Possible to use raw_admin_fields with inlineformset_factory for a create page?

2008-12-03 Thread Paul Childs
Hi folks, I am a newforms newbie who is currently porting a .96 project over to 1.0 I have been trying to coerce the examples in the Django documentation to accommodate creating a "Document" . I have three models: Document, DocPart --> These are in the doc module. DocPart is an intermediary Par

Getting Form Field Values in a template

2008-12-12 Thread Paul Childs
I am converting from .96 to 1.0. In a template using 0.96, if I wanted to get the value that a particular field was holding I would use: {{ form.data.field_name }} This doesn't work anymore and is breaking my code. I have tried a number of other ways (guessing mostly), consulted the docs and br

Re: Getting Form Field Values in a template

2008-12-12 Thread Paul Childs
f valid) ---> Didn't apply so I didn't try it form.initial.fieldname (values set for initial) ---> WORKED!!! Thank you Doug B On Dec 12, 12:47 pm, Paul Childs wrote: > I am converting from .96 to 1.0. > > In a template using 0.96, if I wanted to get the value that a > parti

Session Object Dropping Key Value Pairs

2008-09-04 Thread Paul Childs
Django 0.96 / mySQL / Apache2 / Ubuntu 8.04 I have created a "wizard" for data input. Rather than have one huge form I have spread it out over a number of views/templates. After the user submits data and it has been validated, each view places the "new_data" into the request.session and redirects

Getting Access to form.data from a template

2008-01-04 Thread Paul Childs
I am trying to get all the values from 'tail_number' in the form data that gets passed to a template... form.data (printed in view before response is sent back): I know that if I want access to the tail numbers in a view I can just do this: form.data.getlist('tail_number') I have tried a numbe

Re: An easier way to do this Pagination in a template?

2008-01-10 Thread Paul Childs
Take a look here too... http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/PaginatorTag --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsu

Re: Where's HttpRequest?

2008-02-14 Thread Paul Childs
Try reading these http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/request_response/ http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/forms/ On Feb 14, 8:55 am, "Hanne Moa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm writing an authentication-backend and need to check if a cookie > already exists. But: how do I get ah

Testing Django App Running on Dev Server with Selenium

2007-03-08 Thread Paul Childs
I have Selenium RC running and I was wondering if someone might be able to nudge me in the right direction. I am trying to at least get my local web site, running on the Django dev server, to display in the browser without an error, nothing more. Any help would be appreciated. The following are t

Re: Testing Django App Running on Dev Server with Selenium

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks for the response Malcom... > Does the same URL work if you aren't using Selenium? I'm trying to trim > down the problem to something smaller. When I type into the address bar I do not get a Django error and the proper page is rendered. > I *suspect* there is a

Re: Testing Django App Running on Dev Server with Selenium

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Childs
#x27;s not possible to record results. Cheers, /Paul On Mar 9, 9:06 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 12:59 +, Paul Childs wrote: > > Thanks for the response Malcom... > > > > Does the same URL work if you aren't using Selenium?

Re: Testing Django App Running on Dev Server with Selenium

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Jeremy. > I think, since the idms pattern is not being handled by an include, > you may want this: > (r'^idms/$',"idms.general.views.idms" ), > (note the "$" at the end of the pattern). I made the change and tried again but it didn't make a difference. Cheers, /Paul --~--~-~--~

Re: Testing Django App Running on Dev Server with Selenium

2007-03-11 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks for the suggestion Grig. I'll give it a shot on Monday. /Paul On 3/10/07, Grig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Paul -- have you tried running the Selenium RC server non- > interactively, then interacting with it via one of the languages it > supports? Python for example, since you're doing

raw_id_admin and newforms

2007-03-29 Thread Paul Childs
My searching hasn't yielded much so here it goes... I understand that raw_admin_id is being removed and it will only be available as part of the Admin inner class in a model. Does this make it unaccessible to custom forms? If this is the case, does anyone know how to duplicate the raw_admin_id b

newforms gurus: Forms With Multiple Inline Objects?

