Anyone can help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance
Karim Gorjux
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iew this discussion on the web visit
> <>
My doubts (at the moment):
1) Do you think is the a good way to face the problem?
2) I have methods in the models to know what person is logged. How I can
automatically load the right function in the class based on the user?
Thank you
Karim N. Gorjux
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them in the sessions. Than when the user submit the form, the
form object get the images from the session and save them in the new
object. Could be a good design pattern?
Thank you!
Karim N. Gorjux
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On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 7:25 PM, James Schneider
> I wouldn't store binary data like an image in a session, especially if you
> have a DB-backed session system.
> []
> Thank you James.
Karim N. Gorjux
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e, but I can populate it only using the request. I think I could do
that subclassing def __init__, but the instance_dict is a class attribute,
how I can populate it?
Thnak you
Karim N. Gorjux
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"Django users&qu
Thank you
Karim N. Gorjux
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Thank you.
Karim N. Gorjux
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On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Collin Anderson
> You could instead just override get_form_instance(step). That way you'll
> have access to self.request.
Thank you!
Karim N. Gorjux
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I'm using a form that get an image and store it in the database. Doing my
(manual) tests I discover that the deleting the FileField doesn't remove
the associated file on the hard disk. Is there a design pattern to handle
the remaining file?
Thank you.
Karim N. Gorjux
You rec
backup and restore the session?
Thank you
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Karim wrote:
> When I click on the link for my form,
> [...]
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 2:13 AM, Rodrigo Zayit wrote:
> Hi Karim,
> []
Thank you!
Karim N. Gorjux
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all the default super get
return super(ServiceCreationWizard, self).get(request, *args,
Karim N. Gorjux
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Hello everyone! I have a huge about 1200 lines. I would like to
split it in different files moving some classes. Do you have any suggestion
on how handle the import/dependencies in the project?
Karim N. Gorjux
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ew file with the code I moved into. At the moment,
the only thing that can help is to have all the view tested to show an
error in the import during the Test Harness.
Obviously I have not all my code cover by a test.
Karim N. Gorjux
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ed in my app.. :D :D),
I have to figure out how to do the same in JS (smartly as in python...)
Do you have any suggestions?
"if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants --
Isaac Ne
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Arindam sarkar
> i need to develop a job portal . is there any problem if i use sqlite ?
> coz i am having problem to setup mysql or postgresql . please help.
sqlite was not created for big portal. Use postgresql
Karim N. Gorjux
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Karim wrote:
> Hello everyone, I had to implement automatic saving on the various edit
> forms on the webapp I'm working on. The purpose is (I guess) to avoid lost
> of data if the user move from the edit page without saving first.
d "distance"
to the objects in the QuerySet?
Thank you!
Karim N. Gorjux
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and I have exceptions on
register and unregister model admins.
We are using django 1.7.7 planning the update soon could be this the
The error I'm facing is the same issued on this article:
Any idea?
Karim N. Gorjux
er_invoice = fakeInvoice(**{'Amount':1000})
response.add(invoice, another_invoice) #
response.json # return the json response as the XERO api with the two
Thank you
Karim N. Gorjux
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I would like also filter the location based on the active boolean field. Is
possible to do that?
Karim N. Gorjux
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"Django users" group.
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On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:05 PM Alain Muls wrote:
> Hi All
> [...]
I found celery very hard to work with. I liked a lot ``. Give it a go.
Karim N. Gorjux
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Hi all,
I have been trying to run my django site using lighttpd rather than
using the development server that is shipped with django and I managed
to run the site of the project but I failed to run the admin site. Any
ideas how I can approach this problem?
Karim Hamdan
When I try to access the admin site using "http://localhost/admin"; I get a
404 not found error instead of getting the login page to enter my admin
credentials to log in the admin site.
Karim Hamdan
You received this message b
ail to access Django's
admin site and get a 404 Not Found error instead. I am running
lighttpd-1.4.19 and python-django 1.0-1ubuntu1 on my Ubuntu Intrepid
Karim Hamdan
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of the HowTo) so now the polls site is accessible but the admin site gives
404 error. I hope my explanation made things clearer.
Thanks Adam for sharing your conf file but lighttpd is the required server
that I should be working with :(
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 23:29, Rolando Espinoza La Fuente
> See csrf_exempt decorator:
I had problems too, but the decorator is a good patch for the moment :-)
Karim Gojux
You re
y url point to a directory. Is that good in
terms of SEO?
I guess that is even better than the old fashion way with the
index.something, but I don't know.
Thanks in advance
Karim Gojux
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On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 18:19, David Euzen wrote:
> Hello,
> you should think of it in terms of ressource, not of file. URLs are
> about ressources not about files even if sometimes ressources are
> files.
Thanks for your answer. Was very useful!
Have a nice day.
{'document_root': 'settings.STATIC_DOC_ROOT'}),
## end of ##
## ##
STATIC_DOC_ROOT = '/Users/karim/Projects/simplesite/template/media/'
## end of ##
My doubt is in these 3 variables. How I have to use they?
PREFIX = '/admin-media/'
And everything works now.
Karim Gojux
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Karim Gojux
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Try to modify the flatpages source! You can find it directly in your
django installation.
Karim Gojux
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On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 14:11, Karim Gorjux wrote:
> I would like to
> realize a easy admin page for my flat pages that in Django-CMS is
> called "site map".
I found what I need. Is here:
Karim Gojux
You re
r_404(Category, slug=slug)
return render_to_response(
{ 'object_list': category.live_entry_set()}
Karim Gojux
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On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 17:46, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> See here for an explanation:
> especially the "Note" box a screen or so down.
