I'm having a little trouble tracking a down a small problem. My models
(which are working) look like this (with some of the boilerplate cut
class Image(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
pub_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True)
caption = models
Are there any comments on the issue I describe below?
Aside from issue 7052 in the tracker:
I'm a new user of Django so I may be doing something
I hope line wrapping doesn't ruin any code...
Using Content
ew to Django. But
because it sounds like fun I hoping to find people that are interested
in teaming up or at least to hear me out on further details.
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"Django u
I played for a while and this is my result:
StaffSeq = tuple((str(i),)*2 for i in \
Are there better ways to do this?
On Sunday 24 August 2008 13:18:42 Mark wrote:
> This cl
This class is only for the admin page. In the following model I'd like to make
owned_by a dropdown box showing staff users.
from django.db import models
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib import auth
class Car(models.Model):
brand = models.CharField(max_length=20)
> > Are there better ways to do this?
> Yes.
> owned_by = models.ForeignKey(User, limit_choices_to={ 'is_staff': True
> })
> The model documentation covers the 'limit_choices_to' argument, as
> well as the proper syntax for setting up foreign keys.
I agree, there is plenty of documentation, I
rseMatch("Reverse for '%s' not found." % lookup_view)
NoReverseMatch: Reverse for ''
not found.
The code that is causing this... (in a view method for debug
from django.tem
Hi All,
i'am writing API for a service and i want to use basic http
authentication for my service users.
is there is something built in django.
Please advice
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url(r'^comments/deleted/$', 'moderation.delete_done',
url(r'^comments/moderate/$', 'moderation.moderation_queue',
url(r'^comments/approve/(\d+)/$', 'modera
On Sep 17, 7:01 am, Jarek Zgoda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wiadomość napisana w dniu 2008-09-16, o godz. 19:31, przez Mark:
> > I tried everything:
> > - Deleted django/contrib/comments*.pyc files (a number of times)
> > - updated to svn latest (a numbe
im a newbie to django. i have an existing database with default values
for field set in the database:
for example:
created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),
number_polls integer DEFAULT 0,
i want to use django admin interface to manage tables. how do i set up
these fields in models
Thanks, but I have been. Its still not clear - To date I have always
been displaying
"Page 1 of 23. Showing 10 results per page"
I am just lost on how to do this.
On Jul 29, 3:44 pm, krylatij wrote:
> Read
> documentationhttp://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/pagination/
These seem to be what I am looking for - but they are not available in
the template from what I see.
On Jul 29, 3:51 pm, Mark wrote:
> Thanks, but I have been. Its still not clear - To date I have always
> beendisplaying
> "Page
> Then in your template you can say:
> Displayingresults{{ first_item }} - {{ last_item }} of {{ p.count }}
> found.
> On Jul 29, 3:51 pm, Mark wrote:
> > Thanks, but I have been. Its still not clear - To date I have always
> > beendisplaying
> >
so its not possible to model this in django?
> created timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),
> number_polls integer DEFAULT 0,
On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:22 AM, mark wrote:
> im a newbie to django. i have an existing database with default values
> for field set in
hon Timer
objects of the fly, but about 30% of the time, I get a "key error"
when it's time to cancel the Timer.
Please. Could someone give me an idea on the proper way to do this in
Thanks very much!
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On Apr 22, 4:16 am, Simon Meers wrote:
> For anyone else who learned about DKIM recently [1], I've uploaded a
> snippet for a DKIM-signing email backend [2].
Brilliant. I'm just developing a Django app, had read the CH article
and was just about to figure out how to apply it to my project - but
There are a couple threads about creating custom syndication feeds,
but none ever seem to arrive at an answer.
Has anyone figured out how to add custom item elements to a feed? The
example in the django docs shows very clearly how to add hard-coded
attributes to the root, but avoids offering an ex
how to get csv import working (as easy
as possible) for a newbie, I'd really appreciate it.
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I got it to work by just using the (already) imported
BatchModelAdmin now becomes admin.ModelAdmin
On Mar 19, 1:22 pm, Mark wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble putting together a form for batc
OK, maybe it won't save the world.
