one, or use forward
notation in the FK relationship on
ame the model Categoria instead of Category,
but in this special case (as it's also true with Pais)
it woud be missing the accented i.
Ramiro Morales
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REFERENCES "program_timedivision" ("id"),
-"track_id" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "program_track" ("id"),
+"track_id" integer NULL REFERENCES "program_track" ("id"),
exciting times.
Well, that was a bunch of loose ideas of things we could start.
What do you think?.
1. A similar version of this message was sent the Argentinean
Python Users mailing list.
Ramiro Morales
You received th
tickets #1715 and #170 (the comment previous to the last one of this ticket
seems to be the solution to the problem).
> It looks like the problem is at gettext module, how can I avoid this. I
> need to translate this site to many languages.
> Thanks in advance
> Goyo.
n example of a pluggable LDAP auth backend that allows
integrating Django apps with an existing user base maintained in a LDAP server.
Ramiro Morales
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instance/record of Tag already
created?. Is this the first instance/record of Post being added?.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
To post to this gro
n 2.4.3 on Ubuntu (recently updated from Badger to
> Drake).
All your setting seem fine. Are you running the django development web
server buy running ...mysite/ runserver ?
If so, make sure the invocation of a bare python effectively lauches
your python
ot;, line 36, in Item
dependencies = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False,
related_name='blocked_items', verbose_name=_('Depends on'), null=True,
blank=True, limit_choices_to=QNot(pk=id))
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pk
Anyway, this is a question for another mailing list, maybe a CentOS
one, a Python one or a MySQLdb one.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users&quo
t admin
04 class PollAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
05 fields = ['pub_date', 'question'] # or the order you want to use
07, PollAdmin)
Are you sure you are doing that?
Ramiro Morales
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e to tell from the changeset page.
Yes, it will be in 1.4
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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> Can anyone confirm this behavior and/or explain why this is happening?
> Why two settings files? Why is there an __init__ at the
> level? Why is there a file at that same level?
Please make sure you've uninstalled any old version of Django befo
ode. A valid use case. Perhaps an addition to the release notes
would be helpful.
Now, the mentioned cleanup was performed well before the 1.4 alpha (Dec 27
2011): 1 Oct 23 2011 so I don't understand how you are seeing the change in
behavior between alpha1 and beta1.
Ramiro Mora
rsion but working code.
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degree? If yes, what database? MySQL, sqlite, etc.
If MySQL, which storage engine?, etc.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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updates here.
Fortunately there is at least one book from a community member
(Reinout van Rees) in the works:
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users"
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Yarden Sachs wrote:
> i have 9000 rows. and using mod_wsgi on apache2. what am i doing wrong? i
> tried to switch to nginx+fcgi. and tried ubuntu srrver as well. same
> results.
> any ideas?
Do you have DEBUG=False in your settings?
Ramiro M
ry. But why the second index (varchar_pattern_ops in postgresql)?
See this ticket
and the commit that fixed it:
Ramiro Morales
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read the Fine Manual where the decprecation
and the steps you need to take are (and have been since Django 1.3 Apr 2011)
Two hints: The Django 1.3 release notes and the LOCALE_PATHS setting.
Ramiro Morales
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ange, but certainly possible, it is broken. We have
a test case checking that such feature works:
Could you reduce your failing case to the simplest form
and share it so we can do more research?.
ur platform. It is really nasty that in
2012 you need to install the binaries of a database server to be able
to install the client-side drivers of a programming language. This is a
problem solved decades ago.
Ramiro Morales
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also migrate the release tags (1.4, 1.3, ...) and the
post-release maintenance branches. The plan is to have it ready in a
couple of days.
The repository that previously was at is called
now and it has the 1.4 tag. You can clone
from it if yo
uses things even further. A good idea would be to use the
same terms used in the documentation of the startproject command.
And please keep this topic on this list that's where it belongs.
Ramiro Morales
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7;1.4' tag.
IIRC you can achieve that with::
git checkout 1.4
On 5/6/12, Larry Martell wrote:
> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Ramiro Morales wrote:
>> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Larry Martell
>> wrote:
>>> Last month I set up a system and when I cloned dja
ih the files form the
previous installation aren't overwritten and you end with a broken mix of
The documentation has recently been [1]amended with instructions on how
to avoid this. Please use the [2]updated section in the relevant document.
Ramiro Morales
all, one of the advantages of using
a virtualenv is that you don't need o be a system admin
because you don`t want to/can't touch the globali system-wide
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users"
will be of great help.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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To uns
\Python27\Scripts\ startproject foo
The basic concepts will always work. The above techniques will allow
you to execute script in any interpreted language on any platform.
Ramiro Morales
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Because part 5 of the tutorial has an entire section devoted precisely
to this topic:
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"Django us
StackOverflow and four times on this thread
and haven't provided that rather basic piece of information.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
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this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
Enviado desde mi dispositivo móvil
oncepts more
clear and because there hasn't been significant changes in this functionality
since Django 1.4.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django
now and hopefully it will be reflexted in the downloadable
content soon.
This is in the master branch (nascent 1.6). The 1.5 stabilization
branch shoudn't
be affected.
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have a a corrupt copy because both pieces are released together,
and when a correct installation has been performed, they are built and installed
together with matching version IDs.
You might find better answers in a mailing list or IRC channel
devoted to mysqldb. This isn't a Django -related
Perhaps you created a virtualenv with a copy of the app
there but already have a global one?.
Also, is seems the app ships a copy of several third party
django apps (like south) inside their lib/ subdir.
Ramiro Morales
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selector in the lower right corner of all
the documentation pages that shows and controls what version
you are reading.
