. If
you're unfamiliar with these concepts, the following information
will surely be of use to you:
* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Inline_replying>
* <http://catb.org/jargon/html/T/top-post.html>
* <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html>
* <http://www.ca
ncdb' command.
Phil Mocek
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ng Django 1.0, python-sqlite2 2.4.1, and libsqlite3-0
3.5.9, and the syncdb command creates an SQLite database for me
without the need for me to first create an empty file.
Phil Mocek
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on from a central package
repository. Also note that dpkg has been ported to OS X as part
of the Fink Project [10].
[8]: <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs>
[9]: <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv>
[10]: <http://www.finkproject.org/>
Phil Mocek
to help solve more interesting problems than tutoring newbies on
mailing list etiquette.
Good luck.
Phil Mocek
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"Django users" group.
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[3]: <http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3330.txt>
[4]: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost>
[5]: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loopback>
Phil Mocek
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On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 09:01:01AM -0700, donarb wrote:
> On May 7, 8:43 am, Phil Mocek wrote:
> > This, unfortunately, is not explained in the runserver
> > documentation [1] or the admin utility's built-in help. The
> > only place I've found it documented is i
"public IP address". This is fine for casual conversation, but --
for reasons including that which was discovered in this discussion
-- not for a technical tutorial whose target audience is software
Phil Mocek
You recei
ding of it, someone can help guide you to
whatever part you're missing or misunderstanding.
Phil Mocek
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[3]: <http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before>
Phil Mocek
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Does this not result in get_or_create operating atomically?
[2]: <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.0/topics/db/transactions/>
Phil Mocek
hanks in advance for doing so.
[1]: <http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/AuditTrail>
Phil Mocek
You received this
On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 01:21:50PM -0700, David wrote:
> Is there a homepage for users by default?
That is a question about your application, not about the Django
Phil Mocek
You received this message because you
f putting these ratings into their own table, although this
seems a bit of a waste for a short list of data points that will never
Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
Phil Edwards | PGP/GnuPG Key Id
Brighton, UK | 0xDEF32500
Phil Edwards wrote:
> This all works as expected. The final step that I'm not able to figure
> out is what to put in either the view or the template so that I can do a
> lookup of the 'package.rating' value (which will be 1, 2, 3 or 4)
> against the 'ra
e he or she neither
noted the version of that particular player which is known to have
the bug nor referred to a bug report.
Phil Mocek
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and 'django multiple
url single view' but I can't find anything useful. I think that at this
level, my setup probably doesn;t matter, but if it does I'm using Django
1.2 on both Windows XP and Linux, with Python 2.7 and 2.6 respectively,
depending upon which machine I have my US
On 18/07/2010 23:55, Phil Edwards wrote:
def servePage(request):
if request.path[1:] == '':
thisPage = Page.objects.get(name = unicode('home'))
thisPage = Page.objects.get(name = unicode(request.path[1:]))
sidebar_list = Page.objects.filter(category
as exactly what I wanted.
Thanks again folks!
Phil Edwards | PGP/GnuPG Key Id
Brighton, UK | 0xDEF32500
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"Django users" group.
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To u
A bit late, so you may have solved this or given up on it, but
still... I just had the same error message and eventually solved it by
changing the order of my INSTALLED_APPS. So maybe you have slightly
different settings on your local and live servers, and the apps are
ordered differently on each?
the code for my moderator, in
case it helps: http://dpaste.com/253308/ It works fine like that, with
the standard framework, but if I switch the import lines over, add my
custom comments app to INSTALLED_APPS and COMMENTS_APP settings, the
enable_field has no effect.
What's the magical m
ng over it, but it's got personal, and I just want to understand
the solution now! Any help very much appreciated.
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Phil Gyford wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't get my extended version of django.contrib.comments to take
> notice of moder
ntry" to either
customcomments/forms.py or customcomments/models.py then comments are
*always* allowed through. Any idea why? Thanks.
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Phil Gyford wrote:
> I've investigated further and... it's very strange.
> I've got a v
le of times and tentatively re-opened it with an explanation:
I'm going to have to move on though and try and work around the
problem for now as this frustration is doing me no good at all :(
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Klaas van Schelven
After reading a few articles on this kind of thing, I tried to figure
out a good, repeatable way to do some of this, and wrote up the whole
process here:
It doesn't (yet) cover the best ways of integrating dev/produ
I have a unit test that tests that a comment can be posted on an entry
in a Django blog. Posting a comment myself in the browser works fine,
but the test always fails with this error:
"TemplateSyntaxError: Caught VariableDoesNotExist while rendering:
Failed lookup for key [request] in u'[{}]'
for the presence of these, and using empty strings if they're
not present, has got things working again.
