Re: Scaling Django

2016-02-04 Thread Luis Zárate
" It's hard to hire Django engineers " I don't think that this is a problem because good software developer can learn Django faster than other frameworks. For example I have a Costa Rican startup that develop in Django, as small company in small country we don't have inversor that allows to hire a

Re: Running automated expiration date events

2016-02-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Maybe with celery and Django celery you can do what you want. There is a functionality called crontab that is manage by models with Django celery. So you can create cron task that will call when you need with a reference to you model. As an interesting problem, think in the moment of update you m

Re: How to show python data on html

2016-02-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Database models approuch only the most popular form of manipulate data, but django is MVT so you could have different representation of the "M" (eg. External API) and full use of "VT". An example. def myfunc(request): mydata = my_dict_get_by_api_call() return render(request, '

Right place to decrypt/decode data from DB before passing it to UI without affect data in DB itself.

2016-02-08 Thread Luis Zárate
You are using django rest, sure. Why Message doesn't have an function as a property that return the encrypted . El lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016, learn django escribió: > Hi, > I store some data like email text, headers and from email address in encoded format in the database. > I want to have a

Re: Codec H.264 if Free?

2016-02-09 Thread Luis Zárate
I don't understand you question, but if you are looking for video support You maybe need to take a look to ffmpeg (now avconf). El martes, 9 de febrero de 2016, ylativ oknesyl <> escribió: > I am web

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-09 Thread Luis Zárate
I think you want to show a form with a text input where the user could insert some input eg. math equation to sent to the server. In the server you what to get the input and use it in the standard input of your script, in your script you made what you want (included input validation) finally the

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Someting like def myview(request): dev = mymathfunc(request. POST.get_list('mi_input', [])) return render(request, 'mytemplate.HTML', {'result': dev}) I am not sure if get_list it is a valid function, I know there is one that do the same, but can't remember how is called. If you can g

Re: ./ runserver is not working, No module named

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Please made other thread for that You need to read the documentation ohn Travolta escribió: > > > On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:28:31 PM UTC+1, Daniel Roseman wrote: >> >> Django is installed for Python 3.4, but you're running the sh

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
OK, start with writing a view Show something funny in your HTML and when you be able to see in your browser let me know. El miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016, Xristos Xristoou escribió: > i dont know how to start to give you an example,is

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Maybe you need to refactor your script, I suggest you something like this: def my_math_func(your_input): your_input = your_input.replace(" ", "") # prevent "1, 2" list_input = [int(x) for x in your_input.split(",")] # others comprobations could be do list_output = [] for x in lis

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
It's correct. A recomendation Try to get out all input() from the function, because django is a server side so user don't have a standard input. 2016-02-10 15:22 GMT-06:00 Xristos Xristoou : > if i dont want refactor my scipt,and use this > def my_math_func(input1,input2): > my code >

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-10 Thread Luis Zárate
I repeat you again OK, start with writing a view Show something funny in your HTML and when you be able to see in your browser let me know. How to do that, see the tutorial, basically this are the steps create a django app (python manag

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-16 Thread Luis Zárate
What is wrong in your code? I suggested you some scripts changes that allows import and use in views. Help us to help you, give us more information about what are you doing, what are you planning to do? Why you think you code is wrong?. Did you create the view as I suggested? I think you need t

Re: Where is the issues page?