Maybe we can try to make it even more visible but I'm afraid
we are running out of ideas for this persistent problem some
users keep running into.
Ramiro Mor
paceholder file inside it adding the Poll and Choice
model definitions?
2. Make sure you don't remove the file inside that polls/ subdir
3. Are you effectively using Django 1.3?
Ramiro Morales
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Alias /static/ /home/jisson/Desktop/
but the fact that all the error log entries are about subdirectories
of the static dir (js, images) but no about actual static files is a
bit strange.
Ramiro Morales
line 38, in connection_init
cursor = self._get_connection().cursor()
Note the python module it mentions is /south/db/,
that's what tracebacks are great for, if you read them
binary should process and
execute it (like the #!/path/to/python line in Unix).
There are a handful of third party solution and tricks (like the ones
you tried) but from the number of times this topic appears in mailing
lists IMHO it is evident they only muddle the landscape and/or break
make sure you execute it with the Python interpreter.
Forget about trying to simple invoke django-admin (or
as a standalone program.
Good luck.
Ramiro Morales
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"Django users" group.
produce this based on ther rather sparse description you've
given us and I don't seee these problems.
Please expand the decription of your setup, particularly the "I just downloaded"
part. I see you are using a virtualenv.
Ramiro Morales
You received this message beca
ost the /home/easyi/.virtualenvs/tomw/project/tomw/
According to the traceback it has in line 4 a reference to a
/etc/apache2/https or /etc/apache2/https: file that doesn't exist.
Ramiro Morales
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le that you somehow are importing/including/referencing
/etc/apache2/https from
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On Dec 15, 2012 11:30 AM, "Phil" wrote:
> Hi,
> I had django setup and working for over a year now working with it on and
off. I was away for a month, came back and now whenever I run
" runserver 8080" I get the following error...
> ImportError: Settings cannot be imported, be
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:06 PM, 向浩 wrote:
> Environment:
> Request Method: GET
> Request URL:
> Django Version: 1.0.4
> Python Version: 2.7.3
Ramiro Morales
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bly the right server name (localhost)
and credentials (root/empty) so it can access such database. Great.
But there is a crucial link missing. You haven't told Django you want it to use
that database fotr this project/application.
That's what the NAME setting above is for. Use it.
The eror m
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Ramiro Morales wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Praveenkumar Venkatesan
> wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I was walking through the tutorial part 1 on polls. When i executed "python
>> sql polls" i got this
On Dec 26, 2012 7:05 PM, wrote:
> Whenever I run "python shell," I don't get any errors, but I
get the following:
> C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\bin\mysite>python shell
> Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win
> 32
> Type "
On Dec 26, 2012 5:56 PM, wrote:
> This is strange - the original code is indented correctly; however, the
copy/paste shows incorrect indentation.
This could happen if you mix spaces andás tabs. Read some introductory
Python material to know more why this is a bad idea and a basic mistake.
On Dec 26, 2012 7:46 PM, wrote:
> You know what? I didn't "expect" anything because I HAVEN'T DONE THIS
> BEFORE That is why I am doing an introductory tutorial. Thanks, Ramiro -
> highly intelligent answer. Ryan - you are a professional.
Wait. Why do you assume I was trying to troll you
Ramiro Morales
On Jan 28, 2013 11:03 PM, "Ricardo Diaz" wrote:
> Well, i'm following a video tutorial -> this guy is using Django 1.4 and
when he uses startmanager on shell Django creates all of those files on the
main folder.
> Check it about 3:11 https://www.y
On Jan 29, 2013 9:57 AM, "Alessandro Pelliciari"
> Hi, I'm writing some tests with Selenium.
> When i run my selenium tests (LiveServerTestCase type) and i have some
error in my code (not in the test, i mean in the code executed, like the
homepage view i reach with selenium) i get the 5
Ramiro Morales
On Jan 29, 2013 12:33 PM, "Alessandro Pelliciari"
> thanks for the link!
> So Isn't there a way to set DEBUG=True in tests?
No. There isn't (at least with the built-in testing toolbox).
Now, I'm trying to understand why do y
On Jan 27, 2013 10:58 PM, "Sayth Renshaw" wrote:
> Now the only thing is that when I call p.choice_set.all() I don't get the
representation 'The sky' or 'Just Hacking again' . I receive choice object
itself. Is this normal?
That happens because you seem to hsve missed or decided to skip the
g the script you will get
afterward. e.g.:
mysite> C:\python27\python startapp my1stapp
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ne hypothesis: Is it possible "Save Changes" also appears as the
singular literal of a singular/plural construct (ungettext() calls or
{% blocktrans %}...{% plural %}...{% endblocktrans %} tags)?
Ramiro Morales
You received this message because you are subscribed to th
to a supported version (1.3 isn't
for this kind
of fixes) or apply this fix manually:
Django versions 1.4 or newer already include it.
As a general rule, if you find a problem with an ancient version it'
ch template file is the one
triggering the issue.
it would be great if you could isolate it and create a simple test case.
Non ASCII characters in non-comment template content should be handled
Ramiro Morales
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y difference is that in your case you are including the admin dynamic,
namespaced url map so laying with some variation there would be a good way to
get further.
Ramiro Morales
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Documentation is clear in this case:
- The only DB fixtures leaded automatically on syncdb are the ones
named 'initial_data'
- You should explicitly specify the names of the DB fixtures you want
loaded for a given test case.
So there are two safety nets there. You need to break
admin/ and the URLs of the
'apps.other' app with an 'apps.other.urls' included urlconf plus views
are always prefixed by the language code
(e.g. /en/other/hello/ or /es-ar/other/hello/)
There seems to be something else at play in your setup that is causing
the problem.
t_noop. Is this the correct approach?
Ramiro Morales
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