Re: Does Django detect changes in models Meta ?

2014-09-08 Thread Michael A. Martin
Migrations in 1.7 is the replacement for south. > On Sep 2, 2014, at 1:44 PM, Norman Bird wrote: > > OK, I found out that in order to change the schema of the tables one has to > install and run a migration tool. I used south. just install south and check > out their website for basic use and

Re: Does Django detect changes in models Meta ?

2014-09-08 Thread Michael A. Martin
Maybe Migrations is just really buggy? I am using PostgreSQL as the backend. I added a column with a default value and then did makemigrations then migrate. It doesn't work. I get a very long error. > On Sep 7, 2014, at 8:54 AM, Malik Rumi wrote: > > Django 1.7rc2 here. Same question, same hop

Re: Newbie question about Django and Python versions.

2014-09-08 Thread Michael A. Martin
Is anyone else trying out 1.7? I do a jython runserver 8080 and then it seems to want to render but isn't. > On Sep 8, 2014, at 1:30 PM, Andrey Consalter wrote: > > Hi there, > > I've been studying programming with Python 2.7 and Django 1.6, and a few days > ago Django 1.7 was rele

Has anyone had issues with the server in 1.7 running dog slow or not at all?

2014-09-08 Thread Michael A. Martin
Has anyone had issues with the server in 1.7 running dog slow or not at all? I was using a beta version of 1.7 and the server ran on top of jython with no issue. The only thing that was failing was migrations. Now I do a jython runserver 8080 and the browser seems to not want to rende

Re: Django 1.7 has issues rendering pages on laptop

2014-09-11 Thread Michael A. Martin
It seems like when I take all the CSS and JS the html renders with images. But this site rendered with a previous version. I pretty much ruined this dev project today trying to figure it out. I don't know why this worked on the older version but not this version. > On Sep 11, 2014, at 9:38 AM,

Re: Django 1.7 has issues rendering pages on laptop

2014-09-12 Thread Michael A. Martin
ial to show >>>>> where I start experiencing problems with rendering. If do tutorials >>>>> 2-5, in the middle of tutorial 5 around 6:51 in the video is where Django >>>>> fails to render anything for me. >>>>> >>>>> >