2016-02-16 Thread Luis Zárate El martes, 16 de febrero de 2016, shivam Agarwal escribió: > I want to contribute to Django but i cannot find the issues page , can someone help me find it? > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. >

Re: Deploy Adagios web application

2016-02-16 Thread Luis Zárate
I don't know where is your problem, and I deployed django with apache time ago, but if I remember well WSGIDaemonProcess is not a IP, It is the user of process that run wsgi so I used like WSGIDaemonProcess myuser WSGIDaemonGroup myusergroup I sorry if I am not in the truth. El martes, 16 de fe

Re: Gmail Django

2016-02-19 Thread Luis Zárate
Those are your real credentials, hurry up and change the password, you must never post your real credentials in public mail list. M1chael is right you need to change the gmail settings for allow login with insecure applications. 2016-02-19 16:03 GMT-06:00 Daniel Wilcox : > You should generate a

Re: 1170, "BLOB/TEXT column

2016-02-19 Thread Luis Zárate
Check your migrations, I think you use TextField the first time, run makemigrations and create the initial migrations, before you run migrate django raise a exception so you change it for CharField and run makemigrations a second time and create the correction in the 002 migration but the initial

Re: key specification without a key length

2016-02-19 Thread Luis Zárate
I response in the other mail, but I am curious changing TextField for. CharField with max_length has big impact in the database performance. I saw you have a lot of TextFields so are you sure that you need all those TextFields ? Or y could you change those TextFields for CharFields with a small ma

form as filter in admin site

2016-02-20 Thread Luis Zárate
I am trying to insert a filter in the admin site that have 2 autocomplete inputs so I was thinking to do passed a form with a custom filter, but I only find a list filter documentation. I solved the problem writing a custom filter, with a little problem with css, because change list view has fe

Re: mathematical function and django connect

2016-02-21 Thread Luis Zárate
use render instead of render_to_response from django.shortcuts import render return render(request, 'blog/calc.html', { 'a' :a, }) 2016-02-21 22:57 GMT-06:00 Xristos Xristoou : > UserWarning: A {% csrf_token %} was used in a template, but the context > did not provide the val

Re: form as filter in admin site

2016-02-22 Thread Luis Zárate
: 'proyeccion__ciclo'} class MatriculaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin) list_filter = ( MatriculaFilter, ) 2016-02-20 9:56 GMT-06:00 Luis Zárate : > I am trying to insert a filter in the admin site that have 2 autocomplete > inputs so I was thinking to do pass

Re: a question about django admin and language

2016-03-02 Thread Luis Zárate
You could write a middleware after language middleware than check if it is a admin URL and change the language to English. El viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016, Will Harris

how to implement lazy settings as django setting

2016-03-02 Thread Luis Zárate
I need to implement a lazy setting like django setting that could be call globally in several apps but get his values from a model in database. I have some settings that need to be change by the admin user, so my apps expect that settings but can not loaded on django setup because needs populate w

how to implement lazy settings as django setting

2016-03-02 Thread Luis Zárate
I need to implement a lazy setting like django setting that could be call globally in several apps but get his values from a model in database. I have some settings that need to be change by the admin user, so my apps expect that settings but can not loaded on django setup because needs populate w

Re: how to implement lazy settings as django setting

2016-03-03 Thread Luis Zárate
Thanks, El jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016, Daniel Chimeno escribió: > Hello, > > > > El miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016, 16:53:09 (UTC+1), luisza14 escribió: >> >> I need to implement a lazy setting like django setting that could be call globally in

Re: Django Hello

2016-03-04 Thread Luis Zárate
In fat bellow says: I can send you some pdf split in files of 2mb. Hola, si quiere puedo envíarle por email algunos tutoriales en pdf . Yo uso linux por lo que puedo partirlos con split y Ud podrá unirlos con cat. Django se basa en python Ud conoce este lenguaje. El viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

Re: Django Hello

2016-03-04 Thread Luis Zárate
I am not in Cuba, but there are internet limitations (bandwidth) and restrictions (regional banned and site blacklist) expecially if servers are in USA (not America), for this reason it is important to him download a file. El viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016, Luis Zárate escribió: > In fat bel

Re: How to create groups for users in Django

2016-03-04 Thread Luis Zárate
Años observation Person.objects.create(name=request.user) Lazy object is set but name is charfield. M1is not saved. create other group that is not used. El jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016, escribió: > Hello! > > I have a problem, like in topic, with creating groups in django. I was sea