My name is Mark Morgan and I'm working on a project which might be of
interest to some of you. I'm a family doctor in Minnesota and I'm
associated with a really, really big clinic in Minnesota as well as
the US Indian Health Service. Ne
ecute the if block.
I experimented with 'item|slice[:]' but I could not find out how to
determin the position (index) of the second '/'.
Please note I am a beginner in Django and I should probably know how
to solve this but obviously I do not :-((
Best Regards,
I guess it was a little confusing how I formulated my problem. I just
try again. Sorry for that.
In Python what I want to do would look like the following:
item1 = '/test/something/'
item2 = '/test/somethingelse/'
if item2.startswith(item1):
Now since Django has thi
change the views. Most of the website is flatpages.
Is there a way to use Mako templates with flatpages without changing
the Django source (flatpage views). I want to have the Django
framework untouched and all the configurations, code etc. within my
project folder.
Is this possible?
'/404/' flatpage which I created. Unfortunately I did not
find out how to configure this behaviour.
I would like the configuration within my project folder and not patch
my Django installation.
Best Regards,
You received this messa
404 = 'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'
handler404 = 'django.contrib.flatpages.flatpage:404'
Unfortunately django does not even notice this configuration.
You received this message because you are subscribed to
g. http://localhost:8080/crap/ Django comes up with the /404/
page but the browser shows the 'http://localhost:8080/crap/' url.
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"Django users&qu
from a
specific table and a specific filed.
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I've tried to find a suitable location in the django code to raise an
exception in this scenario, making the tracking much easier, but tend
to get lost in the code.
Is anyone able to point me in the right direction for a suitable
location for this?
You received this
. Django puts
some paths in it that Python doesn't yet have using WSGI. Your
situation is a little complicated as I am just getting into Django,
but I figured I'd share this document if it may help.
Good luck,
On Apr 5, 12:46 pm, yongzhen zhang <4...@live.cn> wrote:
> Hi,
I'm building a mobile app using Ionic framework, so the front end is
essentially a single page AngularJS app. I'm using Django Rest framework as
the backend.
In the application, an employee should be able to suggest updates, deletes,
or additions to database models. In my schema, there is a "
I'm using django-stdimage for creating variations of the image.
class Photo(models.Model):
photo = StdImageField(upload_to='photos', verbose_name=_("photo"),
variations={'large': (600, 600), 'thumbnail': (100, 100)}
StdImageField does it's own operations on the image
I'm using django's (1.8.5) conditional annotation in order to add filtered
data to each object dynamically. But the issue is that it's very slow on
all machines I've tested it.
What it does is basically adds data to each user. How many messages they
sent from provided date, how many messages
I've run query manually removing all fields from GROUP BY that are not
related to aggregation and query runs fast. But how to do the same in
Django? How to remove unrelated fields to the aggregation from GROUP BY
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It seems like I'm missing something, but here's what I'm trying to do:
In creating a Form object, I'm setting size limit validation
(max_length). I'd like to recover the value for that from the
corresponding Model's Field's max_length. So basically I want a symbol
lookup that will inspect in the
possibly with the default thing also.
On Oct 30, 12:18 pm, bruno desthuilliers
> On 30 oct, 14:26, Mark Wolgemuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It seems like I'm missing something, but here's what I'm trying to
I was wondering whether anyone has made any headway into getting
HBase working with Django? I think the existence of such an option
would be definite boon to the framework.
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For the discussion below, ALL the code is in .../intomec/tenq
I wrote some code in tests.py like so:
from tenq.models import *
self.expectedValue = Answers((1,2,3,4))
within the to_python() method of AnswersField in models.py:
def to_python(self, _value):
print "_value.__
are you redirecting to the same port? I think redirection to a
different domain OR port would keep the cookie from getting back to
the server, thus killing your session.
On Jan 3, 10:33 am, Berco Beute wrote:
> My page shows a (logged in) user an iFrame but when the iframe
> redirects the brows
You need a process running outside the bounds of the webserver that
reads the database every so often, and then sleeps with a wakeup every
so often, and a list of when things "expire". It updates the
database, the webpage reflects the update.
You could of course do this via a wget driven by cron
Are you trying to get your source code off a server, and instead find
it being executed by the webserver?
