Invalid HTTP_HOST header in shared server

2016-06-27 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, I am having some issue with gunicorn/nginx configuration. I have a shared server that support several sites (all based in Django) with the same ip address. Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. I checked and all projects have ALL

Re: Best way to implement list&detail pattern

2016-06-28 Thread Luis Zárate
Maybe with generic view Especially with There is a lot information about how to implement what you need. El martes, 28 de junio de 2016, Jean-Noël

Re: django form data not saving to database

2016-06-28 Thread Luis Zárate
models.OneToOneField(Category,default='category') This is not set in form and not set in view and is not null so when you do error was raised and post is not saved. I don't sure that you can pass str as default for OnetoOne and I am not sure that you need a OnetoOne field I think fore

Re: How I can access to the jQuery, it is build-in Django-Admin, in my custom views?

2016-07-03 Thread Luis Zárate
Replace $ by django.jQuery For example django.jQuery('body') El domingo, 3 de julio de 2016, Seti Volkylany escribió: > > The Django`s docs tell next: > To avoid conflicts with user-supplied scripts or libraries, Django’s jQuery (version 2.1.4) is namespaced as django.jQuery. If you want to us

Re: How I can access to the jQuery, it is build-in Django-Admin, in my custom views?

2016-07-04 Thread Luis Zárate
t defined(…)(anonymous function) @ > VM9451:1 > $() > null > $django.jQuery('body') > Uncaught ReferenceError: $django is not defined(…) > > On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Luis Zárate wrote: > >> Replace $ by django.jQuery >> >> For example django

Re: Invalid HTTP_HOST header in shared server

2016-07-08 Thread Luis Zárate
nobody knows how to solve this problem? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send em

Re: Django Admin - customize use jquery inside and custom fields.

2016-07-08 Thread Luis Zárate
2016-07-08 10:24 GMT-06:00 : > and save the new im You can start reading how to set css and js to form and admin site. See -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe fr

Re: Django Admin - customize use jquery inside and custom fields.

2016-07-08 Thread Luis Zárate
See 2016-07-08 10:58 GMT-06:00 Luis Zárate : > > 2016-07-08 10:24 GMT-06:00 : > >> and save the new im > > > You can start reading how to set css and js to form and admin site. > > See > > > > --

Re: Any way to force Django to commit a write so another process can read the correct data from DB?

2016-07-27 Thread Luis Zárate
I thing java apps have a cache and it is java who is not looking in the database. I was a similar problem with hirbernate time ago. But I never solved other person solved it and I don't know how. El miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016, Constantine Covtushenko <> escri

Re: Installation

2016-07-28 Thread Luis Zárate
Take a look this El miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016, Sergiy Khohlov escribió: > Take a look at this is perfect doc related to your

Re: New to Django

2016-08-16 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, Try to implement a custom tag that can print Any dictionary in the form that you want. El martes, 16 de agosto de 2016, Wolf Painter escribió: > Anyone have any ideas? I'm really stuck here... > > -- > You received this m

Re: multiple django installation in one server

2016-09-07 Thread Luis Zárate
Take a look , You can do this steps for ever django project in the same server 2016-09-07 7:28 GMT-06:00 miarisoa sandy : > Hi guys, > > I hope you are doing fine. > I have googled it but no fruitful resul

Custom form fields in admin site

2016-09-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, I am trying to do something like class MyForm(forms.ModelForm): myextra_field = forms.IntegerField() class Meta: models = Mymodel fields = '__all__' class MymodelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): form = MyForm fields = ["name", 'myextra_field'] def save

Re: Python post to remote host

2016-09-08 Thread Luis Zárate
see 2016-09-08 5:57 GMT-06:00 alireza Rahmani khalili <>: > > > down votefavorite > > > Hi I want to write robot to register in toefl test , I send r

Re: Django group email in spam

2016-09-08 Thread Luis Zárate
I have the same behavior 2016-09-08 7:06 GMT-06:00 Uri Even-Chen : > Same here, and the problem is I filtered the group messages to skip my > inbox in Gmail, and I can't filter them never to send them to spam, because > then they will not skip my inbox (it's a bug in Gmail). So I have to enter >