Re: I don't understand this error - Django 1.9

2016-03-04 Thread Luis Zárate
Do not use the same name of the project in your apps. It is possible to do what you are doing but really needs comprehension of how python works and you need to do extra work to get ready. So my remendation is: start a clean project with other name and copy you app folder. Put attention in what f

Encoding problem (Postgres)

2016-03-06 Thread Luis Zárate
The problem is in your __str__() function, because Python 2 use __unicode__() instead of str to return Unicode string. By default p2 return bytes in __str__ and p3 return Unicode. python_2_unicode_compatible works and I thing it is the best approach because you are support both version 3/2 . I re

Re: Django OVH

2016-03-06 Thread Luis Zárate
Take a look here El viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016, Bob Gailer escribió: > > On Mar 4, 2016 5:09 PM, "Cedric Vallee" wrote: >> >> To whom it may concern, >> >> I followed my friends' advice and coded a website in Django, but now it seems

Re: unhashable type: 'dict'

2016-03-15 Thread Luis Zárate
You are correct, your problem is in logout url , because you need to pass a function not a duct as second parameter. Are you using django auth views ? El martes, 15 de marzo de 2016, Deepanshu Sagar escribió

Re: Hey guys can anyone let me know where I can get some of good Django base web apps

2016-03-21 Thread Luis Zárate El lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016, Tibin Geo k k escribió: > I am looking for some good Django web applications, if we have any site to download some Django projects let me know > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Djang

Re: Busqueda de Django admin

2016-03-27 Thread Luis Zárate Si no es eso tiene que explicar mejor que es lo que necesita. Además recuerde que esta lista es en inglés. 2016-03-27 16:00 GMT-06:00 : > Necesito saber como modificar la búsqueda que viene p

Re: url redirect with kwargs no NoReverseMatch

2016-04-05 Thread Luis Zárate
reverse('yourDollData', args=(,)) El martes, 5 de abril de 2016, Luigi Mognetti escribió: > > > main-project : > from django.conf.urls import include, url > from django.contrib import ad

Re: how shall I built online address book using Django

2016-04-06 Thread Luis Zárate
Maybe if you help us web could help you. How do you design your problem? What are your coding plans? What problems do you identify? What do you need to know ? ( models, views, urls, admin site) Django and the other frameworks are only utilities, are in you the responsability to solve the problem.

Re: Dedicated pages for specific group members

2016-04-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Admin site is a great example of how to do that. But in general you can use in the view if not request.user.has_perm("app name.perm name): Raise error like 404 or redirect to login I think decorator is provide by django. El jueves, 7 de abril de 2016, Larry Martell escribió: > On Thu,

Re: CKEditor

2016-04-11 Thread Luis Zárate
Supongo está usando django-ckeditor, si es así lo que tiene que hacer es usar el field que ellos proporcionan. además recuerde usar {{}} en la plantilla, para que se cargue el js. -- You received this message because you are su

Re: Question about users system

2016-04-15 Thread Luis Zárate
I thing Sites framework do something similiar to you problem, so you could study how is implemented. El viernes, 15 de abril de 2016, Eduardo Leones <> escribió: > Javier, thanks for the answer. > Very inter

Re: How to customizing CSS in djangocms-table

2016-04-16 Thread Luis Zárate
You only need to overwrite the template Django template engine find the template in the order of INSTALLED_APPS, so you only need to put an app with your version of templates/cms/plugins/

Re: Select "class" attributes are not updated

2018-08-08 Thread Luis Polanco
Hi If you are only updating the class attribute you can do a direct assignment to the class attribute on the dictionary like: self.fields['attendant_authority'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'select_autoridad' self.fields["prodotti_var"].widget.attrs["class"] = "form-control m-bootstrap-select m_sel

Re: django staticfiles problem

2020-10-15 Thread Luis Zárate
You have a problem here {% static '/css/base.css' %} the correct is {% static 'css/base.css' %} Also is a bad idea set media folder in static. take a look here El mié., 14 oct. 2020 a las 23:05, Farai M () escribió: > Why have the

Re: can Django replace PHP ?