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Phil Gyford wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a unit test that tests that a comment can be posted on an entry
> in a Django blog. Posting a comment myself i
ting the image and
delete any images over 30 minutes old?
This should be a fast operation since there are not likely to be that
many images.
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"Django use
e newforms edit_inline stuff (not surprising as
written before that appeared).
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"Django users" group.
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k to
Backwards-incompatable changes which is what you want to read.
Wiki is at: http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki
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"Django users" group.
To p
On 01/04/2008, timc3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought that I could add in some additional information to a form
> before it gets saved as a new object in the database but the following
> isn't working:
> def groupadd(request):
> if request.method == 'POST':
> form = Group
ld' is actually a boundfield instance which
wraps the real field. To get to the real field use 'field.field' in
the template. I.e. your template would look like:
{% for field in form %}
{% if field.field.is_song %}
Phil Davis
k a shell prompt
so the other commands will actually be run.
Running postgres by hand like this is fairly unusual. Normally it would
be started/stopped by the main init scripts which is a far more reliable
Phil Davis
You received this m
s['object_category'].widget =
> forms.RadioSelect(choices=[(c.id, c) for c in
> self.fields['object_category'].queryset])
There is an empty_label kwarg you can set to None to supress the "-"
option so I guess something like:
super(EventForm, , self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['endDate'].widget = DateTimeWidget()
class Meta:
model = Event
Phil Davis
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have needed to do this I simply add a item attribute to
each form field so in the template you can do:
{% for x in form %}
{% endfor %}
To set up the item attr just do:
form = DynForm()
for x in y:
2008/4/24 Phil Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/4/24 Raisins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> {% for x in form %}
> {{x.item.some_x_attr}}
> {{x}}
> {% endfor %}
I forgot that within the template there is a BoundField wrapper around
each real form fie
Am I missing something here? Or is this worth a patch submission?
Seems like I'm having to do a lot of hacking to get my forms
displaying nicely, particularly when it comes to designating widgets
for fields in a model.
Any enlightenment much appreciated.
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t; one place with nothing to do but code, so hopefully we'll be able to
> hit a lot of stuff and get a release out very quickly (we'd like to
> release 0.96 in the next day or two).
My vote would be for a design decision to be made on 15
Thanks Mike - that did the trick. I thought there would be a simple
solution - should have RTFM more thoroughly...
On 27/02/07, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The range function has an optional 'step' argument.
> Howzabout:
> SelectDateWidget(years=range(2006,1900,-1))
> > But is ther
it's date should be treated as the beginning of time.
An easy fix would be for me to make these required fields, but I'd
quite like them to be optional. Is there any way I can do this
without writing a custom query?
You rec
objects = objects.filter(Q(active_from__isnull = True) |
Q(active_from__lte = datetime.datetime.today()))
objects = objects.filter(Q(active_to__isnull = True) |
Q(active_to__gte = datetime.datetime.today()))
return objects
On 02/03/07, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED
seem to "get lost".
The general layout of the code was:
from django.db import connection
from django.db import transaction
def foo(self,someargs):
cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> a
So just remove the trailing commas in your view and you will then be
assigning a date rather than a tuple to conference_date.
In general the error "'tuple' object has no attribute xxx" normally
means a trialling comma slipped in somewhere - it is a mis
but it reflects what I'd like to get on my form:
> {% for fieldname in form.fields.keys %}
> {{ form.fieldname }}
> {% endfor %}
> Does any one know how I might accomplish this?
The following template would work with the view code you posted.
{% for field in form %}
{{ fiel
at the admin app uses
(django/contrib/admin/media/css/forms.css) so one way to fix your
problem would be to edit that file or include your own style sheet
after the forms.css which overrode the label element's width.
Phil Davis
from which
CSS style line and even change it in the browser to test out what
effect any change would have.
Phil Davis
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ns this very case.
The answer is use {{form.FIELDNAME.label_tag}} in your template.
Phil Davis
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"Django users" group.
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list of
> participants doubles!
Did you ever find out the answer to this problem?
I have just tried a 'by-the-docs' generic view with simple 2 model
master/detail update form and get exactly the same problem or
duplicated detail rows after each save.
