I'm a new user to Django.
I'm trying to understand how does an UpdateView works when during a POST.
Is there some state carried between the GET and POST, because I don't see
the pk in the form. How does the form save() knows that it should be
updating instead of inserting?
The reason I'm
The following snippet is returning an empty dictionary for the 2nd form:
> dct = {'form-0-attachment': u'',
> 'form-0-id': u'1',
> 'form-0-name': u'1',
> 'form-1-attachment': u'',
> 'form-1-id': u'2',
> 'form-1-name': u'2',
> 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': u'1',
> 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': u'1000',
Just found the culprit:
'form-INITIAL_FORMS': u'1', it must be 2.
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 1:09:10 PM UTC+8, Nora Olsen wrote:
> The following snippet is returning an empty dictionary for the 2nd form:
>> dct = {'form-0-attachment
I have a view that has a form and multiple formsets:
The formsets and their templates are not dependent on each other and can be
used separately in other views.
However, at least 1 form must be filled up. The form can be from any
How can I validate this?
Should I be doing it i
I'm using Django 1.5 and I have looked at guardian / Userena / pinax user
accounts but I'm not sure how they work with the authentication mechanism
in Django.
I'm creating a site that typically have the following the groups :
1. Super Admin: Myself
2. Organization admin. This is created by
On Monday, April 15, 2013 8:46:37 AM UTC+8, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
>> Should I be using the Admin Site? But the organization admin is really
>> not a super user/staff member of the app.
> This question is orthogonal to your other questions. Django's Admin site
> isn't intended as
I have seen some discussion in this group on how to handle duplicate
form.media in template includes.
I have the following the following base.html with scripts at the end of the
body. I am following h5bp convention:
window.jQuery || document.write('