2021-06-28 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, you can create several web applications with Django. So I guest you can replace all web stuff with Django or other lib in python for web development. El lun, 28 jun 2021 a las 7:17, Krishna Adhikari () escribió: > Hello all my seniors > > I am doing Data Science programming (python) for 3 ye

Re: SChedule email

2021-07-01 Thread Luis Zárate
You can create a custom command using this doc Now, you can call it like python mycustomcommandname so in Linux environment you can use crontab (with crontab -e) to execute the command. El jue, 1 jul 2021 a las

Re: Help on Creating a Superuser account on render.

2024-04-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Maybe something like python shell -c "from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password;from django.contrib.auth.models import User; admin = User(username='username', email='', password=make_password('password'), is_superuser=True,is_staff=True);" El

Re: DRF Trailing Slah

2024-04-12 Thread Luis Zárate
Check your and append the slash, also take a look of El vie, 12 abr 2024 a las 15:40, MISHEL HANNA () escribió: > Hello > i have endpoint when add / to the end of it i can not send request it > return this > Not Found: /api/

Re: How to effectively use PUT and DELETE HTTP methods in Django Class-Based Views?

2024-04-12 Thread Luis Zárate
See Also on view you have a variable called, where you can limit the available methods. http_method_names El vie, 12 abr 2024 a las 7:20, Mamadou Alpha Bah (<>) escribió: >

Re: How to effectively use PUT and DELETE HTTP methods in Django Class-Based Views?

2024-04-12 Thread Luis Zárate
Also a recomendation, see that `dispatch` method call the view as handler(request, *args, **kwargs) So maybe is a good idea do something like: class MyView(view): def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ... Regards, El vie, 12 abr 2024 a las 16:13, Luis Zárate () escribió

Alternatives to django ajax select

2019-10-30 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi Guys, Do you know any alternative to django-ajax-selects, I am using it in a project in django 2.2 but docs says that support <=2.1 and also has some problems with the version on jquery used, so I am looking something that help to remplace this lib.

Re: Help on Email Sending with the Gmail SMTP server.

2024-12-05 Thread Luis Zárate
Do you configure the "*Less secure app access*" in your gmail account? El jue, 5 dic 2024 a las 9:52, George Joseph () escribió: > Hi, Try by creating app password from your g-suite. Thanks and regards. > > > On Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 6:48:46 PM UTC+5

How to change a TabularInline widget size

2009-01-08 Thread Luis Miguel Morillas
When I use a TabularInline class, type text inputs haven't a correct size, so I'm getting too large lines for input: How can I add a size attribute to this input?. I want size to have the maxlength value. This is my code: class BidonInline(admin.TabularInline): model = Bidon class Bido

How to add a info on the many side of a foreingkey with admin

2008-09-01 Thread Luis Miguel Morillas
admin tool or must I create a new form/template for it? Greetings, -- Luis Miguel --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to django-users@google

variable multiple filter question

2006-09-20 Thread Luis P. Mendes
but as names of model's attributes. Since filter accepts a keyword argument, I also tried to use a dictionary as {"var3":True,"var4":False} but with no success. Please, I would very much appreciate your help on this. How c

Re: variable multiple filter question

2006-09-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes
help. I'm using an expression similar to the above example and it works flawlessly! Regards, Luis --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send emai

DRY in templates

2006-10-03 Thread Luis P. Mendes
tes and would import the data blocks of each of them. My question is this one: Is there a way I don't have to repeat the same template coding for the above illustrated example? Luis P. Mendes --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscr

Re: got unexpected keyword argument

2006-05-03 Thread Luis P. Mendes
thank you all for your help! Luis P. Mendes --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from

render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes
some minutes to press the button. I'd appreciate some insights on this problem. Thank you in advance, Luis P. Mendes --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post t