Re: Custom form fields in admin site

2016-09-09 Thread Luis Zárate
ladmin readonly_fields. > > > > 2016-09-08 18:41 GMT+02:00 Luis Zárate : > >> Hi, I am trying to do something like >> >> >> class MyForm(forms.ModelForm): >> myextra_field = forms.IntegerField() >> >> class Meta: >>

Re: Can't create editable foreign key field in Django admin: going to give up on django

2016-09-12 Thread Luis Zárate
See 2016-09-12 23:02 GMT-06:00 Hanh Kieu : > Hey guys, I'm creating a translation app that allows you to translate from > one object to the other. My translation model has two foreign keys that > links to two words, and on the admin site I want the A

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-30 Thread Luis Zárate
You need to create a file (see setuptools doc) it's a simple file find examples. Then do python sdist This will create dist file then surft to the .tar.gz file pip install -u django-poll.tar.gz Or you also can do python install El martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016,

Re: Django software docs

2016-09-30 Thread Luis Zárate
Are you looking for something like ? Or something like blender with django ? El lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016, Jani Tiainen escribió: > Hi, > > What you expect Django to do for you? > > Django has been successfully used to write great variety of webapps like e-commerce, blogs

Re: How to: Django development and debugging

2016-10-23 Thread Luis Zárate
I rarelly debug code with django, with external utility, just trace stack when errors appears, buy when I need it I use pydev over Aptana, it has heap monitor, breakpoints, step by step run and other debugger functions. One important thing is that I need to say to pydev that run django with --no

Re: How to: Django development and debugging

2016-10-25 Thread Luis Zárate
2016-10-23 17:08 GMT-06:00 Don Thilaka Jayamanne : > @Luis Zárate > >I dislike VS as IDE but > Please remember, this is Visual Studio Code (cross platform, open source, > free) and not to be confused with Visual Sutdio IDE (full blown IDE runs > only on Windows) > Visu

Re: Read Only by user in Django Admin

2016-10-25 Thread Luis Zárate
you are looking something like

Re: How to use Django forms for surveys

2016-10-26 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, we are developing something like you want, but it's a premature project right now, maybe in few months we launch our first stable version (survey monkey be aware...), the project home page is , see development branch for a updated version. So if you are intereste

Re: Adding view permission by default to auth_permission

2016-10-27 Thread Luis Zárate
This is alive in The other PR was close because this have not merge conflict. I think this functionality is needed an will be included soon. El jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016, mmatt escribió: > On another note, I believe django dev team needs to und

Re: Setting up jQuery in debian with virtualenv

2016-11-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Mmm why not just download Jquery and create a folder called static inside one controlled app, maybe pone inside the project. If you want, you can use django admin jquery but $ is not available because django use django.JQuery for prevent conflict with custom user jquery El jueves, 10 de noviembre

Re: External access

2016-11-10 Thread Luis Zárate
First, start testing you machine port is available in your local network run python runserver In other machine in the same network test it Suppose your django machine has internal ip address, then try to access from your web browser in the

Re: Adding view permission by default to auth_permission

2016-11-10 Thread Luis Zárate
hen back. > > Bests > > On 27 Oct 2016 23:23, "Luis Zárate" wrote: >> >> This is alive in >> >> >> >> The other PR was close because this have not merge conflict. >> >> I think this functionali

Re: How to hook into the admin site to count login attempts with REST API / proxy?

2016-11-20 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi You can override the admin login page overwriting the URLs, you can put your own login view in admin/account/login after admin include in URLs El domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016, Reza Shalbafzadeh <> escribió: > Hi > you still can use Django axes as described in Django a

Re: File/Folder Sync API?