2007-03-31 Thread Paul Childs
I am trying to make the switch to new forms with little success. I have searched the news group, looked over examples (found this to be very good http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/model_forms/) and looked at some suggested tutorials. The reason for the lack of success is that a l

Re: newforms gurus: Forms With Multiple Inline Objects?

2007-04-03 Thread Paul Childs
Hi folks, Can someone suggest to me what I need to do to make this question a little more answerable? On Apr 1, 12:05 am, "Paul Childs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I am trying to make the switch to new forms with little success. I > have searched the news group, looke

Re: Recieving XML Documents over HTTP

2007-04-07 Thread Paul Childs
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but this might be a place to start... http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/XML-RPC On Apr 6, 8:19 pm, "johnny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This may be stupid question for an expert. But stupidity is in not > asking. > > How do I access the XML Documen

Re: __str__ referencing variables in other classes

2007-04-20 Thread Paul Childs
Hey Jason Try: return self.title + self.member.first_name + self.member.last_name instead of: return self.title + member.first_name + member.last_name I think that might be the problem. Cheers, /Paul --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

Re: Komodo and Django - code completion / code intellisensing

2007-05-10 Thread Paul Childs
I'm just guessing here but do you have your project in your pythonpath? If not, try this... To put the project on the sys.path you can do it two ways: 1. import sys and then write a line of code sys.path.append("path/to/ project/parent/directory") for example: if the project is located at

Many-to-Many with Intermediate Table Bug in Admin in Django 0.95?

2006-09-29 Thread Paul Childs
Could someone please tell me if this is an unfixed bug in Django 0.95. If it is I will submit a ticket. I created a many-to-many relationship using an intermediate table similar to http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/m2m_intermediary/ (see model below.) I am able to successfully ex

Re: Many-to-Many with Intermediate Table Bug in Admin in Django 0.95?

2006-09-30 Thread Paul Childs
Hello Malcom, In cooking up my test I made some changes and did some rebuilding that affected the database so I suspect that the "django_content_type" table got out of sync (I really can't confirm this since I am now at home) I retried, as you suggested, with a clean database at home and there

Rendering Many-to-Many with raw_id_admin=True in Template

2006-10-04 Thread Paul Childs
I have a Many-to-Many relationship between two models, Action and Part (see below). Part has thousands of records so I am using "raw_id_admin=True". This works great in the admin. I am using a generic view to create an update form for an Action. This works fine but it only displays the part ids

Re: Rendering Many-to-Many with raw_id_admin=True in Template

2006-10-04 Thread Paul Childs
Sorry to be a pest folks. I had forgotten that the {{object}} was still accessible. So to get what I want I just had to do this: {% for part in object.part.all %} {{part}} {% endfor %} --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscrib

AttributeError thrown by Validator

2006-10-13 Thread Paul Childs
I am sure that I have read everything there is available in the newsgroup and docs concerning uploading files. If I missed something I apologize in advance. Right now all I am trying to do is upload a file and use the manipulator to validate that it is not missing. Everything seems to be working

Re: AttributeError thrown by Validator

2006-10-14 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks a million Rajesh! It is so great to have such a helpful community. Cheers, /Paul --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googl

General File Upload Questions.

2006-11-30 Thread Paul Childs
I have been investigating file uploads in general and also with Django in mind. This thread gave me a place to start: http://tinyurl.com/ymzmds

Re: General File Upload Questions.

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Childs
Paul Childs wrote: > 1. Is there an upper limit to the size of files that one can upload to > Django? I am able to upload files of about 5 MB or less with no > problems, but when I try to upload a file (to the Django dev server) > which is larger I get an error message from Django

Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Childs
Sorry if this is a tad off topic... I have Django 0.95 up and running with no problems under Apache2 with flatpages installed and also running fine. I have limited uploads by adding the setting LimitRequestBody 5242880 to the httpd.conf file, which works great. If I try to upload a large file I

Re: Help with Contact Form

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Childs
Assuming that you are using the example exactly... Off-the-top-of-my-head try something like: return render_to_response('thankyou.html', {'my_form_data': new_data}) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-01 Thread Paul Childs
It looks like I am going down the wrong path. I think that what I observed was by design since Django is handling the request. I think the question should be... How do I handle the 413 error within Django? Any help would be greatly appreciated. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~

Re: Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-04 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Waylan but... It appears that when I configure Apache to limit the request body, if a file is uploaded that exceeds the setting, Apache doesn't seem to pass on anything to mod_python and records an error in error.log. Thus the view never gets called so there is no opportunity to raise the

Re: Apache ErrorDocument Question.