Re: render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes
em to address my question of generating both a web page and a file at the same time of the latter after pressing a button in the former. Luis P. Mendes --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users&qu

Re: render to screen and dynamic file

2006-06-27 Thread Luis P. Mendes
to press the button (unless of course > they wait days, and expire the cookie). > Thank you for your answer. Would you mind sending me some link where such an example is implemented, if possible? It's easier to code with an example. Luis P. Mendes -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: G

how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes
oth entries correct? What I really need is that someone could show me an example of: - assigning a user to a group; - assign a user permission to a view; - assign a group permission to a view. Sorry if this is a very trivial problem, but I really need an example to help understand how this works. Luis P

Re: how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-21 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Chris Long escreveu: > If I have a group instance called students and I wanted to add it to > the user instance bill I would use: > bill.groups.add(students) > > If you want to have a permission for a view, you will have to use the > has_perm method that is within the user model (user.has_perm)

Re: how to assign permissions to users and groups?

2006-08-22 Thread Luis P. Mendes
thank you for your help! Luis P. Mendes Chris Long escreveu: > To add permissions. > For user: user.user_permissions.add(perm) > (I think, don't have the chance to double check) For group: > group.permissions.add(perm) > > For your question, the permission table contain

admin, users, groups and permissions

2006-08-23 Thread Luis P. Mendes
that can be available by default? My admin interface has another issue that I think it was not supposed to happen. I can see a list of the users but when I try do access each of them, the web page required is not found. Do I have to insert so

Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-26 Thread Luis P. Mendes
t;%s | %s" % (self.content_type, File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.95-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/fields/" in __get__ 163. raise DoesNotExist at /admin/auth/user/add/ Request information GET No GET data POS

Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-29 Thread Luis P. Mendes
dmin/auth/user/add/ Request information GET No GET data POST No POST data . What should I try to look for to solve this problem? Luis P. Mendes --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-08-30 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Jay Parlar escreveu: > On 8/29/06, Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I posted this on Saturday, but since I had no replies, I'm reposting it. >> >> What should I look for to solve this problem: >> >> When I access htt

Re: Problem accessing users and groups in Admin

2006-09-01 Thread Luis P. Mendes
Jay Parlar escreveu: > On 8/30/06, Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> I have something to add: >> - I can add or delete 'fichas' from the admin site with no problem. >> - This 0.95 version is an upgrade from 0.91. >> > > Th

problem chained filter

2006-09-07 Thread Luis P. Mendes
ador.first_name %} {{ ficha.utilizador.first_name }} {{ ficha.utilizador.last_name }} {% else %} {{ ficha.utilizador }} {% endif %} Rever {% endfor %} {% else %} Não há fichas arquivadas. {% endif %} Thanks for any help, Luis

advice location of site for production and devel

2006-04-04 Thread Luis P. Mendes
If so, is it possible to post the httpd.conf configuration of the django and perhaps mod_python definitions? 3- Do I need to change any values in the 'myproject' settings, or to run any initialization command to put it to work under apache? Luis -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Ver

Re: advice location of site for production and devel

2006-04-09 Thread Luis P. Mendes
'. I have the project in /home/luis/myproject. Is it for a security reason that it should not be placed under htdocs? or other... 1- I run the django server and when I do http://localhost/application everything runs ok; 2- First thing I need to know is this: If it is a project with some ap

got unexpected keyword argument

2006-04-28 Thread Luis P. Mendes
adastros.get_object(Servicos__nome__icontains='bel') If I try to get a list or a object from either of the two classes alone (with no references to the other) I have no problems getting the information I want. How did I build this? First I've developed the Cadastro model, a

RE: Happy new year

2012-12-31 Thread JOSE LUIS FABREGA
Feliz año nuevo, desde venezuela ¡Le deseamos lo mejor ! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to django-users+unsubscr

