Re: How to resolve this error? can anyone please help me?

2022-01-13 Thread Luciano Martins
Hello, basically where you are calling this route you have to pass something like this: *{% url 'placeOrder' 1 %}* and it is being called without nd like this: *{% url 'placeOrder' %}*, but as posted above it would be better to put the code for the person to analyze Em quinta-feira, 13 de janei

Re: Erro em uma consulta Sqlite3

2022-08-04 Thread Luciano Martins
É *annotate* Publisher.objects.annotate(below_5=below_5).annotate(above_5=above_5) Em quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2022 às 19:31:18 UTC-3, escreveu: > Bom dia amigos, estou desenvolvendo um blog e me deparei com um erro em > uma consulta, vou mandar o trecho do codigo o

Re: Configure a VPS

2020-06-04 Thread Luciano Martins Em quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020 17:05:22 UTC-3, Giovanni Silva escreveu: > > I need to deploy a django application on my vps server > > alguém tem algum passo a passo de como configurar o VPS? my sys

Re: Required Python Django developers

2020-06-06 Thread Luciano Martins
Brazilian Developer is allowed to send? Em sábado, 6 de junho de 2020 12:09:37 UTC-3, maninder singh Kumar escreveu: > > Dear all, > > We require python django developers for a HR project. Please answer to > if interested. > > regards > Willy > -- You received this messag

Re: Collapsible list menu with Django

2020-06-12 Thread Luciano Martins
Search by crispy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit https://gr

Re: Need Covid 19 Database for Experiments

2020-07-04 Thread Luciano Martins
Hello, you have an excellent job done by devs and Brazilian journalists... Em quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2020 14:38:51 UTC-3, Balaji escreveu: > > Hi > > Can anyone provide me Covid 19 Database. > I need Covid 19 Database for Experiments > > Thank you > > > -- > Mr

Re: How to get data from django model to the excel sheet.

2020-07-06 Thread Luciano Martins
To work with excell within Django projects we use the *openxl *library, but you can't use it directly, you need to build scripts that bring you what you want. Em segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2020 03:59:29 UTC-3, Ashutosh Mishra escreveu: > > I want to get the data from the django model contans

Re: Is there a better way to change the default server port?

2020-07-08 Thread Luciano Martins
python runserver localhost:5000 Em quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2020 12:56:58 UTC-3, Kshitij Kotasthane escreveu: > > I recently started using django and because port 8000 on my PC was already > occupied, I had to modify the file directly to start on > another port. By def

Re: Django support

2020-07-14 Thread Luciano Martins
Hi, there is a BR site only for jobs that python and someone might be interested ... Em segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2020 09:11:41 UTC-3, lakshmi priya escreveu: > > I’m in need of a tutor who is more than 4 years experienced in Django and > who can help me with real time pro

Re: ModelSelect2 field doesn't appear

2020-07-17 Thread Luciano Martins
Must be missing the jquery that has to come before select2's js Em sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2020 10:57:22 UTC-3, Nathan Duy Le escreveu: > > Hi all! > I've been losing hair trying to figure out why a ModelSelect2 field works > on one ModelForm but not the other almost identical one. Please sa

Re: Debbuging

2020-11-15 Thread Luciano Martins
please post your repository Em domingo, 15 de novembro de 2020 às 19:42:30 UTC-3, escreveu: > OperationalError at /admin/products/products/add/no such table: > main.auth_user__old > Can u help me plz? > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl

Re: Debbuging

2020-11-16 Thread Luciano Martins
What strikes me is that this table has *__old* at the end, that's why I asked you for the repository link to try to understand it right! Em segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2020 às 01:25:57 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hi, > > Run > python makemigrations > > python manage.

Re: reg: Django resource requirement for a Start-up project.

2020-11-22 Thread Luciano Martins
Good morning, here in Brazil we have a specific website for python jobs, you can register the job there if you want ... Em domingo, 22 de novembro de 2020 às 01:07:18 UTC-3, Amitesh Sahay escreveu: > Dear Members. > > We are launching a start-up in some month. A basic websit

Re: Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError at /login/ Exception Value: Invalid block tag on line 23: 'csrf_tocken', expected 'endblock'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?

2020-11-27 Thread Luciano Martins
It is misspelled, the right is *csrf_token* Em quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2020 às 14:57:37 UTC-3, escreveu: > hi friends, > > please help me to resolve this issue.. > > > Environment: > > > Request Method: GET > Request URL: > > Django Version

Re: pass a parameter into sql raw string and execute django

2020-12-20 Thread Luciano Martins
Could you show your whole project? Em sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2020 às 23:32:26 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hello > > First, create a , just for order. > > [image: image.png] > > and declare a function with the parameters you want to receive. > > Then, in your > [

Re: Redirect one page to another on Django tremplate

2021-01-09 Thread Luciano Martins
Put your github repo Em sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2021 às 08:11:31 UTC-3, Joel T escreveu: > You can try using the javascript window.locqtion.href('redirect-url') > > On 7 Jan 2021 10:07 pm, "pankaj palmate" wrote: > >> can you elaborate it more means are you taking about Response? >> >> >> On Thu

Re: how to install pyenv-virtualenv on windows

2021-01-10 Thread Luciano Martins
Look I gave up trying on windows and use virtualenv same. Em sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2021 às 21:55:06 UTC-3, escreveu: > im facing difficulty to install pyenv-virtual env on my windows 10 > i googled it several times but it directs me to a git repo where there is > an inst

Re: How to pass multiple query sets in Django?