Thanks! Now everything is clear
Karim Goju
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 15:17, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> Either use
> a DocumentRoot directive
Thanks! I solved the problem using the directive. Thanks really a lot! :-)
Blog Personale:
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Hi all! I'm trying to create my devbox for Django and I use a server
in my lan with Ubuntu and Cherokee installed in. For every project I
use virtualenv so I install django and flup and I create in cherokee
panel the virtual server using the path of my virtualenv. All I do is
explained in the Chero
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 19:32, Karim Gorjux wrote:
> Hi all! I'm trying to create my devbox for Django and I use a server
I fixed the problem with the and now admin works.
The problem now is to avoid the flup's "Unhandled Exception" and let
django show
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 21:06, Robbington wrote:
> Glad to finally see some one using Cherokee with django. Dont just use
> it in development, its actually less memory intensive than apache as
> well as having an awesome admin interface.
Now I can just develop on Django with Cherokee I haven't an
I have just one question. While I'm editing the source of the project,
to see the result I have always to restart the server or there is
another way?
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"Django users" group
Yes I guess so, but I had many problems to serve static files, and the
:8000 port wasn't so cool so I tried to work with a production web
server even for the developing.
> Karim, you may find that refreshing your project is easier with uWSGI as
> opposed to something
> like Fast
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 05:03, Django-learner wrote:
> Hi, I want to add an customized action to user management in django
> admin site. I can see that only delete selected user is available, how
> can I add more to that?
Did you try to google that? This is my **first** result:
Maybe you'll find this also useful:
Blog Personale:
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"Django users" group.
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On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 01:27, Max Countryman wrote:
> Yes, absolutely. :D Good luck!
Max, I'm trying with uwsgi and Cherokee. Seems to work, but if I edit
the code, I have to kill the uwsgi process to see the modification on
the browser. Is that normal?
Blog Personale: http://www.karimbl
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 21:21, Max Countryman wrote:
> Karim, I would set it up using a UNIX socket. Then all you have to do is rm
> the socket path. :) There is no need to kill uWSGI in that case.
Let me study that, because there is always a newbie side in me that
sometimes scream out
Hi all! I'm a relative newbie in Django and I spending a lot of time
study it in these days. I read many tutorials and books and I'm
surprised to found very interesting resource to how create a wiki, a
blog, app like twitter even a social bookmarking website but I never
found a simple tutorial to e
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 15:06, bruno desthuilliers
> You may not realize that what you're describing here is a full blown
> CMS, and as such is a tad more complex than simple thing like a blog
> or wiki or dumbed-down twitter clone. I strongly suggest you try some
> existing CMS like django-
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 18:26, James wrote:
> Yes, there is.
> You should take a look at "Practical Django Projects" (be sure to get
> the 2nd edition) by James Bennett. In the book he creates a
> simple-cms with a tinymce editor.
> He has the source code published here:
Now I'm trying django-cms, but I would like to find some really
essential to study on.
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Hi all, I'm just taking a look to the django-cms. I followed all the
instruction, but when I try to connect to the site I get this error
- log -
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 19:35, Karim Gorjux wrote:
> Hi all, I'm just taking a look to the django-cms. I followed all the
> instruction, but when I try to connect to the site I get this error
my mistake. Was the wrong! :-|
Blog Personale: http://www.karimblog.n
Hi all, I would like to create a "improved" flatpage application
adding a editor and the support of image files. My target is to edit a
static web page load images and see a preview. I can add easily a
editor like tinymce, I would try also FCKeditor, but what about the
handle of images? Could you s
Hi all, I successfully extended the User as described in the
authorization documentation. Now I would like to use and edit the User
and my class Persona not like two entity but just one.
When I want to create a Persona, I have also to create a User first.
Now the steps are too long, how I can crea
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 00:08, Steve Holden wrote:
> When you add a Persona the UserInline lets you enter a User record, but
> the User has to be saved before the Persona. You could do this by
> extending the method to save the User as well.
Thanks a lot. I'll try.
Blog Per
I am working on a GeoDjango project. I have a wich extend the
user model and contains a MultiPolygonField
class Membre(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
#some other attributes
mpoly = models.MultiPolygonField()
objects = models.GeoManager()
, GARRAM karim wrote:
> I am working on a GeoDjango project. I have a wich extend the
> user model and contains a MultiPolygonField
> class Membre(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
> #some other attributes
> mpoly = model
this instruction
it didn't found the GeneratePolygon object
On Apr 18, 3:13 pm, GARRAM karim wrote:
> I am using dream weaver so when I deleted the heading
> "
I'm currently struggling with a custom ModelAdmin.
Considering the following model:
# Bloc fonctionnel
class Assembly(Item):
product = models.ForeignKey(to='ProductFamily', on_delete=models.CASCADE
, null=True, verbose_name=_('Famille Produit'))
functions = models.ManyToManyField(F
Hi Mike,
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Your situation is quiet different from mine, BUT the way you override
change_view and the related template will certainly help me to achieve what
I need.
...and getting rid of dirty and unnecessary ajax calls.
I keep you posted.
Hi Mike,
I tried what you wrote by overriding the *self.change_form_template* but
the form does not appear.
Would you please provide me the content of your model admin
Le vendredi 1 mars 2019 00:06:40 UTC+1, Mike Dewhirst a écrit :
> On 28/02/
I am a new user with Django. I am trying to use the django-role-permission
package but I have the error below :
[karim@localhost gfmt]$ python ./ check
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 10, in
Using the branch "django19" fixed the problem.
Sorry or the noise
Le dimanche 20 décembre 2015 00:06:38 UTC+1, karim bernardet a écrit :
> Hi
> I am a new user with Django. I am trying to use the django-role-permission
> package but I have the error below :
how can create python script in terminal to update the data from old
databases into new databases automaticaly
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