Phil Davis
On 11/9/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/9/06, Phil Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have just tried a 'by-the-docs' generic view with simple 2 model
> > master/detail update form and get exactly the same problem
chunks, rather than one big lump of
Is there a way to easily set a model to have one singleton instance?
I've thought about adding some pre-save code to check and only allow
for one instance, but wondered if there was a more graceful wa
s just like I'd edit a standard model instance, but because
there is only one instance of my "Homepage" I never want more than one
instance of it to exist.
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to only
allow client users to edit that instance.
Thanks for your help guys - all food for thought.
[1] http://www.carthage.edu/webdev/?p=15
On 05/12/06, Jeff Forcier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As James and Fredrik have implied, I believe the proper solution here
> is to
> }
> )
app_fields = []
for f in app._meta.fields:
'label' : f.verbose_name,
'value': getattr(app, f.name),
Works for me on Boolean field
{{post.post_set.all.-5.post_text}} directly in the
template (untested)?
Phil Davis
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I think you would need to pass last_seen in via extra_context and do:
{% expr object.topic_modification_date > last_seen as newflag %}
{% if newflag %}
{% endif %}
Phil Davis
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it's just not going to be possible,
but just interested to know if anyone has ever done anything similar?
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users" group.
To post to this gro
apps gives me slightly different apps complaining
about different models.
Very weird. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
my part, I've revisited the
structure of the models involved, and the final outcome is a much more
elegant and intuitive application.
On 26/01/07, Phil P
I've currently got a large-scale app in development on CentOS (but to
be deployed on Red Hat), but it's running on Python 2.3. Aside from
your Python install, there are also a few pre-requisites you might
need to install alongside Django, such as MySQL-Python.
Don't know if it's any help, but he
el, using a primary key with username and url
> or a integer id and have a unique constraint to username and url?
Sorry if you already knew this but it was not clear from the above.
The normal way would be to simply use the "unique_together" model Meta
attribute which automatica
But all I ever get rendered in my template (using {{ form.postcode }})
is a single text input.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
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t, but I understand a lot more about how this code
On 06/02/07, canen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Phil,
> Thought an example might help.
> class VacationBudgetField(MultiValueField):
> def __init__(self, required=True, label=None, wid
nything which allows me to administer comments for my models. Am I missing something completely obvious? Or have I missed out a step?
Thanks in advance.-Phil
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users&q
g out the form for posting acomment to that object:{% free_comment_form for
blog.posts object.id %}You can find out more about how the comment tags work in thetemplatetags library in django.contrib.comments:
Waylan Limberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/11/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Thanks for the clarification - always useful while the documentation is in a> state of flux.>
> I've now got the front-end comments working as expected, and I'm mightily>
Hi Gunnar,I had a few issues when setting up my first Django project through mod_python, the main tricky bit being the setup of the correct PythonPath variable. However, seems you've got that right.The only other thing I can think of is that Apache doesn't have permission to access your Django pro
documenting the old vs. new syntax here:
Hope that might at least lead you in the right direction for solving
your problem.
> Hello Gunnar,
> I am sorry, that w
ango-based sites and have seen
very good performance. If by chance you use them, do me a favour and
tell them you were recommended by ppowell - they have a very
open-source friendly "thank you" scheme going (and are general
open-source advocates all round).
On 16/05/06, Pythonist
use a BASE tag in the head of your HTML to set
a a full or partial base path to preceed all relative resources.
Hope that helps.
> Hi,
> My templates refer to CSS and images with absolute URL. I
> cannot ser
ng a lot of effort into getting
documentation in order and I'm sure he'd appreciate our help by
providing a simple link to *where* mistakes our out-dated documents
reside, rather than posting cynical RTFM-like Google replies.
It's about contribu
There's one very good reason why Django (and any other framework / CMS
worth it's salt) deliberately avoids serving static files, and that
reason is "performance".
Your content serving mechanism should be about retrieving and
manipulating content data, and performance can be haevily impacted if
hardcoded to /comments/
I could do some really hacky URL manipulation, but I'd rather not -
would seem to me that a more sensible solution would be to provide an
overide for the standard path to comments.
Anyone else run into the same problem? Found a
is what I'm finding great about Django: conventions allow you to make
assumptions which just work!
On 24/05/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wanted to pose this question before raising a ticket, or
> starting to work on a patch, just incase someone
And in addition, for anyone who's interested, if you change the
default path from /comments/ for your commenting, you'll need this
It will rectify an issue with posted forms redirecting to the wrong location.
