Upgrading from django 1.3 to django 1.4 -- timezone support

2012-04-04 Thread Rajat Jain
Hi, I have a MySQL 5.5 backend and I use it via the Django 1.3 framework. I am trying to switch to Django 1.4, but want to know how it will affect me. Currently I store all the timezones in PST. As far as I understand from reading the documents, if I upgrade to 1.4 and keep the USE_TZ = False

ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX deprecation and using static files

2012-04-05 Thread Rajat Jain
Hi, I have a django 1.3 based frontend and it serves all the static files from Amazon S3. I am wishing to upgrade to Django 1.4. It seems that Django has changed the way admin static files are rendered. I have the following configuration: settings.py: I have the app django.contrib.staticfiles in

HttpResponse_is_string is removed Django 1.4

2012-04-05 Thread Rajat Jain
Hi, I have noticed that the class variable HttpReponse._is_string (in django/http/__init__.py) is removed in Django 1.4. I was setting this variable in a couple of places in my code, so that piece of code is breaking in Django 1.4. Do you know if this field is required at all? If not, is it just s

HttpResponse_is_string is removed Django 1.4

2012-04-05 Thread Rajat Jain
Hi, I have noticed that the class variable HttpReponse._is_string (in django/http/__init__.py) is removed in Django 1.4. I was setting this variable in a couple of places in my code, so that piece of code is breaking in Django 1.4. Do you know if this field is required at all? If not, is it ju

Re: HttpResponse_is_string is removed Django 1.4

2012-04-06 Thread Rajat Jain
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I was just setting this to true. On Friday, April 6, 2012, Ian Clelland wrote: > > > On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Rajat Jain wrote: >> >> Hi, >> I have noticed that the class variable HttpReponse._is_string (in django/http/__init__.py)

The template tag {% load tz %}

2012-04-30 Thread Rajat Jain
Hi, I am shifting to Django 1.4 and want to use the timezone support (for which I want to use {% load tz %} in my templates). The problem is that I have aroudn 30-40 templates, and manually adding these tags to each template is a pain. Is there a way by which I can do this loading by default in al