2006-12-04 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Waylan but... It appears that when I configure Apache to limit the request body, if a file is uploaded that exceeds the setting, Apache doesn't seem to pass on anything to mod_python and records an error in error.log. Thus the view never gets called so there is no opportunity to raise the

Upgrading from .95 to Development Version

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Childs
The firewall has the SVN port closed off so when I noticed this ticket http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1327 I was encouraged to go and get a development version of Django. I scooped the script and ran it and lo and behold I had Revision 4179 of the 96-pre version of Django! I uninstalled my .

Re: Upgrading from .95 to Development Version

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Childs
Well, I tried again and installed everything from scratch - new project, app, database. I went through the first two sections of the tutorial and I still got the same problem. I have posted this image of the problem which shows how the admin looks through Firefox... http://static.flickr.com/108/3

Re: Upgrading from .95 to Development Version

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Childs
I'm pretty sure that the download script that I found here... http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/1327 must not be doing the job properly. I took the media from the admin in the 0.95 release and replaced the dev version's media and that fixed a good chunk of it. I'll have to do a SVN checkout

Re: Upgrading from .95 to Development Version

2006-12-07 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Istvan, You guessed right I am on windows. I changed the script, ran it, installed django and navigated to the built in admin site where I was greeted by the nice clean looking admin interface that I am used to seeing. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

Re: How would I add a custom widget in the admin for a ManyToMany relationship?

2006-12-08 Thread Paul Childs
There is a lot of information in this group about solving this problem. Look at raw_id_admin http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/search?group=django-users&q=raw_id_admin&qt_g=1&searchnow=Search+this+group --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message

Bug? -- Scripting to Store Images Throws Exception but Still Successfully Stores Image

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Childs
I have a lot of images for the initial load and want to use a script to get them into the database. When I try to store the image in my Photo model (see the below) I get an error. The funny thing is that I can go on and set the ssi_status, caption and then execute save() and it will store everyth

Re: Bug? -- Scripting to Store Images Throws Exception but Still Successfully Stores Image

2006-12-20 Thread Paul Childs
The funny thing is that I can go on and set the ssi_status, caption and then execute save() and it will store everything to the database. Is this a bug? I'm using the latest svn trunk. On closer inspection the files that are stored on the server are zero bytes but all the database entries are

Re: Bug? -- Scripting to Store Images Throws Exception but Still Successfully Stores Image

2006-12-21 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Fredrik you saved me some nerve cells. Your answer worked like a charm. Of note: I noticed that there was no need to call the save() method on the photo since the save_image_file() [ie save_FIELD_file()] method saved all photo fields to the database. This means that I had to set all requ

A single field keeps Duplicating on the many side of a many-to-one

2007-01-16 Thread Paul Childs
I'm using Django version 0.96-pre I checked out from SVN on the 12th. I have two models: Photo and SsiStatus (see code below) A SsiStatus object can have many photos. I have written a view to handle updating the SsiStatus and every time I click to save the update the caption of any existing pho

Re: A single field keeps Duplicating on the many side of a many-to-one

2007-01-16 Thread Paul Childs
I figured it out... I missed putting {{ photo.id }} in the template. The "new_data" values helped out. I am speculating that Django didn't know the id of the existing object so it created a new one in the database even though one already existed. Sorry to bother everyone. --~--~-~--~-

IPython Shell does not see database changes made by views.