On 24/05/06, P
ldtype working fine, with a customised form class, and
I've tracked the code up to the point where fieldsets are generated,
but am at a loss now as to how those are wrapped in the "widget"
Any pointers much appreciated!
if a template doesn't exist.
On 14/06/06, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/14/06, Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm playing around with extending field types, but I've hit a bit of a
> > wall when trying to create cus
basis for an ImageFromUrlField, using the data
from the URL instead of the POST data?
Just out of curiosity: why have images uploaded from URLs rather than
a standard form upload?
On 16/06/06, mwtb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've asked a couple of
instance already exists (which would be a bit confusing for an admin
user, and probably a bad idea)
On 16/06/06, bradford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need a model called settings that has some application settings the
> user can edit in the admin. How should I set this
On 16/06/06, mwtb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I haven't looked at that, so at least it's a new options, thanks.
> My Python ability gets a bit stretched when reading some of the code in
> that area, but I guess that's a good thing.
I've just been playing around with creating new field type
Hi all,
Just out of pure curiosity: has anyone had any experience / know of
any work around using RDF / triple stores with Django?
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"Django users"
This ought to do the job:
On 19/06/06, Mike Crowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm just starting looking at a django backend for a system we need to
> redo. The existing db is MSSQL (
automatic thumbnail generation working recently,
using template filters.
On 20/06/06, Sasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to create a thumbnail for an image after it has been uploaded.
> I have seen two possible approaches descibed here - su
nd have an object-based API translate to SQL without a middle-man?
On 19/06/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 12:35 +0100, Phil Powell wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Just out of pure curiosity: has anyone had any experience
name => 'Doe'},
:subject => 'rdf'
I wonder how that would look in Python...?
> In my infinite spare time, perhaps...
Hmmm, spare time? What an interesting concept ;)
You received this message because you a
This is fantastic stuff! I'll be taking a look at testing it out and
possibly implementing for a current project (thousands of image files
to manage).
Any plans for a SVN address?
On 08/07/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> today we´ve finished the test vers
t of Categories, but
ONLY those Categories which have been assigned to one or more Photos.
I can think of plenty of ugly ways to work around this, but wondered
whether anyone had a graceful solution?
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Thanks for the update Patrick. I've got this part working, but having
trouble with makethumb on existing files on the server - not had time
to delve too deeply yet to see what the problem is though.
On 11/07/06, va:patrick.kranzlmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a n
dering the response, but with no context returned. Any ideas?
On 12/07/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> makethumb works for me - although the makethumb-image is not
> displayed correctly (I´ve already changed that).
> change line 170 of filebrowser/views.py fr
Jorge - that is exactly what I was after - thanks very much! I don't
have too many categories, and don't expect there to be more than 100
or so - so the convenience outweighs the overhead.
This way, I'm even able to add filters before doing the iteration.
On 12/07/
anged which might have an effect on this.
Is there a simple way to disable caching for admin? Or should it
happen automatically?
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any of the core developers on this?
On 20/07/06, Axel Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > It looks like the right way to deal with this is to implement per page
> > caching, but that doesn't look too simple to me. I hope that someone
> > will p
That's excellent - strange I came across the problem right at the same
time you were fixing it ;)
On 20/07/06, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2006, at 4:45 AM, Phil Powell wrote:
> > It seems odd that this doesn't seem to have popped
standard ImageField
gives me problems: even though the image is referenced, it gets saved
in the DB with it's full filesystem path.
Anyone have any pointers on how I might be able to implement this
gracefully? Or am I just being too hack
Hi guys - thanks for the replies.
I guess what I'm trying to do is get the file references inserted into
the DB so that I don't have to do any custom procesing when retrieving
data. Parsing the path once it's retrieved is an option, but creates
complications when viewing stuff in admin etc.
of selecting one of a number of different style sheets). I've looked
at using middleware, but that would require me to set the variable in
each of my views? I want to have this available for *every* template,
including flatpages.
Is there a simple way to
That sounds like just the thing I need - to hook into every request
and inject into the context dictionary. Will give it a try. Thanks
> Context processors might work:
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates_pytho
doing this with a Choicefield plus a separate Charfield,
but is there a better way?
Thanks -Phil
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-off, or infrequent
which they will not want to clutter their options list with but still need
to record against a transaction.
*Ryan *- thanks, the datalist looks like it might be right option. I will
look at custom widgets.
All the best - Phil
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