2016-12-29 Thread Luis Zárate
Are you looking for something like webdav or something like dinamic dropbox storage 2016-12-28 12:15 GMT-06:00 Alexander Joseph : > I'm build

Re: Django doesn't email reporting an internal server error (HTTP status code 500)

2016-12-29 Thread Luis Zárate
try to change de django loggin 2016-12-28 9:45 GMT-06:00 Philip Lee : > Please help! The question are also posted here > > doesnt-email-reporting-an-internal-server-error-http-stat

Re: Django search

2017-01-18 Thread Luis Zárate
This could be usefull Model.objects. filter(q='hello', b='world') Can be expressed as params ={'q': 'hello', 'b': 'world') Model.objects.filter (**params) El martes, 17 de enero de 2017, Branko Zivanovic <> escribió: > Yes that is true, and I have succeeded in m

Re: Create a Celery task with Django

2019-02-13 Thread Luis Zárate
As Andreas suggest I try to create a function that receive a file object and save the excel content there, Django response works like a file so when you have a less than 7 then pass the http response and change the headers. With celery you can store your firters on str as json file and pass to

Re: Create a Celery task with Django

2019-02-13 Thread Luis Zárate
See Clean code could be made with this library. El miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2019, valentin jungbluth <> escribió: > Thank you Andréas ! > > I understand your comment, but it could be possible to illustrate it with my code ? I spent 1

Re: How to upload pdf files in django

2019-03-03 Thread Luis Zárate
Files come on request.FILES and remember form need to be multipart . El domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019, Hrishikesh K.B escribió: > > > On Saturday, 2 March 2019 20:42:01 UTC+5:30, Akshay Gupta wrote: >> >> and to get back data from form request.POST['file_name'] ?? > > See https://docs.django

Re: Update many to many django

2019-04-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Hola, Las relaciones M2M pueden trabajarse de diferentes formas, acá está la doc de django Si lo que quieres es hacer algo rápido puedes usar un model form factory

Re: Update many to many django

2019-04-09 Thread Luis Zárate
articulo consolidado) Saludos El lunes, 8 de abril de 2019, Tatiana Mesa escribió: > Hola Luis, eres muy amable en responderme tan rápido, mi pregunta puntual es de que manera puedo hacer un update en una tabla de muchos a muchos. > > Estos son mis dos modelos > > class Articu

Re: Update many to many django

2019-04-10 Thread Luis Zárate
Creo que zip está explicado acá El miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019, Karen Tatiana Mesa Lopez escribió: > Hola Luis, tengo la ultima pregunta, te agradezco mucho tu ayuda > voy a realizar un for doble, mi pregunta puntual

Revert database scheme based on django migrations

2017-09-11 Thread Luis Zárate
Hello people, I really would like you to help me with some thing I need to solve. I have an app that do automated deployment of django apps, that also can update existing deployments. So I need to revert my database to last state if something went wrong. So, my question is, how can I revert all

Re: The view blog.views.create didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.can any one help me this issue please nooob here

2017-09-11 Thread Luis Zárate
if request.method == "GET": if request.method == "POST": Uppercase is needed. 2017-09-11 17:36 GMT-06:00 harsh sharma : > here i m learning django and i m stuck on one thing > the web page returning > > The view blog.views.create didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned > None instead

Re: importar datos en tiempo real de una base de datos externa

2020-03-20 Thread Luis Zárate
Hola, Revisa la siguienten documentación - - La idea es que puede hacer una app que sea una conexión a la db a travez de modelos creados con inspectdb (debe hacer algunas correcc

Re: Inability to Connect django with MySQL database

2020-03-20 Thread Luis Zárate
This looks like your Mysql user can login without password in localhost (are you sure, your user has correct permissions?). Try to create a user with password and allow login from localhost, and change your django settings, also try to connect with your user with mysql client from localhost. El

Re: modelcluster

2015-08-18 Thread Luis Zárate
This sounds like $ pip install django-modelcluster and maybe put it in the settings file INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... "modelcluster", ... ) This is the repository it is in github so you can make an issue because this project needs documentation. --

Re: How to insert recent session Username or UserId in database table in Django?

2015-08-18 Thread Luis Zárate
You need to make a foreignkey to a user. if you have a custom user look here but if it is a simple django authentication use import django.contrib.auth.models import User class Product(models.Model):

Re: Efficient Large Binary File Streaming

2015-08-18 Thread Luis Zárate
Did you look here ? 2015-08-16 18:25 GMT-06:00 kanav002 : > This is my first week using Django and version 1.8 in particular. I'm > trying to figure out the best way to stream a raw, large, continuously > growing binary file to a plotting function th

Re: Static version of a Django website ?