Re: django widget radio button error save is not touch

2020-09-07 Thread José Luis Ruiz
Build your class like this one: class Card(models.Model): class Suit(models.IntegerChoices): DIAMOND = 1 SPADE = 2 HEART = 3 CLUB = 4 suit = models.IntegerField(choices=Suit.choices) Look at

how to learn django and I don't kill in the attempt,

2014-12-14 Thread Jorge Luis Callalle Torres
how to learn django and I don't kill in the attempt, suggestions, recommendation. Do you know any resource, books videos for learn django from 0 ? thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop re

Re: Problems with code in shell (Django 2 and python 3.6)

2018-10-13 Thread Luis Enrique Gonzalez D
It's possible that exist and confusion using libraries due to the versions of python. Try this in the import : from datetime import datetime El vie., 12 oct. 2018 a las 16:07, User1 () escribió: > Hello, I am practicing the tutorial part 5, Test and I got an error I can > solve. > The code in s

curva de aprendizaje

hola buenas soy nuevo en esto, quisiera saber si alguien puede suministrarme información acerca de la curva de aprendizaje de Django, ya que he buscado en las web y no encuentro algo especifico, muchas gracias -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django

Re: curva de aprendizaje

Gracias El El dom, 4 de abr. de 2021 a la(s) 6:50 p. m., Gerardo Palazuelos Guerrero escribió: > Hola Luis, > > > > Para mi, ese libro fue de gran ayuda. > > Saludos, > > > — > Gerardo Palazuelos > Enviado desde mi iPhone &g

Re: curva de aprendizaje

Gracias a todos El El mar, 6 de abr. de 2021 a la(s) 10:09 a. m., Alan Flavio Ruiz <> escribió: > Hola Luis, este post es buenísimo. > > > > > > > El dom., 4 abr. 2021 20:20, L

Problem to style form fields with error

2024-04-24 Thread Guido Luis Dalla Vecchia
Hello! I'm building my first website with Django and I've been stuck for the past two months with a problem I can't figure out. My website has a form with three fields that allow the user to input his first name, last name and email. In my "" file, I've declared "clean" methods for each f

Problem when styling form fields with errors

2024-04-24 Thread Guido Luis Dalla Vecchia
Hello! I'm building my first website with Django and for the last 2 months have been stuck with a problem with my form. My webpage has a form with 3 fields that allow the user to input his first name, last name and email. I've defined "clean" methods for all three fields in "", in which

Re: Problem to style form fields with error

2024-04-25 Thread Guido Luis Dalla Vecchia
Here I attach the relevant parts of the files "", "index.html" and "" so you can check them out. Thanks! El jueves, 25 de abril de 2024 a las 11:36:03 UTC-3, Ryan Nowakowski escribió: > Can you share some code snippets? > > > On April

Re: use of migrate command and how to see the tables

2019-07-20 Thread Luis O Sulbaran L
Ejemplo, Registra o actualizar cambios realizados a nuestros modelos: python makemigrations nombre_aplicación 04146493449--0261-7699778 * * El vie., 19 de jul. de 2019 a la(s) 04:32, Jani Tiainen ( escrib

Hi, I'm new django. I want to learn Django. What's the first step.

2019-09-01 Thread Jorge Luis Callalle Torres
Hi, I'm new django. I want to learn Django. What's the first step What advice you could give me. Any course, resources, or books thanks a lot friends -- *Jorge Luis Callalle Torres* 5359480 / 934835047 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group

Is a bug when renaming a model which has a Foreign Key?

2019-10-25 Thread Luis Antonio Chapado Chorro
I want to rename a model. >From "BaseSpaceLibraryName" to "LibraryKit" class *LibraryKit* (models.Model): libraryName = models.CharField(max_length=125) generatedat = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) class Projects(models.Model): LibraryKit_id = models.ForeignKey(

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