Re: Automated updating of data across staging and production environments?

2012-07-26 Thread Kevin Daum
Sithembewena, Have you considered using the same database for staging and production? Then the problem would be solved by purging the old test data they no longer want, which I think would be much easier than partial, conditional synchronization. Kevin On Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:10:33 AM UT

Re: Automated updating of data across staging and production environments?

2012-07-27 Thread Kevin Daum
Do you need to preload the staging database with production data in order to properly test the site? If not, you could create a fresh staging database (no data) every time you update staging. After people test it and if there are no issues, you could use dumpdata with natural keys to export the

Re: How to deploy new code to the Production Server?

2011-12-06 Thread Kevin Daum
I use pip and virtualenv for reproducible environments, nginx and gunicorn as production web servers, init.d scripts (on debian) for managing gunicorn (and just about everything other important process on the server), mercurial for source control and fabric for deployment. I keep all files necessar

Re: Benchmarking django application using ab (apache benchmark)

2013-05-08 Thread Kevin Daum
ab is one of the standard options. There are more listed here on StackOverflow. You could also check out loads , though it's still a prototype. Kevin On Tuesday, May 7, 2013 12:24

Re: new to Django and building web applications. Advice with postgresql

2013-05-21 Thread Kevin Daum
On Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:51:09 PM UTC-4, Scott Anderson wrote: > > > I highly recommend *against* waiting for PostgreSQL until deployment. > There are significant differences between SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. If > you wait until deployment to test on your production database you will find