If you have shell access, tar the files up and download that, create a
folder where the files aren't executable and download them that
If it is your source, I would assume you have
Well, I think we can all see where you get your nickname.
On Jan 4, 12:03 am, Friendless wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2:42 pm, "Karen Tracey" wrote:
> > I'll admit your tone here is starting to make me lose interest in your
> > problem report.
> Admit it, you weren't very interested in the first pla
Are you closing the file after you write to it and before you try to
send it? Why do you have to write it to a file to deliver it as a
static file, why not just render it to a response directly?
On Jan 5, 4:13 am, Alan wrote:
> Hi List,
> Because I couldn't find any idea better I am using "MEDI
Ok, here is some simple code:
class Maker(models.Model):
name = CharField(max_length=20)
class Auto(models.Model):
name = CharField(max_length)
maker = ForeignKey(Maker)
maker = Maker.objects.get(pk=1)
How do I get all the Autos made by this maker
I don't see a maker.autos (rails
Thanks for the pointer, I had read all around that.
The short version is:
There was was Dry(er) more elegant method to be found.
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"Django users"
I have some fields on my page that have more than one attribute for
simplification, lets say two attributes
answer = {'txt':'something', 'allowblank':0}
laid out on the page as:
{% for answer in quiz_question.answers %}
{% endfor %}
the first is pulled from an input field, and if !allowbl
Thanks, formsets was the answers, and smartly enough, they didn't name
all the fields the exact same name, but reassemble them afterwards.
On Jan 12, 9:04 am, Jeff FW wrote:
> Mark,
> You should really use Forms and FormSets--they'll make this problem
> essenti
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Mark Phillips
Mophilly, technology for creative business
On the web at http://www.mophilly.com
On the phone at 619 444-9210
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u can pick them up quickly.
For postsgres, which is a new addition for me, I am looking at DB
Visualizer and Oracle's SQL Developer.
- Mark Phillips
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Sample.py includes the following:
from django.db import models
class Good(models.Model):
code = models.CharField(max_length=64)
quizid = models.IntegerField(null=False, blank=False)
published_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class Fails(
I guess I was just too tired when I wrote it, I just forgot the * and
** on the 2 arguments.
I have some initialization that I'm doing in __init__ but had removed
that to make the example shorter and was still seeing the problem.
Thanks for the help, those 3 *'s fixed the whole problem
On Jan
That almost sounds like you will have to write the renderer for that
class. I don't think this will be easy to do in the template, but if
you override django.forms.widgets.Select.render. you can probably make
it work.
On Jan 26, 11:51 am, mattsouth wrote:
> I wish to customise a form template s
This is where Rails rocks and DJango doesn't. I haven't been able to
find any kind of DB Migrations in Django like those in Rails. Sad
too, because other than that, Python is a lot nicer than Ruby (Syntax
wise for an old C++ programmer)
On Jan 28, 3:29 pm, Oleg Oltar wrote:
> Hi!
> I am creati
I have a form that is working well. However I want to allow them to
reuse the form multiple times. Each time they submit the form, I will
send up to 6 emails. Then, if an email is sent successfully, I want
to remove that email address from the form that I present to them. If
the email isn't su
e line added to clearsent:
self.data._mutable=True # this doesn't seem right, but what
the heck its 1am
On Feb 3, 1:21 am, Malcolm Tredinnick
> On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 23:05 -0800, Mark Jones wrote:
> > I have a form that is working well. However I want to allow them t
template by can't find a way to do it:
{{ person.first_name}}
Any help appreciated, I have searched the archives an am not finding
anything with the terms I am using. I am no afraid to extend classes
is someone can advise me on where I might start on this.
Thank you,
and you do that like so:
answer0 = forms.IntegerField(label='', widget=forms.CheckboxInput
for the next bloke that doesn't want to have to figure it out.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
won't work because
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
if name not in data:
# A missing value means False because HTML form submission
does not
# send results for u
11:56 AM, Mark Jones wrote:
> > forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={'value':1}),
> > required=False)
> > won't work because
> > def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
> > if name not in data:
Kind of sucks that you are worried about your server, but not worried
about the people that might use your site.
