Understanding UpdateView with forms and formsets

2013-04-08 Thread Nora Olsen
Hi, I'm a new user to Django. I'm trying to understand how does an UpdateView works when during a POST. Is there some state carried between the GET and POST, because I don't see the pk in the form. How does the form save() knows that it should be updating instead of inserting? The reason I'm

cleaned_data returning empty in formsets

2013-04-08 Thread Nora Olsen
The following snippet is returning an empty dictionary for the 2nd form: > dct = {'form-0-attachment': u'', > 'form-0-id': u'1', > 'form-0-name': u'1', > 'form-1-attachment': u'', > 'form-1-id': u'2', > 'form-1-name': u'2', > 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': u'1', > 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': u'1000',

Re: cleaned_data returning empty in formsets

2013-04-08 Thread Nora Olsen
Just found the culprit: 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': u'1', it must be 2. On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 1:09:10 PM UTC+8, Nora Olsen wrote: > > > The following snippet is returning an empty dictionary for the 2nd form: > > > >> dct = {'form-0-attachment&#

Requiring at least 1 formset in view

2013-04-11 Thread Nora Olsen
Hi, I have a view that has a form and multiple formsets: The formsets and their templates are not dependent on each other and can be used separately in other views. However, at least 1 form must be filled up. The form can be from any formsets. How can I validate this? Should I be doing it i

Understanding users auth in Django

2013-04-14 Thread Nora Olsen
Hi, I'm using Django 1.5 and I have looked at guardian / Userena / pinax user accounts but I'm not sure how they work with the authentication mechanism in Django. I'm creating a site that typically have the following the groups : 1. Super Admin: Myself 2. Organization admin. This is created by

Re: Understanding users auth in Django

2013-04-14 Thread Nora Olsen
On Monday, April 15, 2013 8:46:37 AM UTC+8, Russell Keith-Magee wrote: > > >> Should I be using the Admin Site? But the organization admin is really >> not a super user/staff member of the app. >> > > This question is orthogonal to your other questions. Django's Admin site > isn't intended as

Handling duplicate js/css in forms media with included templates

2013-04-15 Thread Nora Olsen
Hi, I have seen some discussion in this group on how to handle duplicate form.media in template includes. I have the following the following base.html with scripts at the end of the body. I am following h5bp convention: window.jQuery || document.write('