Hi Phil,
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Phil wrote:
> When I run 'django-admin.py startproject myproject' I get back an
> error saying 'django-admin.py: command not found'.
Run the following from a shell prompt:
ls -l `which django-admin.py`
and let us know the result.
On 11 ?.?. 2010, at 11:00, jimgardener wrote:
> hi
> In my application I am taking user given url strings.The user is
> likely to enter 'www.google.com' instead of 'http://
> www.google.com' .When I try to open the url
> import urllib2
> page=urllib2.urlopen(url)
> can give a ValueError if t
Hi Jim,
> How can I do this?I can get the page data of current moment as a
> string using urllib.urlopen and store it in a variable, say
> current_page_data.But ,how do I store yesterday's data so that I can
> compare the two?Do I need to store it as a field in database?(I am not
> very familiar w
On 11 ต.ค. 2010, at 20:43, sami nathan wrote:
> ISORRY YA AGAIN i got problem of
> SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Rather than using curly braces to define code blocks, i.e. function { ... }
Python uses indentation. Thus:
> now my view code
> from django.http import HttpResponse
On 11 ต.ค. 2010, at 20:52, sami nathan wrote:
> just before getting u r message i tried that it worked!! whats the
> best editor for django
For me it's an easy call: eclipse + pydev. As of pydev v 1.5.6+ (?) pydev
include Django support. Can't recommend it enough.
Aside from that, two must-
On 11 ?.?. 2010, at 21:05, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
> Hi all,
> How does one filer objects by "smaller than" criteria in the data access API?
> For example, in the following line:
I believe it's by appending the field name with _lte
> MySite.objects.filter(rank < 11, display_on_site =
Ah, most enlightening and makes perfect sense, thanks Tom!
? 11 ?.?. 2553 21:45 Tom Evans ?:
> 2010/10/11 Jonathan Barratt :
>> On 11 ?.?. 2010, at 21:05, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
>> Note also that, AFAIK, multiple where criteria are accomplished by chaining
ณ 11 ต.ค. 2553 เวลา 21:34 Mathieu Leduc-Hamel เขียน:
> Hi all,
> I'm the main maintainer of a website called l'Agenda Du libre du
> Québec. On this website, people can submit events about free/open
> software in their local community.
> Yesterday, somebody tried to submit a new event, but
? 11 ?.?. 2553 23:44 Duane Hilton ?:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to do some custom validation on a model formset, but I'm
> not having good luck. Thank you in advance for your suggestions ...
> In my views, I have:
> class BaseCandFormSet(BaseModelFormSet):
>def clean(self):
Hi Will,
On 12 ?.?. 2010, at 16:52, Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just upgraded my development machine from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10.
> Unfortunately, now my Django apps wont start, I get the following
> traceback on runserver:
> File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/db/backe
On 12 ต.ค. 2010, at 22:20, Phil wrote:
> Thanks for reply Steve.
> Yes I seen the section about symbolic linking on the django website.
> It says on the website to type this command
> "ln -s WORKING-DIR/django-trunk/django/bin/django-admin.py /usr/local/
> bin"
> which I did(replacin
On 12 ?.?. 2010, at 22:42, Stodge wrote:
> Short of creating my own custom FileField class, is there anyway to
> pass an optional "delete" flag to a custom file system storage?
> I have a case where I want to delete the FileField record, but not the file.
If it were me, I would just
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 10:19, Everett wrote:
> I'm running Django on Windows. When I edited the settings.py file for
> the MySql database I'm running in an XAMPP package, the Django
> development server throws a bunch of unhandled exceptions. It starts
> out like this:
The most useful error message
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 15:17, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hey all,
> I hope this is still on topic, but what tool sets do people around here use
> for doing load testing of Django projects?
I use httperf generally, haven't found a need to find something different for
Django - http://www.hpl.hp.com/r
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 14:14, Torbjorn wrote:
> Or, is it another smoother way to get tabs in a Django app?
If you're not completely tied to jQuery, you might consider dojango, which is
Django-integrated version of the Dojo ajax toolkit, which does support tabs.
Good luck!
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 7:57, Chris wrote:
> Hello,
> Currently in my urls.py I have "( r'^winapp/(?P.*)$',
> 'django.views.static.serve', { 'document_root': 'winapp' } )," and I
> can launch my home pahe by pointing my browser to something like
> "a.b.com/winapp/HomePage.html".
> I have gone t
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 2:31, Jorge Vargas wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently inherited a project that uses a lot of model validations
> and is mainly just a model (we have two django apps that use it as
> their backend).
> The test suite currently returns
> Ran 460 tests in 980.347s
> That is runn
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 17:19, Martin Burger wrote:
> Hello,
> I implemented a user profile that is activated via AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE
> in settings.py. In order to be able to view and edit user profiles in
> the admin site, I used the method described at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3400641
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 17:43, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> 2010/10/13 Jonathan Barratt :
>> On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 2:31, Jorge Vargas wrote:
>> A database migration might not be the sort of effort you were looking for,
>> but I can only imagine that moving from SQLite to
On 13 ต.ค. 2010, at 18:38, Mattias Linnap wrote:
> Hi Django users,
> I'm building an application with Django, and I need some database
> changes to occur at certain times in the future - independently of any
> web request. Things like cleaning up expired sessions, deleting
> expired user actio
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 18:51, refreegrata wrote:
> I have some questions.
First off, I don't think you should be making a distinction of mtv against mvc.
