show ldap attributes in django

2012-03-15 Thread Marc Patermann
Hi, I started to learn Django recently, read the tutorial and Django Book etc. My Goal is to make the functionality of a few system cli scripts for ldap and mail available in the web. I started with a simple existing ldap script that displays attributes of an object. Now I tried to integrate

Re: show ldap attributes in django

2012-03-16 Thread Marc Patermann
Hi, Marc Patermann schrieb (15.03.2012 16:39 Uhr): And a template: {{ text }} Which gives a dictionary with values of lists where most of the list have only one value. I can access single of them by {{ text.mail }} or {{ text.mail }}. My goal is to show whatever attribute there is with

Re: starting django

2012-03-19 Thread Marc Patermann
Kikozzza, Kikozzza schrieb (19.03.2012 07:00 Uhr): I'm starting learning django? that's why I ask my friend to install me python and all distrib for my projects. I have very silly question- how can I discover what version of python # python -V # man python "-V Prints the Python version numb

Re: Question about threading a view[REPOSTED]

2012-03-20 Thread Marc Patermann
Arruda schrieb (19.03.2012 19:18 Uhr): I don't know if this is what I want, but I believe that there is another way around: when user B calls foo view, it will render to him a page with a JS(I don't know JS either, so correct me if I'm talking nonsense) that say its "Loading..." And after the do

Re: How to change widgets for admin site?

2012-04-16 Thread Marc Patermann
Hi, Gchorn schrieb (16.04.2012 07:24 Uhr): Hello, I'm trying to create a blog site using Django (with "Post" as my main model and "text" as the attribute corresponding to the main body of text for each post). On the admin page, when someone is filling out fields to create a new blog post, I wan

Re: Django, JavaScript, Python, HTML &Co. : Print on html a variable running on python file

2015-04-20 Thread Marc Patermann
Beatrice, Beatrice Galvani schrieb (16.04.2015 17:34 Uhr): Hi, I'm using Django 1.7.2, Python 3.4. My trouble is: I have a simple function in some directory written in python (e.g. a counter since 0 to 10); I would like to see these numbers on my monitor on the HTML page.. I know how start th