2021-02-17 Thread Luciano Martins
show the sql you're trying to ... Em terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2021 às 10:58:44 UTC-3, escreveu: > > How to pass multiple query sets in Django? > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from th

Re: How to use .vue files in Django project

2021-02-26 Thread Luciano Martins
Good morning, in our project we created a folder called FRONTEND and inside it we put all Quasar / VueJs code and used the DRF (Django Rest Framework) to consume Django data. Em quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2021 às 19:35:42 UTC-3, Ryan Nowakowski escreveu: > On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 04:24:2

Re: Report like "matrix with Django ORM

2021-05-10 Thread Luciano Martins
coloque seu code no github... Em domingo, 9 de maio de 2021 às 23:09:09 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hi dudes, > > I have to render a template with a "matrix" data, I was trying to perform > it with querys in orm but i can´t figure out how because the relationships > of the models. >

Re: How can i start to learn django?

2021-06-14 Thread Luciano Martins
Docs Django is a start! Em domingo, 13 de junho de 2021 às 11:22:22 UTC-3, escreveu: > I am begginer in python. how can i start to learn django from begginners > to adance. please help me. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dj

Re: Need to volunteer in a django project to emprove my knowledge

2021-06-17 Thread Luciano Martins
it also accepts dev BR, but I don't speak english and I use google translator Em quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2021 às 14:40:43 UTC-3, escreveu: > > > On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 5:50 PM Williams Andy Inc > wrote: > >> Its open for anyone ready to p

Re: help me plz: getting error while importing csv file into database

2021-06-20 Thread Luciano Martins
you have to pass the 'path' variable into open I believe that's it Em sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2021 às 15:22:41 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hi > i am trying to import the csv file data into database > my > def Filter(request): > if request.method=="POST": >

Re: Problem to connect to database only when run "migrate"

2021-06-20 Thread Luciano Martins
have you configured mysql database in Em sábado, 19 de junho de 2021 às 09:19:09 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hello, > > I getting problem to connect to database only when run "migrate". I'm able > to use on apache/wsgi and runserver, so it's seens that connection to > datab


2021-06-20 Thread Luciano Martins
Do you want to download gmail content? Em sábado, 19 de junho de 2021 às 22:00:01 UTC-3, escreveu: > Hi Guys , > Anyone knows how to scrape Youtube Channels Emails? > > With Django/Python? > > If yes, > Pls reply! > Thanks. > -- You received this message because you are sub

Re: Help me Please - Django and python program

2021-06-20 Thread Luciano Martins
Post your code on github and provide the link here Em sábado, 19 de junho de 2021 às 22:00:24 UTC-3, escreveu: > I have a few errors in my program. > 1. HTML > In my front view only my last text box is working and all the upper text > boxes are unassessable. > 2. Databa

Re: Diploy django on DigitalOcean

2021-06-24 Thread Luciano Martins
Good morning...Implementing something on a VPN like Digital Ocean will require you to take care and configure everything, part of security, database, etc, if possible choose Heroku that already delivers the infrastructure ready and you just have to will care about the code...a tip!! Em quinta-f

Re: Django app deployment on Heroku

2022-09-18 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
Use pipenv? I've seen errors like these for those who use it... Em domingo, 18 de setembro de 2022 às 13:15:27 UTC-3, escreveu: > Why do you want to deploy on heroku ??? If you've the premium > subscription, you can use it or else use railway or render to deploy app. > >


2023-01-27 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
you have to put the static files and give their path inside the HTML Em sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2023 às 11:18:14 UTC-3, escreveu: > I want to know the line of error so that I can make them follow the static > folder -- You received this message because you are subscrib

Re: pytest, asgiref, Selenium and database access? How to make them work?

2023-09-07 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
Hello, how is your postgres configured, because there is no database called test2. this is the error Em quarta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2023 às 19:08:32 UTC-3, Alfons Eberle escreveu: > Hey, has anyone gotten pytest to work with django-channels (or asgiref + > Daphne) and Selenium in general wh

Re: What to learn after Django, Node.js or React?1

2023-09-11 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
learn vuejs Em segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023 às 09:58:10 UTC-3, TIME CREATORS escreveu: > if you ask me start going in depth of django > and start learning React as it can be easily integrated with future > projects > > On Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 12:10:00 UTC+5:30 abu yahya Diab w

Re: Django

2023-10-06 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
I'm using the *Vercel *platform in a voluntary project, which already gives you a free database. Search about Em sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2023 às 16:16:20 UTC-3, Joyce Mumbi escreveu: > Yes but it is difficult because it's my first time using this tool. > > > > [image: Mailtrack] >

Re: Django to WordPress without api?

2024-02-01 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
Este projeto se assemelha ao Wordpress...wagtail...pesquise sobre ele. Em quinta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2024 às 14:21:44 UTC-3, Danish Nagori escreveu: > I have scrapping project which is.develop in django > Now.iwant to integrate to WordPress so how > -- You received this message because y

Re: Challenge hosting a django project on render

2024-04-05 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
Did you run the migrations? Em quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2024 às 12:43:02 UTC-3, ALINDA Fortunate escreveu: > Hello team I am finding challenges in hosting my project on render it > shows the webservice is live and it brings this error any help > > Error during template rendering > > In templ

Re: Help me to Create This Django Project -

2024-11-14 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
chatGPT guys. Em quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2024 às 17:21:50 UTC-3, Suraj Naithani escreveu: > * Credit Bureau Update with Algorithm and Dynamic Question Pop-up - * > > * Objective * > We are building a credit bureau update system, and we are looking for a > Python/Django developer to imp

Re: Hosting Recommendations?

2024-12-05 Thread Luciano Martins (luxu)
vercel is cool! Em quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2024 às 23:38:29 UTC-3, Pradeep Chowdhary escreveu: > Digital ocean is good for easy deployment. If you want it robust, fast and > scalable you can consider AWS it is free for first year for small e2 > instance. I have tried it following Corey S