django 1.7 - help with change in "Save as new" behavior when related inlines are marked to be deleted

2014-11-07 Thread Jonathan Morgan
Hello, I have an Event model (for an event like a concert or a play) that can have many Event_Dates (different showing dates and times of the concert of play). The model relation is implemented with a ForeignKey from the Event_Date model to the Event. In the django admins, I have the Event_Da

Re: django 1.7 - help with change in "Save as new" behavior when related inlines are marked to be deleted

2014-11-14 Thread Jonathan Morgan
Hello, Thanks for replying! Sorry for delayed response. I am not using custom forms or custom templates. It looks like, with "Save as new", django first makes a full copy of the base record and all the child records, including those that are marked for deletion, and then it subsequently tries

Re: django 1.7 - help with change in "Save as new" behavior when related inlines are marked to be deleted

2014-11-14 Thread Jonathan Morgan
re: "There shouldn't be a delete box for unsaved items, right?" This is a special case - you are taking an existing record and "Save as new"-ing (or however you say that), so there are existing associated records that you are copying as well. But, in this case, I think the user would change a

Re: Timeseries Data Collection as a Reusable App

2014-03-12 Thread Jonathan Morgan
On the model side, to facilitate a generic visualization layer, you could also consider an abstract parent class where you standardize time series information that isn't the data. For my time series data, I have this: I built a few django ti

Re: Django 3.0 Released.

2019-12-05 Thread Jonathan Morgan
Another thing to consider is whether you need to update the packages you use to build your application. I've found that support for the LTS version of django is not consistent across packages, where support for the latest version is much more consistent, such that sometimes a needed update to a