Re: __unicode__() addition not working in basic poll application.

2011-06-14 Thread Kyle Latham
Hello, I am having the same problem while working through the tutorial. have searched these forums and tried everything that was recommended. My spacing is good also - I checked that. I am still getting the same output: >>> Poll.objects.all() [] Any ideas on how to fix my issue? On Jun 5, 11:2

Need help with tutorial

2011-06-15 Thread Kyle Latham
I'm trying to work my way through the tutorial 1 but am getting stuck. I am using python 2.7 and am using SQLite3 like the tutorial recommended for beginners I am at the step where I am changing the file to add the _unicode_ methods to display the Poll Object I believe I have the NAME i

Re: Need help with tutorial

2011-06-15 Thread Kyle Latham
wrote: > Please please please please PLEASE, always post the code you are having > trouble with. I've lost track on the amount of times people have to be told > this :/ It's like saying "I made a change to this file, but it didn't work, > why not?" Come on man.

Re: Need help with tutorial

2011-06-15 Thread Kyle Latham
Wow. I feel like a dumbass haha. That worked! Thank you so much for your help! On Jun 15, 11:15 am, "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]" wrote: > No problem. > > You need to use __unicode__, not _unicode_ :) > > Cal > > > > > > > > On Wed, J

Question about Displaying a Table

2011-06-27 Thread Kyle Latham
Hello, I am pretty new to Django and Python. I'm wanting to create a Django app that displays different tables in my MySQL database, and the user can search through the tables for info they want. I haven't written any code yet, I'm doing research on the approach I have to take. Is the only way

ImportError: No module named site

2011-06-29 Thread Kyle Latham
I searched this group for that error, and browsed through several pages and dozens of posts...but none of them helped me solve my error. Yesterday I had my server up and running, and I left it running overnight. I do not remember changing anything in any of my .py files, but when I shut down my se