I'd answer your question regarding JS except for the fact I think the
server and the clients should be safe for the general public, and I
don't want to make it that easy on you. Allow
When a model field has help_text, that text will be show in the form.
I'm a little bothered by this because effectively the model is doing
something that really belongs in the view, but I understand the point
is to make it easy to create forms based on a model and I can just
live with it.
What bo
That is exactly the kind of WET I was talking about. as_p() with
appropriate CSS styling will render really nice forms as is, with the
exception of the help_text. I even think that could be fixed without
any major rework, just a change in the as_p() string
def as_p(self):
I occurred to me last night right before sleep that I can patch this
in my code by deriving all my forms from my MyForm, fixing it in one
place and remaining DRY.
Nice to see I'm not the only one that found this to be a bit strange.
You rece
The first 2 saves are overly complex:
def save(self):
if self.unit_price and not self.price_discount == '0':
adjust = float(self.price_discount / 100.0)
val_result = str(adjust)
discount = Decimal(self.unit_price - (Decimal(val_result) *
How about integrating with something like OpenID? Not sure if it
would do the trick, but it might be a step in the right direction,
assuming the sites you are interoperating with are 'friendly'
On Feb 24, 5:49 am, LaundroMat wrote:
> Hi -
> I'm working on a small django app that allows users
It seems like maybe I don't understand the question but it will extend
an infinite number of templates
Just add {% extends "base.html" %} into every template you want to
You can even do {% extends "derived.html" %} which extends base.html
On Feb 24, 8:41 am, lzhshen wrote:
> Suppose I
es/django/db/models/query.py", line
1033, in insert_query
return query.execute_sql(return_id)
py", line 317, in execute_sql
cursor = super(InsertQuery, self).execute_sql(None)
> codename, too short
> On Thu, 2009-03-19 at 21:58 -0400, Giovannetti, Mark wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > Has anyone else run across this? I tried to enter it as
> > a ticket at:
> >
> > http://code.djangoproject.com/simpleticket
> >
I can't seem to reason out why/how this works.
I have a class Named Stuff
I can say Stuff.objects.filter(.) and that will return valid set
of data.
What I can't understand is what exactly is objects, and why is it I
can call it with Stuff.objects, but I can't call it with stuff.objects
Yea, I'm not wanting to use stuff.objects, but I'm wanting to pull
some of the same voodoo, probably not safe for a python novice like
myself :-)
On Jun 29, 5:24 pm, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Mark Jones wrote:
> > I can't seem to re
{{ datevar|date: dateformat}}
won't parse.
You get the error:
Could not parse the remainder: ': dateformat' from 'datevar|date:
Turns out that unlike most other places, spaces ARE significant here.
It could be fixed by changing the filter_raw_string on line 448 of
Can someone point me in the direction to best solve this problem. It
would easier to show you:
class Profile(models.Model):
status = models.ForeignKey(Status)
class Status(models.Model):
status_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
I need to be able to restrict the se
I am using Nginx as a front end web server redirecting Python requests
to Apache + mod_wsgi. Everything with that is working fine. I have one
Django project running and I want to setup subdomains for a few of my
project apps.
Proposed structure:
/www/project/ -
-->/admin/ - admin.domain.com
and any
points on would be great. I would like modelform to set the class to rte
and adjust rows/cols without me having to specify a widget.
Thank you,
class HtmlWidget(Textarea):
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
super(HtmlWidget, self).__init__(attrs)
def render(self, name
On Aug 30, 8:03 am, Alex Robbins
> Also, maybe you aren't submitting all the code, but you could do the
> same thing by just passing an attrs dictionary to the text area
> widget.http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/widgets/#django.forms
> Not sure that
not also been monitoring memcached while load testing.
Anybody have anything to add to this?
Ryan Mark
Ryan Mark
847 691 8271
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I've got some screwy DNS stuff going on on my local machine and need
>> the development server to respond to requests on two IP addresses at
>> once ( and Is there any way to wrangle that?
>> Thanks!
> &
figure out how to specify their location when building pyodbc. Did you
have this issue? Any help is welcome!
