Re: Error 403 (Csfr token not valid)

2019-01-07 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
did you call {% csrf_token %} in your template html file? нед, 6. јан 2019. у 18:55 Pasquale је написао/ла: > I have the following files: > > > from django.views.generic.edit import FormView > from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView > from braces.views import AnonymousRequir

Re: default groups and permissions

2019-01-07 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
you can do it from inside signup function if Försäljningschef then if exist() sign there, if not create that group. I will be at home in few hours so can write one full example if you can't make it until then. нед, 6. јан 2019. у 18:55 Robin Riis је написао/ла: > i have a custom user m

Re: Make mobile app from webapp

2019-01-07 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
You need to create rest api from that app, and then to use in ionic, flutter etc. Do you have experience with django rest framework? pon, 07. jan 2019. 19:10 maunish dave je napisao/la: > Hi i have a website built with django and now i want to make a mobile app > for it how to do it any suggest

Re: default groups and permissions

2019-01-08 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
hey man, sorry I was very busy. just now got the time, so I wrote this in like 15 minutes, there is probably better solution but is working and I will check for something better tomorrow. first of all I didn't have time to create abstract user so I worked with standard django user + model korisnik

Re: Django-error about files

2019-01-13 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
you need to be inside of your project's folder, not users\asus нед, 13. јан 2019. у 20:59 је написао/ла: > Hello, Could you please help me why I cant open file? You can > find the problem easily through this screen shot below. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscrib

Re: keep getting an error on there is no module

2019-01-13 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
when you get this error, when want to run the server? do you have any models inside of that app? нед, 13. јан 2019. у 16:28 Saeed Pooladzadeh је написао/ла: > :In my Django project while I have made an app named employee. And have > registered it in my apps but I keep getting this error: > > No

Re: Django UserForm Help Texts

2019-01-14 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
can you show your пон, 14. јан 2019. у 19:52 kimeualexis је написао/ла: > Hello, guys. > > Anyone with an idea how to hide help texts in Django User Registration > Form? > > Regards. > > [image: Screenshot from 2019-01-14 21-48-53.png] > > -- > You received this message because you are

Re: Populate modelform field with username

2019-01-15 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
Hey, based on your name I believe u speak our language, so will switch to that : ) Ako hoces da na primer supplier_name bude automatski popunjeno kao koristik samo dodaj ovako u view: def performance_view(request): form = PerformanceForm({'supplier_name':request.user}) if form.is_valid()

Re: Populate modelform field with username

2019-01-15 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
mance appu mi bilježi login/logout umjesto samo poruka > nakon uspješnog spremanja. > return render(request, 'qif/performance.html', {"form" : form}) > > Možda mi nešto na formi nedostaje? > > uto, 15. sij 2019. u 11:59 Nebojsa Hajdukovic > napisao je: > &

Re: Populate modelform field with username

2019-01-15 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
: > Bravo! radi! > Samo što sad neradi spremanje (request.POST)...kako da to sad > implementiram, jel može savjet? > > uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:22 Nebojsa Hajdukovic > napisao je: > >> Obrisi ovo or none >> >> uto, 15. jan 2019. 12:19

Re: Populate modelform field with username

2019-01-15 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
ovako nekako bi trebalo da radi уто, 15. јан 2019. у 12:49 Ivan Martić је написао/ла: > Ej hvala ti, puno mi je jasnije.. razumijem da si u gužvi, idem dalje sam > pa ako zapnem javim se... > > 5 Star for support!! > > uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:45 Nebojsa Hajdukovic >

Re: Populate modelform field with username

2019-01-15 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
;GET /performance/ HTTP/1.1" 200 14799 > [15/Jan/2019 13:01:39] "POST /performance/ HTTP/1.1" 200 14811 > > Da li ovi podaci mogu što pomoći? > > uto, 15. sij 2019. u 12:54 Ivan Martić napisao je: > >> Nažalost, iz nekog razloga ne prolazi save ni poruka n

Re: Django to APK

2019-01-19 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
no, you need to create rest api, then to use api in some language/framework/library that support android development (such as flutter, ionic etc) суб, 19. јан 2019. у 14:52 Jean Kyle је написао/ла: > Is there a way of converting a Django website into an APK that can be > installed on an Android

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
A što ne uradiš update preko class based view daleko je lakše? Ako hoćeš preko funkcije ja radim sa get_object_or_404, ovako: def productsgrouping_update_view(request, url_id): product_lista = get_object_or_404(MaterialGr

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
) no reverse mathc, ako maknem atribute u url > dobijem #, a ako ručno upišem productsgrouping/update/1 onda prikaze i > nastavi sve kako treba. > Znaci samo nemogu povezati ta dva linkapogledaj htmlove u privitku > > hvala ti za pomoć > > > uto, 29. sij 2019. u 11:35 Neboj

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
ugo je posrijedi. > > > > > > uto, 29. sij 2019. u 12:16 Nebojsa Hajdukovic > napisao je: > >> neće raditi ali ne zbog html već zbog greške u views >> probaj ovako >> >> def productsgrouping_update_view(request, url_id): >> assigned = get_objec

Re: Django apk

2019-06-12 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
U can use django for beckend, and with rest api make apk with flutter, ionic etc sre, 12. jun 2019. 17:55 Kalathiappan je napisao/la: > It is possible by anyway that an Django application could be converted > into an fully functional apk. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscr

Re: Enterprise web application with admin interface

2018-12-19 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
Yes, gerila, pes-serbia and this is our new league with over 1000 players and it is growing every week. Those visitors and players are usually from western europe, most of them Spain, Italy and Germany. сре, 19. дец 2018. у 14:37 Andréas Kühne је написао/ла: > I would second that

Re: Can i build mobile app by django rest framework and restApi???

2019-01-02 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
yes you can make rest api and than frontend in ionic angular (like I have done) or even flutter. сре, 2. јан 2019. у 13:54 Andréas Kühne је написао/ла: > Yes - you can use DRF to create the backend for the app. However you would > need to create the app in a platform specific way (via Xcode on i

Re: Regarding:- Mobile App With Django Rest API

2019-01-03 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
Do you have any experience with rest API? чет, 3. јан 2019. у 15:55 Pravin Yadav је написао/ла: > Hello Friends, > > I have created the website in Python + Django and also website has been > live > *Live Url:-* * > .* > > I want t

Re: Regarding:- Mobile App With Django Rest API

2019-01-04 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
ase guide me. It will be great. > > Thanks. > > On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:28 PM Pravin Yadav wrote: > >> I haven't any experience with rest API. >> >> Thanks for replying. >> >> >> >> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:26 PM Nebojsa Hajduko