Django is mvc, there's no need, IMO, to describe it differently as an mtv --
model, template, view are just names for elements which Django uses
On 13 ?.?. 2010, at 22:07, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
> 2010/10/13 Jonathan Barratt :
>> not being an SQLite user myself but knowing the database image is a simple
>> single file
> you'd be surprised to learn that a good single-file architecture can
> be waa
Hi Ross,
> I'm using a simple html form to upload a few simple text files to my
> Django-based application.
> 1. Django docs says that any file under about 2.5M gets held in memory
> until I save it away. I assume then, that if I don't save it, the
> hander def in my views.py finishes and th
On 14 ?.?. 2010, at 1:32, Everett wrote:
> Ok I was just assuming Python already had the MySQL bindings.
> So I've downloaded the MySQL-python-1.2.3.tar.gz, I decompressed it,
> read that I needed easy_install or setuptools. So I installed
> setuptools/easy_install but for some reason it won't
On 14 ?.?. 2010, at 16:58, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just installed django-forum (http://code.google.com/p/django-forum/) in my
> Django 1.2.3. project and all went well (admin) until I got CSRF errors while
> trying to load a new forum I created in the admin.
> I added @cs
On 14 ต.ค. 2010, at 14:45, Sheena wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm making a site in which users have access to a rich text editor
> implemented with tinyMCE. What I want to do with the result is turn it
> into an email and send it off.
> I want to include a non-standard button and I was wondering if an
On 14 ?.?. 2010, at 18:06, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> Thanks for the tip. The rub with that is, we are using csrf tokens in the
> rest of our views. While authentication may still take care of basic
> security, removing csrf middleware would surely increase XSS risk?
ename instead of copy to save yourself some disk I\O...
> On Oct 13, 2:13 am, Jonathan Barratt
> wrote:
>> On 12 ต.ค. 2010, at 22:42,Stodgewrote:
>>> Short of creating my own custom FileField class, is there anyway to
>>> pass an optional "delet
On 14 ?.?. 2010, at 22:27, Marc Aymerich wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a Manager for my model "order". I want that it returns all
> orders that their 'active period'* is greater than a certain threshold. With
> "active period" I mean: (order.cancel_date - order.register_date )
> My Order
On 14 ?.?. 2010, at 22:24, global...@iamsandiego.com wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> After updating a postgres db for my django app Iam getting this error
> when I try and save new data to the db:
> Request Method: POST
> Request URL:
> Django Version:
On 15 ?.?. 2010, at 13:03, BlackMoses wrote:
> have question if Django have support for I18n models.
> My question is if there are any Django standards/tools that i should
> use for it? Or I have to take care with it on my own.
Yes there are standard tools, please see:
On 15 ?.?. 2010, at 20:01, Devin M wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>I am writing a save handler in my models.py file to run a few
> actions after a save. to do this I have a function called make_photos
> and a connection to the post_save signal.
> Here is my code:
> The only problem i have with t
On 15 ?.?. 2010, at 21:35, Devin M wrote:
> Ok its running in a infinite loop because im calling
> self.*photo.save() and that starts this loop all over again. Maybe I
> can add a field to the model like booleen resized and if its true dont
> do any resizing but if its false then perform some res
On 17 ?.?. 2010, at 0:03, Everett wrote:
> Ok...I'm confused nowdo I have to build the bindings or just copy
> them into the site-packages directory?
I'm not sure this advice:
>> I recall having a similar problem. Get the MySQL bindings appropriate to
>> your Python version below and instal
On 19 ต.ค. 2010, at 21:13, Quiet Light Development wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having trouble getting sessions to work with my production
> server. When I move from one page to the next and try to call
> request.session["app"] it is giving me a key error even though I know
> I had set it in the pre
On 19 ต.ค. 2010, at 21:32, Quiet Light Development wrote:
> Thank you Masklinn and Jonathan for your responses. I don't know a lot
> about the physical set-up of the system, I can ask the server
> administrators that question.
> The server is running Apache 2.2.12 on Ubuntu.
You are running i
On 19 ?.?. 2010, at 21:49, Jonathan Barratt wrote:
> On 19 ?.?. 2010, at 21:32, Quiet Light Development wrote:
>> Thank you Masklinn and Jonathan for your responses. I don't know a lot
>> about the physical set-up of the system, I can ask the server
ay though, the solution is to set the cookie to allow the
> session to persist correct?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> On Oct 19, 9:51 am, Jonathan Barratt
> wrote:
>> On 19 ?.?. 2010, at 21:49, Jonathan Barratt wrote:
>>> You are running in a threaded envir
On 19 ?.?. 2010, at 22:25, Tom Evans wrote:
The server is running Apache 2.2.12 on Ubuntu.
>>> You are running in a threaded environment then, your sessions can't persist
>>> without cookies or equivalent external storage because the HTTP exchange is
>>> not all contained within the s
> On 14 พ.ค. 2558, at 05:26, Tom Evans wrote:
>> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:36 AM, reduxionist
>> wrote:
>> The reason for those search results is that mpm-prefork does, however, spawn
>> a process per request,
> No, really, it does not. It only spawns a new process when there are
> no ava
Hi All,
I'm interested to know what the community's opinions are on how best to package
migrations with reusable apps (I'm thinking of the built-in migrations, but it
seems the same principles would apply for pre-1.8 south migrations).
My current approach is to squash all schema migrations each
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