2015-08-18 Thread Luis Zárate
Do you need to do a backup ? (HTTrack , or wget recursive) or you need to migrate to other site? (make a backup from source and database ) you maybe need to collect structed data from the old site, so scrapy ( can help. 2015-08-14 8:49 GMT-06:00 Stef

Djangocon Costa Rica next year.

2015-08-18 Thread Luis Zárate
Hello everyone, I want to organize the first "djangocon Costa Rica" next year, I know it's too soon to speak about this but it's the first time here and it's very important to do it well, so the community and I are planning to start the coordination of the event, we are looking for place and spons

Re: Djangocon Costa Rica next year.

2015-08-19 Thread Luis Zárate
I think in two possibilities: 1) Request permission to use the DjangoCon name to the DSF. ¿How can do that? "The only exception to this is the name "DjangoCon", which must not be used without the permission of the DSF;" 2) Change the name to Spanish name like "Conferencias Django" (Django

Re: How to insert recent session Username or UserId in database table in Django?

2015-08-19 Thread Luis Zárate
Did you make migrations ? $ python makemigrations $ python migrate El miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015, Remaze Vs escribió: > operationalError at/ > no such column:products_product.User_id > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dja

Re: Time Zone Problem when following on tutorial

2015-08-20 Thread Luis Zárate
install pytz $ pip install pytz In settings USE_TZ = True And the time_zone is TIME_ZONE = "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" More details in https://en.wikipedia

Re: How do you access the HTTP data in a view derived from the generic View class?

2015-08-20 Thread Luis Zárate
with request.POST.get("foo", "") or request.POST.getlist("foo", [] ) 2015-08-20 13:58 GMT-06:00 Daniel Grace : > Suppose I have a view as follows: > > from django.views.generic import View > from django.http import HttpResponse > from braces.views import CsrfExemptMixin > > class TestView(CsrfEx

What I need to know to be a Django full stack developer?

2015-09-04 Thread Luis Zárate
Hello everyone, I am looking for a remote job in the web, and in various sites are looking for Django full stack developer. I know several libraries and programs related with Django so I ask me what I need to know to be a full stack developer? I want to learn the tecnologies that I unknow, becau

Re: Electronic Notebook (ELN)

2015-09-04 Thread Luis Zárate
I don't know if you are looking something like trello (I thing do not), but junctionapps mentioned so i know taiga. If you want something like trello in Django take a look taiga. 2015-09-04 7:30 GMT-06:00 junctionapps : > trello is a slick app that

Re: What I need to know to be a Django full stack developer?

2015-09-04 Thread Luis Zárate
rily have to be an amazing designer to consider yourself "full stack", but you need to be able to do basic front end layouts and some javascript work. >> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Luis Zárate wrote: >>> >>> Hello everyone, >>> >>> I am l

Re: What I need to know to be a Django full stack developer?

2015-09-04 Thread Luis Zárate
up-django-with-postgres-nginx-and-gunicorn-on-ubuntu-14-04 > <> > . > > On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Luis Zárate wrote: > >> Really only that, I thing this

Re: How to make https work fine under django server?

2015-09-05 Thread Luis Zárate This tutorial could help you. El sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015, escribió: > I find there are some configuration about using Django with Apache and mod

Re: What I need to know to be a Django full stack developer?

2015-09-06 Thread Luis Zárate
This is a good reference, thank you and thank you all that answer me. I understand well what is DFS and I will read this guide. El domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015, Leco leco escribió: > You need this > > > > On Friday, 4 September 2015 21:30:

Re: Multiple model form (not in line) on same page

2015-09-07 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, Sorry some time ago I saw this project, but now is not found, I did a copy of the code, but it is in spanish, I don't have time to translate this now but can be useful. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog

Re: Django error report not being sent through email

2015-09-19 Thread Luis Zárate
Your SMTP server are not using TLS or ssl ? El sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015, Gergely Polonkai escribió: > It belongs to, as everything else. However, if you haven't overridden it, it should send yeu the emails. Are you sure your e-mail sender settings are set properly? > > Best, >

Re: Best way to trigger javascript function when returning a page from django view