2007-01-31 Thread Paul Childs
During unit testing I made changes to data in the database through my Django app. I wanted to do some checks through the shell, which I was opened during my unit testing, and found that after making some queries using Django objects there appeared to be no changes in the database. When I checked

Help please with get_absolute_url in admin and public pages

2006-05-17 Thread Paul Childs
I am new to Django and so far have found it amazing. I have two simple questions based on the following models which I am running using the development server that comes with Django 0.91: #- class RepairType(meta.Model): repair_type

Re: Help please with get_absolute_url in admin and public pages

2006-05-17 Thread Paul Childs
OK, I was able to find the documentation on serving media files. I thought Django might have some automagic way of doing it so I really didn't clue into what my real problem was. I'm still looking for the answer to question 2. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks --~--~-~--~~

Re: Help please with get_absolute_url in admin and public pages

2006-05-18 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks everyone. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTE

Controlling Display of Foreign Key Input Fieldsets in Admin

2006-05-30 Thread Paul Childs
I have been searching for a difinitive answer to a few questions but can't find any. I am trying to get control of how foreign key fieldsets display in the Django admin. For example I have a Repair model. It is a foreign key for SupportingDoc, Photo, and PartNumber. These are all to be edited inl

Re: Controlling Display of Foreign Key Input Fieldsets in Admin

2006-05-30 Thread Paul Childs
Forgot to mention I am using Django 0.91 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send

Re: Controlling Display of Foreign Key Input Fieldsets in Admin

2006-05-31 Thread Paul Childs
OK, Is this a case of RTFM? If so please let me know and I will continue to dig. Thanks --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@goog

Re: Controlling Display of Foreign Key Input Fieldsets in Admin

2006-06-01 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Luke. I'm sure problem one is just a side effect of why two and three won't work. I'm still loving Django though! Cheers --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this

"View on Site" broken with move over to Apache/mod_python.

2006-06-05 Thread Paul Childs
View on Site broken with move over to Apache/mod_python. I have moved my Django 0.91 project (idms, the application under the idms project is called "pra" with several more apps to come) from my development server over to Apache/mod_python on Windows XP SP1. Everything was working fine using the

Re: DoesNotExist at /accounts/login/

2006-06-07 Thread Paul Childs
I had the same troubles and then I found this... http://www.carcosa.net/jason/blog/computing/django/gotchas-2006-04-19 You will notice some other goodies there too. :) You may want these in your project's url.py file too (r'^logout/', 'django.views.auth.login.logout'), (r'', 'django.

Re: DoesNotExist at /accounts/login/

2006-06-07 Thread Paul Childs
I'm using version 0.91. That's the difference. The only other thing I can suggest is to chekc if you have your login and logout templates in the right place and that the template locations are in your settings.py file. Sorry I couldn't help out. Good luck. --~--~-~--~~~

Subversion Repository is Asking for a User Name and Password

2006-06-07 Thread Paul Childs
I would really like to download the developer version. I am using TortoiseSVN. When I perform an import I get a dialogue that says... Django SVN repository Requests a username and a password Could someone please help me out. Thanks, --~--~-~--~

Re: Subversion Repository is Asking for a User Name and Password

2006-06-07 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks very much Jeremy. Worked like a charm. Regards, /Paul --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe fr

Guidance would be most welcome

2006-06-13 Thread Paul Childs
I have been using Django for about a month now and I just moved over to the development version. I am creating an application in which the client has dictated very stringent database record management in order to have a detailed audit trail on all changes made data. This does not necessarily mean

Re: Guidance would be most welcome

2006-06-13 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks for the input Waylan. It certainly gives me another angle on the solution. I have been digging into the docs again and it seems to me that Django is flexible enough to handle this without having to dive into the source. Of course it would be nice just to call the save() and delete() meth

Re: Controlling Display of Foreign Key Input Fieldsets in Admin

2006-06-14 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks Luke, it took me a while but now I understand... http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/NewAdminChanges#Adminconvertedtoseparatetemplates --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To

Re: Guidance would be most welcome

2006-06-16 Thread Paul Childs
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Please Help with Template for django.views.generic.create_update.update_object

2006-06-19 Thread Paul Childs
I am using the Dev trunk as of Saturday with the models below: #-- class Repair(models.Model): tail_number = models.IntegerField(choices=AIRCRAFT_CHOICES) location = models.CharField(maxlength=30) damage_type = models.CharField(maxlength=50) clas

Re: Please Help with Template for django.views.generic.create_update.update_object

