I want to (optionally) leave some fields in a model/table NULL. I've
set the options "null=True" and "blank=True" for the fields in
question. I know it's working because the admin site add form greyed
out the "blank=True" fields. But, I still can't add an object with
these fields blank/NULL. I
Thanks so much!
A bug: The good news is you're not crazy; the bad news is there's no
easy fix. :)
But, in fact, I applied one of the patches there and it solved the
problem very well.
On Jun 23, 9:28 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> Looks like:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5622
You have a lot of big questions and you'll need to do some more
learning of and practice Django to answer them all. But, I will try
to answer some and point you in the right direction.
First, you linked a snippet of what seems to be your "models.py" file,
but much of what you wish to do will prob
I'm interested in enabling this middleware module. The Django doc.s
don't say much about this module. From looking at the code, however,
and reading about these mechanisms it appears that the module will do
nothing unless the 'ETag' and/or the 'Last-Modified' properties are
already set on th
It's not required by PostgreSQL. See,
, for example.
You may be able to change the data type of that column directly in the
database. (See
Maybe "ALTER
ading a few sources on the subject.
Has anyone else enabled "ConditionalGetMiddleware" and measured the
On Nov 11, 4:01 pm, "K.C. Smith" wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in enabling this middleware module. The Django doc.s
> don't say muc
I've got a project where when I pull up the admin page to add an
object (an object that has several foreign keys), some of the FK
fields show the little green plus-sign links to add a new related
object for that field and other FK fields do not.
In the past, I've seen the plus-sign link to add a n
ditable, I would imagine Django would not show
> the + in the Admin.
> Furbee
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:58 PM, K.C. Smith wrote:
> > I've got a project where when I pull up the admin page to add an
> > object (an object that has several foreign keys), some o
some sort of work-around.
On Dec 30, 11:32 am, Oleg Korsak
> Hi. Could you paste full field definition in your case? I have same
> problem and looks like I know when it doesn't have plus sign
> >> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:58 PM, K.C. Smith wrote:
You said the four fields are unique together, but "userid" sounds like
it should also be unique be itself, in which case it could be your PK.
In either case, you are being a bit an4l about something that matters
little. You should probably just create another column for an auto-
incrementing PK.
I have written a small patch that will add this feature (i.e., the
ability to register a model in the admin and stop it from showing up
in the index). If your problem was the same as mine, then this can
get the plus signs where you want them without changing your preferred
admin view. See https:/
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