2015-09-19 Thread Luis Zárate
In the success method do something like $('myform').reset (); I don't understand well but if you have cache clean it too. El sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015, Martín Torre Castro <> escribió: > Maybe I should have made the context more clear. > > First of all, we're

Django was present in FSD in Costa Rica

2015-09-21 Thread Luis Zárate
Hello everyone. The past week was the Free software day here in Costa Rica (Yes, It was a week of FSD's because it was in different days in different cities), we had 5 different events for this day in different cities. As part of our effort for introduce Django in this country I imparted two lectu

Re: Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{'pk': 1}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried:

2015-09-21 Thread Luis Zárate
The error is in the template, please check the url statement inside the template. Or share with ours the template file. El sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015, sankar vasu escribió: > Hi All, > > I got below error, please advise. please look at the following link: >

Re: Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{'pk': 1}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried:

2015-09-22 Thread Luis Zárate
2015-09-22 12:48 GMT-06:00 sankar vasu : > {{ post.title }} try: {{ post.title }} If not found then check your project , do you have something like urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', include('myapp.urls') ), ] -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- You received th

Re: Django 1.8 - It translates or it falls back when it should'nt...

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
I had the same problem with 1.8, l solved editing with external program called poedit. I don't know why django build wrong po file, but when compile the translation is not complete. El miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015, PyMan escribió: > Oh shame on me! I had this problem may years

custom setting provided by myapp

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
Hi, l have an app than need other apps to run well, I create a requirements file and setup file and insert the required apps in my settings, also include my custom configurations. I want to build the settings file automatically (with installer script) or when the user put my app in his installed_

Re: Reverse for 'post_detail' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{'pk': 1}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried:

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
15-09-23 13:16 GMT-06:00 sankar vasu : > Dear Luis, > > As you said, i tried but can't success. > > Thanks in advance > Sankar B > > On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Luis Zárate wrote: > >> >> 2015-09-22 12:48 GMT-06:00 sankar vasu : >> >>

Re: custom setting provided by myapp

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
user have the possibility to change whatever he want and my app only guarantee that run well most of time. 2015-09-23 12:10 GMT-06:00 Bill Freeman : > I would be upset to find an app that I installed fiddling with my project > settings. > > On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Luis Zárat

Re: Django admin suitable for external users?

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
I suggest you to create a custom admin site for your external user where you expose only the models that interact with the external user and create a middleware for forbidden access to the other admin site. 2015-09-23 14:49 GMT-06:00 Bill Freeman : > How technical are your users? > What are your

Re: Django admin suitable for external users?

2015-09-23 Thread Luis Zárate
Sure, you could have several admin site with the same models. I read an specific page about how to do that, but right now can remember what is the specific url. Those other links could help you. http://blog.tryolabs.

Re: E-commerce

2015-09-24 Thread Luis Zárate or 2015-09-24 13:42 GMT-06:00 Paul Savignano : > Hi Django-users, > I am somewhat new to Django and have a client interested in an online > store/e-commerce for their foodservice operation. > Are there any tutorials you

Re: Importing models from another app?

2015-10-18 Thread Luis Zárate
Is "mysite" in your python path? 2015-10-17 8:26 GMT-06:00 Gergely Polonkai : > How does it fail, what is the error message? My first guess is that you > should omit "mysite" from your import line, but without the exact message > it's hard to tell. > > Best, > Gergely > On 17 Oct 2015 15:52, "sve


2015-10-27 Thread Luis Zárate
This is not a Django question, so I suggest you to search on web and take a look amazon API in Amazon developer's site. El lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015, escribió: > First, I want to know if its possible to search for a product on and before returning the product cost, do a calculatio

Re: Dashboard packages?