2006-06-20 Thread Paul Childs
Honest, I really tried to figure this out on my own. I have been relying on the Django website for answers but template examples are in really short supply. I'd even accept a search string for Google if that's all anyone is willing to give. Thanks in advance. --~--~-~--~~---

Re: Please Help with Template for django.views.generic.create_update.update_object

2006-06-20 Thread Paul Childs
I received an email from someone in the group for more clarification: > But then, why do you want to put more than one image in a form? There can be more than one photograph of each repair. I need to mirror what is done in the admin with models that are edited inline. > What is the form for? wh

Re: Please Help with Template for django.views.generic.create_update.update_object

2006-06-21 Thread Paul Childs
Hi Malcom, > I am not 100% certain what you are wanting to display in the repeating > section of the form. Is it every photo in the system? Or maybe every > photo associated with the existing "repair" instance? Sorry for being > dense; I'm trying to work out the context from some code fragments >

Re: Please Help with Template for django.views.generic.create_update.update_object

2006-06-21 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks for your insight Jay. I tried using the {{ form.error_dict }} on my page and all I got was an empty dictionary. Thanks again. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post t

Template to Render Unknown Number of Arguments

2006-06-22 Thread Paul Childs
I am trying to create a template that will only render selected values of an unknown number of dictionary keys which follow a certain pattern. This is the form of the dictionary in context: {'pets':{'dog0':'Rover','dog1':'Spike','cat0':'Fang'}} The pet dogs can go from dog0, dog1, dog2,...dogn.

Re: Template to Render Unknown Number of Arguments

2006-06-22 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks for your input Malcom. I'm going to take a look at extending with new template tags. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@goo

Re: Template to Render Unknown Number of Arguments

2006-06-22 Thread Paul Childs
You do have a point spacedman. I might be able to massage the data in a view. It actually happens to be the results of a generic view, an update_object to be precise. It is a model and the model in which it is a foreign key i.e. edit_inline. Works great in the admin interface (it's rendered quite

Manager for Admin

2006-07-06 Thread Paul Childs
I am trying to create a manager for a model so that only objects with a status of 0 or 1 show up in the admin. Could someone please let me know how to write a "where" clause in the manager (e.g "current_status < 2" or something like "current_status=0 or current_status=1") Here's what I tried...

Re: Manager for Admin

2006-07-06 Thread Paul Childs
Many many thanks James. I have been going all over the map on that one. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To uns

Re: Manager for Admin

2006-07-06 Thread Paul Childs
Many many thanks James. I have been going all over the map on that one. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com To uns

Re: Manager for Admin

2006-07-06 Thread Paul Childs
I did some more digging and here is the reference for those who are interested: Field lookups are how you specify the meat of an SQL WHERE clause. They're specified as keyword arguments to the QuerySet methods filter(), exclude() and get(). http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/db_api/#fiel

Pre-processing Request Info in Generic View Wrapper

2006-07-17 Thread Paul Childs
I have written a wrapper around the object_list generic view. I would like to do some pre-processing before sending the information to the view. Here is my wrapper... ## from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list def change_status(*args, **kwargs): pri

Re: Pre-processing Request Info in Generic View Wrapper

2006-07-17 Thread Paul Childs
Of course seconds after the post I ran across this... http://www.pointy-stick.com/blog/2006/06/29/django-tips-extending-generic-views/ Thanks go out to Malcolm Tredinnick. and this... http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/views/generic/list_detail.py Sorry to bother everyone.

Re: QuerySet

2006-07-18 Thread Paul Childs
Check this out. http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/NewbieMistakes Cheers, /Paul --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.