On Feb 25, 5:19 pm, kgingeri wrote:
> Ok, I figured this out myself...
> I had to un-install all pre-installed odbc stuff - unixODBC (possibly
> iODBC a
Thanks Karl - Actually, this morning I gave up and upgraded Ubuntu to
8.10, which uses a newer version of FreeTDS and unixODBC. It seems to
work OK, though there are some funky Unicode issues using Django's
TextField, but I can get around those for now.
On Mar 31, 8:41 pm,
ler app if it's available
if 'mailer' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
from mailer import send_mail
from django.core.mail import send_mail
django-mailer recently moved to GitHub:
Should be all there is to it!
2009/5/10 D
ery (no matter which decorator it's obtained from)? All I'm usually
doing it a .get(id=123) to get an object to work on and it feels wasteful.
Is some form of middleware to cache db queries the "done thing" here? Not
sure wh
he.set(obj_key, obj)
> return obj
It's really that straight-forward, what a nice surprise!
> --
> Artificial intelligence stands no chance against natural stupidity
> Jarek Zgoda, R&D, Redefine
> jarek.zg...@redefine.pl
> >
Dan, this link helped me a lot for using my stylesheet and images on
the test server.
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Mostly Netbeans for me, however I do tend to use VIM quite a bit.
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bclasses TextField. I use a RTEditor for
HTMLField and use them in a lot of places but in reality it's a
TextField with a custom widget. Should I be doing this in the forms
instead of the models? Is this a poor way to design things? Is
creating default presentation behaviors for fi
{'document_root': '/home/ramanathan/media'}),
This will require you to prepend media to your URL for media
requests. This way django know the /media/path passed as to the
static server where path can be anything.
Hope this helps,
bancgi-prod'] + sys.path"
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
PythonOption django.root /bancgi-prod
PythonDebug Off
Options FollowSymLinks
s all that it
generally take to get an application up and running with a branded
look and feel :).
Sorry for the long answer, hope it's helpful.
On Sep 15, 1:28 pm, orschiro wrote:
> Hello guys,
> first, I know it is not that important how to do this but as I'm
> pret
/snippets/1697/ is
one such snippet. You can also use the manager to import/export data
is several formats see
Just a few links to get you started.
Good Luck,
On Oct 1, 7:25 am, Carlos Gustavo wrote:
> Hi All,
s very important you'll need to come up with a single
unique identifier for each row which can be a concatenated string etc.
If you are using oracle you can use rownum see notes at . Can you explain the your purpose
that requires you to create views and triggers.
class Meta:
model = Per
excluse = ('dri')
Hope this Helps,
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media($|/)" {
dir-listing.activate = "enable"
$HTTP["host"] == "[HOSTNAME]" {
url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "http://[SERVER]/$1"; )
$HTTP["host"] == "[SERVER]" {
fastcgi.server = (
"/mysite.fcgi" => (
ve that a try and see if {% url %} et al are still working
> On Oct 14, 11:22 am, "Mark (Nosrednakram)"
> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > I setup lighttpd and fastcgi the other day and everything seemed good
> > until I tried to log into admin. It posts to
en(settings.CACHE_BACKEND) > 0:
Thank you,
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def using_cache():
if len(getattr(settings,'CACHE_BACKEND',0)) > 0:
return True
return False
This really helped clean up my code!
Thank Again,
On Oct 23, 9:43 pm, Ethan Jucovy wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Ma
Great call on overriding save/delete I'll add to my notes and start
doing that as well since I wasn't.
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Good Luck. I have a Dreamhost account for my blog (Tried a dreamhost
vps for a week and a half) and now I have a Linode slice for my Django/
Rails stuff. Quasi-democratic system as in you have the illusion of
some kind of voice.
On Oct 28, 1:17 am, Richard Jeong wrote:
> Thanks to Daniels help,
.POST). This is just a thought and I haven't done
it but is what I'd try before making it complex with loops etc..
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"Django users" group.
As the subject states, I am using the model-validation branch at the
moment, which allows me to do, well, validation in the models.
I've however, noticed a very strange behaviour of the validation
logic, - any time the clean() method is fired on the
"materialized" (saved or retrieved from the da
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