2015-11-10 Thread Luis Zárate
take a look 2015-11-10 20:47 GMT-06:00 Allison Ahn : > Hi all, > > I'd like to get an idea of what dashboard packages Django developers > prefer or are using instead of the out-of-box admin. > > Al. > > -- > You received this message because you

Re: Django on CentOS

2015-11-11 Thread Luis Zárate
Are you install your app as root user? (/root/pizzaclub) The permission denied it's because apache run as www-data or http user not as root, so if you install your app as root you probably have read/write permission problems and a big security issue. 2015-11-11 13:01 GMT-06:00 Robin Fourcade :

Re: Django/Python based webmail

2015-11-20 Thread Luis Zárate
I saw that link, but it very basic. And doesn't have SSL support yet. Here was a big thread about secure mail service based on django months ago, maybe they did open source and it's available on internet El jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015, Ander Linares <> escribió:

Re: Problem of saving and uploading image with DJANGO

2015-11-22 Thread Luis Zárate
And how to call it on the Create a model form, Lastly, how to display it on html? for instance you can do how should I set them and add in the For develop environment static file is

Re: Start Django automatically after restarting development system/server in Linux

2015-11-23 Thread Luis Zárate
Why I want to start a debug Django server after restating? I am searching an scenario. El viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015, vidhi khatri escribió: > Hi friends, > Learn how to start Django automatically after restarting development systems/server in Linux. Share your views to to improve content.

Re: Django formtools wizard with variable number of steps?

2015-11-23 Thread Luis Zárate
Did you see this ? El lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015, Shawn H escribió: > I'm wondering if I can use django-formtools to accomplish what I want to. I have a License object, with a one to many relationship to LicenseArea. Th

Re: Correct way to do async forms

2015-11-29 Thread Luis Zárate
take a look -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-us

What will be the replacement for .extra()?

2015-12-09 Thread Luis Masuelli
When I see the docs (, I notice .extra will be deprecated and removed. Is there a plan for the replacement? As I see it, limiting ourselves to using Manager.raw() is not a good idea, since you cannot work anymore on a RawQueryset

Re: Migrate django project to eclipse/pydev ide

2015-12-28 Thread Luis Zárate
I use Aptana studio that is an eclipse fork and has pydev include also django is well supported. El miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015, Gary Roach escribió: > To your first question, in one word $money. I would love to use PyCharm but I am not a commercial developer and can't see paying the freig

Re: 'CharField' object has no attribute 'model'

2015-12-28 Thread Luis Zárate
I guest the problem is here questions_included = models.ForeignKey(models.QuestionAnswer) Django models haven't QuestionAnswer. El sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015, Simon Charette escribió: > Hi Billlu, > Does one your model use an ArrayField? > > Le samedi 26 décembre 2015 01:34:02 UTC-5, Billu

Re: 'CharField' object has no attribute 'model'

2015-12-29 Thread Luis Zárate
I only read the code. I don't know if you refactorize your code, but based in the code above, I think is like this: class QuestionAnswer(models.Model): ... class QuizAttempt(models.Model): ... questions_included = models.ForeignKey(QuestionAnswer) 2015-12-28 22:57 GMT-06:00 Billu : > Th

Re: Display the form errors in the django template with ajax post

2015-12-29 Thread Luis Zárate
I do it like this create a form template (for abbreviation I will use {{form}} form_template.html > {{form}} > in include form_template.html public_contact.html > > > {% include 'form_template.html' %} > > and in the ajax response from django.template.loader import render_to_string e

Re: Working with Django signals

2015-12-31 Thread Luis Zárate
I suggest you to change the user creation form to set the three attributes that you need (Is medical, is physuitherapist, is patient), so in the first form (when you create the user) you will have usernarme, password, Is_medical, is_physuitherapist, is_patient. Take a look - https://docs.d

Re: There's any framework for "bussiness app (ERP)" built in Django?

2016-01-04 Thread Luis Zárate
I know, but I guest it's not for production yet (see develop branch). 2016-01-04 12:26 GMT-06:00 Fellipe Henrique : > Hello, > > I'm making some research but I don't find any framework for "bussiness > app", like ERP, using django (or flask) > > Anybody

Re: Error: NoReverseMatch at / Reverse for 'submit' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried:[u'$submit'/]

2016-01-04 Thread Luis Zárate
El lunes, 4 de enero de 2016, Víctor Suárez urlpatterns = [ url(r'^', views.index, name='index'), url(r'^submit/(?P\d+)', views.submit, name='submit'), ] Because you have def submit(request, laser_id): escribió: > I don't see a namespace on > > >

Re: how to set up jenkin's 'GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin' for django ?