Custom Manipulator SelectField "blank" option

2006-07-19 Thread Paul Childs
I have created a custom manipulator for a search form. # from django import forms from choices import AIRCRAFT_CHOICES, phase_choices, OBJECT_CHOICES, STATUS_CHOICES class SelectStatusManipulator(forms.Manipulator): def __init__(self): self.fields = (

Re: Custom Manipulator SelectField "blank" option

2006-07-19 Thread Paul Childs
I wonder if this would be worth pursuing as a new feature for the SelectField widget. It makes sense to me that if one sets is_required=False then the widget should add the "blank" option. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed

Testing with LiveServerTestCase and Selenium

2012-06-28 Thread Paul Childs
Hello, I'm using Django 1.4 and was really excited to learn about the new testing features. I am totally new to this. I seem to have hit a bump in the road. If I overcome this I'm hopeful it will be smooth sailing and I will experience some great testing goodness. I've been mucking around with th

Re: Testing with LiveServerTestCase and Selenium

2012-07-04 Thread Paul Childs
string The the same thing is happening with just the webdriver alone. The company I work for has McAffee installed on my machine. Could it be blocking automated browser activity? On Saturday, June 30, 2012 8:39:54 AM UTC-3, Rafael Durán Castañeda wrote: > > El 28/06/12 15:45, Paul Childs escrib

Middleware Causing OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2013-09-10 Thread Paul Childs
Environment: Django 1.4, MySQL 5.5.33 In one of my views I am consistently getting a MySQL error: OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away') Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\Lib\wsgiref\handlers.py", line 93, in run self.result = application(self.environ, s

Re: Middleware Causing OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2013-09-10 Thread Paul Childs
I went as far as to reboot my machine. I tried the view and it worked but then my other view started exhibiting the same error message. On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 11:01:42 AM UTC-3, Paul Childs wrote: > > Environment: Django 1.4, MySQL 5.5.33 > > In one of my views I am consiste

Re: Middleware Causing OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2013-09-10 Thread Paul Childs
Hey Sanjay, Thanks for the reply. I will probably pick at this problem every so often but I am not hopeful about finding a solution as the problem seems to be down deep in Django. I'm afraid that I will probably be out of my league on this one. I have been wanting to upgrade my Djano version for

Re: Middleware Causing OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2013-09-10 Thread Paul Childs
I ran my test suite and the error didn't crop up there. All tests that run my views passed. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+unsubscr

Re: Middleware Causing OperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

2013-09-18 Thread Paul Childs
f the packet, which I am told is only 1MB by default for windows. On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 11:01:42 AM UTC-3, Paul Childs wrote: > > Environment: Django 1.4, MySQL 5.5.33 > > In one of my views I am consistently getting a MySQL > error: OperationalError: (2006, 'M

Strange Admin CSS Behaviour

2010-12-15 Thread Paul Childs
I'm trying to use the Django admin (on the dev server that comes with Django) for the latest stable version 1.2.3 on windows with Python 2.6. Functionally it works great. For some reason the styles do not render for the site admin page and my application admin page. The respective URLS are: http://

Many-to-many Relationship Between Django Apps Fails

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Childs
*What's been done so far:* - I was on Django 1.5 and upgraded to 1.6 (cannot go higher as we are on Python 2.6) and this did not solve the problem. - I have researched this issue to death and cannot seem to find a definite answer. Looking through the Django Project Bug Tracker, I h

Re: Many-to-many Relationship Between Django Apps Fails

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Childs
Hey Collin, I had no problem in the shell... In [4]: AffectedPart.objects.all().count() Out[4]: 4090 # pick a random AffectedPart In [5]: affpart = AffectedPart.objects.all()[22] In [6]: affpart.damage_types.all() Out[6]: [] I'm not sure why this doesn't work running under the server.

Re: Many-to-many Relationship Between Django Apps Fails

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Childs
t; in names_to_path 1274. "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(available))) Exception Type: FieldError at /trending/trend/Exception Value: Cannot resolve keyword u'affectedpart' into field. Choices are: cgs_damage_code, description,

Re: Many-to-many Relationship Between Django Apps Fails

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Childs
I am SHOCKED. That was the problem. THANK YOU I guess that leads to a couple of questions: 1. How did you know!?! 2.I have the same code in production and it was working with no problems. Any idea why? Cheers! On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 1:12:33 PM UTC-3, Collin Anderson wrote: > > Hi Pau

Re: Many-to-many Relationship Between Django Apps Fails

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Childs
Thanks man. This was a huge relief! On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Collin Anderson wrote: > Hi Paul, > > 1. How did you know!?! >> > I hack... kidding :). I suspected something wasn't getting loaded, and the > list of installed apps was in the traceback you posted. > > 2.I have the same code i