Django book

2010-11-28 Thread Lorenzo Franceschini
I'm new on this group, so first of all... Hi to everybody! I'm a web developer, and I need to approach Django for a software project, so I would like to ask you an advice about the best book to read (in your opinion) in order to learn using this framework, given that: * I already have some ex

[django-taggit] Recording additional tagging metadata with the admin

2012-02-02 Thread Lorenzo Franceschini
Hi, I have a question about ``django-taggit`` and the admin site. I have written a custom intermediate model [1] for storing additional tagging metadata, i.e. the user doing the tagging and when the tagging happen: class TaggedItem(GenericTaggedItemBase, TaggedItemBase): tagger = models.F is down ?

2011-07-28 Thread Lorenzo Franceschini
Hi, some time ago I bookmarked some posts on that seemed very interesting to me; yesterday I wanted to read some of them, but I wasn't able to retrieve them. The website was unreacheable, and I was able to found a cached version of only a few of them. Do you know anyt

Re: is down ?

2011-08-04 Thread Lorenzo Franceschini
On 07/28/2011 04:55 PM, Lorenzo Franceschini wrote: Hi, some time ago I bookmarked some posts on that seemed very interesting to me; yesterday I wanted to read some of them, but I wasn't able to retrieve them. The website was unreacheable, and I was able to fo

Re: curious about model classes

2011-03-03 Thread Lorenzo Franceschini
On 03/03/2011 04:33 PM, bruno desthuilliers wrote: It has nothing to do with "looking cool" or anything like that. Using models.fields as class attributes in models class statement's body allow for the ORM to know what db fields and relations your table has - not what instance attributes a model