2016-01-08 Thread Luis Zárate
Do you know buildbot ? El viernes, 8 de enero de 2016, Abraham Varricatt <> escribió: > Hello everyone, > I've attained some success in my endeavor and wanted to talk about it (The following events take place over the past few days). > The f

Re: how to set up jenkin's 'GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin' for django ?

2016-01-09 Thread Luis Zárate
2016-01-09 3:49 GMT-06:00 Abraham Varricatt <>: > Are you aware of anyone using buildbot publicly? Sure, python is an example. See It has git support -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- You recei

Re: how to set up jenkin's 'GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin' for django ?

2016-01-09 Thread Luis Zárate
-statustargets.html#change-hooks 2016-01-09 9:59 GMT-06:00 Luis Zárate : > > 2016-01-09 3:49 GMT-06:00 Abraham Varricatt < >>: > >> Are you aware of anyone using buildbot publicly? > > > Sure, python is an example. >

Admin is still annoying regarding model save(), and model post_save signals.

2016-01-12 Thread Luis Masuelli
If you want to perform additional logic when you save your model... class MyModel(models.Model): #... def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.a_rel_model_set.add(O) super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs) self.another_rel_model_set.add(O2) Or similar login in

Re: Admin is still annoying regarding model save(), and model post_save signals.

2016-01-12 Thread Luis Masuelli
Notes: This is only annoying when the logic involves many2many fields. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' using FormSet with File Upload

2016-01-12 Thread Luis Zárate
What is the value of pk in study_form_set = DiagnosticStudyFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='studies', queryset=DiagnosticStudy.objects.filter(diagnostic__id=pk)). ? Is pk an int? try print type(pk) El martes, 12 de enero de 2016, Néstor Boscán escribió: > Hi Django Forum > I'm wor

Re: Showing BooleanField checkbox on left

2016-01-14 Thread Luis Zárate
Do you know django crispy forms ? El miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016, Sayse escribió: > I'm in the process of trying to minimize the amount of code I need to use to render a form with bootstrap styling with the hope of rendering with just {{ f

Re: django-embed-video error Unresolved tag 'video'

2016-01-15 Thread Luis Zárate
Are you using django 1.9 ? TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS changed in 1.9 I saw the app and it have video tag so test again and check that you do all steps in the doc. El viernes, 15 de enero de 2016, Xristos Xristoou escribió: > > 0down votefavorite > > i want to create a video from youtube url in

Re: django-embed-video error Unresolved tag 'video'

2016-01-15 Thread Luis Zárate
Are you using django 1.9 ? TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS changed in 1.9 I saw the app and it have video tag so test again and check that you do all steps in the doc. El viernes, 15 de enero de 2016, Xristos Xristoou escribió: > > 0down votefavorite > > i want to create a video from youtube url in

Re: django-embed-video error Unresolved tag 'video'

2016-01-15 Thread Luis Zárate
I thing the problem its here {% video my_video "large" %} You have a tag inside the other tag The reference El viernes, 15 de enero de 2016, Xristos Xristoou escribió: > yeah i thing so using django 1.9 help me pls > > Τη Παρασκ

How to run an external python script in my Django view

2016-01-16 Thread Luis Zárate
How you call your script in the view? You said that is import as from utils.scriptname import classname but what method do you call in the view. Remember, all code in script file that are not in a function o class will execute at import time. I guest you have something like def my_view(request):

Do you know any Django reservation app?

2016-01-20 Thread Luis Zárate
I need an app that do this: Public user can reserve a cite in specific datetime. Private user manage the cite status. I need to manage medical schedule with this app. -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Changing the AdminSite instance (and class) to use BEFORE the autodiscover runs

2016-01-22 Thread Luis Masuelli
I would like to create a custom AdminSite instance, using a custom subclass of my own, and provide some project-level urls for the AdminSite. However, I would like to still benefit from the autodiscover feature. Is there a way I can instance a custom AdminSite subclass, and have that instance r

Re: Django installation guide on windows is not correct

2016-02-02 Thread Luis Zárate
did you have installed pip ? what version of pip do you have? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-

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