Hello there,
I have attached screenshot of django doc. which i follow in my ide code but
when i run that code it doesnt showing desire output in the form of bullet
im looking for your solution to run my code perfectly.
thanking you.
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Hello coders,
I'm here to understand line of code which im unable to understand how it
i'm looking forward to get help from you.
code is given below :
from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Question
def index(request):
latest_question_list = Question.objects.order
Hello Thomas,
thanks for your help.
On Friday, April 12, 2019 at 6:52:26 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Thomas wrote:
> You're not using a template, nor generating HTML in your views - where are
> you expecting bullets to come from?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
; slicing will provide only the top 5 results. By default the order_by sorts
> in ascending order only. But providing a "-" would make it to sort in
> descending order.
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019, 6:56 PM Mayur Bagul > wrote:
>> Hello coders,
Thank a lot for your valuable information on asked topic. My double is clear
Thanks to you and community.
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In below code i didnt understand how colored line of code is working with
template code ?
why we are passing Question and primary key? instead of dictionary to
context variable.
plz help me to get out of this confusion.
thanking you.
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_40
; raised. So django exception handling kicks in and based on the error code
> and your debug parameter a particular template is selected.
> regards
> Vineeth
> On Sun, 14 Apr 2019, 13:16 Mayur Bagul, >
> wrote:
>> In below code i didnt understand how colored
how passing Question and pk=question_id gonna help?
On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 5:41:06 PM UTC+5:30, gulam rabbani wrote:
> It will give you to fetch the id ! Until end of the id
> On Sun, 14 Apr, 2019 at 1:47 PM, Mayur Bagul > wrote:
>> In below code i didnt und
> Hi.
> get_object_or_404 works so that first argument is the model class you want
> to query. Rest of the parameters are filters that mus return a single
> object.
> You can find this information from the Django docs as well.
> ma 15.
it is giving error.
please help me to solve this issue.
Thanking You,
Mayur Bagul.
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"Django users" group.
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ushing, git is unable to merge those changes.
> Try a git pull then local merge and then push. Feel free to ask in case of
> any queries.
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019, 6:58 PM Mayur Bagul > wrote:
>> Hello Community,
>> im using gitbash to upload my code to
jango) which will check password and
if username and password is Correct then it will go to next page which is
main page else it will return prompt or alert 'Wrong Credentials".
but im not getting how i can do this in Django ?
So guys Please help me out of this issue.
> Otherwise, you can do a POST to a URL, and this url (url.py) call a
> function ( views.py)
> Good luck!
> Missatge de Mayur Bagul > del dia ds.,
> 20 d’abr. 2019 a les 9:17:
>> Hello Community,
>> i'm facing
Hello Community,
I'm facing one issue that is i have 3 variables each of which consisting
list of values.
what i was trying to do is that i have 3 variables from every variable
which have list of value i should get any random value and print it to
Template web page.
but it doesn't printing any
used in
Please guide me to get rid of this impedance.
Thanking you,
Mayur Bagul.
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"Django users" group.
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to django-user
Thanks Ahmed,
can you please provide me resource to learn how to use java script and
events in django Templates?
Because im not getting proper resource how to use java script in django.
Actually on one web page there will be one button after clicking on that
button i want to merge another web
Hello community,
i have created three fields in my model Data
- Two-wheeler
- four-wheeler
inside each field i have putted 5 values.
now i wanted to display single random value from these two fields every
time i click on button. and thats where im getting stuck.
How to do this ?
if any
Hello community,
I have stored single value from database inside a variable which is playing
role of context inside views.py function.
Now I want to use this context(which holds single value) in JavaScript to
change specific HTML content of template which will give me desired webpage.
I Search
I don't want to anything in context because I already passing value of database
inside it.
What I want that how I can pass that context to JavaScript
Like this
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better if you provide any resource link.
Thanking you,
Mayur Bagul.
On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 9:15 PM Gurmeet Kaur
> I have done this in my project. We converted the object ( or context
> object) that you want to pass in list object in python function and then
> casted it with Json
t;> wrote:
>>>> In JavaScript I don't know buddy
>>>> On Fri, May 3, 2019, 6:33 PM Ravi Kumar >>>
>>>>> Try to use ajax
>>>>> On Fri 3 May, 2019 5:42 pm Mayur Bagul >>>>
Hello Community,
I've been stuck to this problem from one week. I have read Django Doc. and
i found little bit relevant to my problem.
from django import forms
class NameForm(forms.Form):
city_name = forms.CharField(label='city name', max_length=100)
from djan
n, 6 May 2019 at 1:42 PM, Mayur Bagul > wrote:
>> Hello Community,
>> I've been stuck to this problem from one week. I have read Django Doc.
>> and i found little bit relevant to my problem.
>> *Form.py*
>> from djang
Hello community,
i searched on google bout this and what i found was psutil is no longer
having check temperature attribute.
im not getting how to do this.
help me with this !
thanking you,
Mayur Bagul.
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Hello guys,
im stucked with this error mentioned in subject.
below link redirect details about question.
let me know how to get rid of this problem.
Thanking You.
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9:10:41 PM UTC+5:30, Antje Kazimiers wrote:
> setting default=False is odd for any field other than a BooleanField. I
> would take that out for the OneToOneField at least and see how things go.
> Antje
> On 4/26/20 4:19 PM, Mayur Bagul wrote:
> Hello guys,
null=True and blank=True to the field?
>> On 4/26/20 6:38 PM, Mayur Bagul wrote:
>> Hey thanks for your response i did so because initially at the time of
>> migration it was asking for default value and i just putted false in rush.
>> that filed user from User mod
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